List of brown seaweeds of the Cape Peninsula and False Bay

Regional biodiversity species list

Map of the Cape Peninsula and False Bay coastline showing some of the landmarks referred to in species range statements. Melkbosstrand is a few kilometers north of the displayed area on the west coast. Cape Hangklip is shown on the map to the south east.
Marine ecoregions of the South African exclusive economic zone
Map of the Southern African coastline showing some of the landmarks referred to in species range statements.

This is a list of brown seaweeds recorded from the oceans bordering The Cape Peninsula in South Africa from Melkbosstrand on the West Coast to Cape Hangklip on the South Coast. This list comprises locally used common names, scientific names with author citation and recorded ranges. Ranges specified may not be the entire known range for the species, but should include the known range within the waters surrounding the Republic of South Africa.

Brown seaweed refers to thousands of species of macroscopic, multicellular, marine algae in the taxon Phaeophyta

The marine ecology is unusually varied for an area of this size, as a result of the meeting of two major oceanic water masses near Cape Point, and the park extends into two coastal marine bioregions. The ecology of the west or "Atlantic Seaboard" side of the Cape Peninsula is noticeably different in character and biodiversity to that of the east, or "False Bay" side. Both sides are classified as temperate waters, but there is a significant difference in average temperature, with the Atlantic side being noticeably colder on average.[1]

List ordering and taxonomy complies where possible with the current usage in Algaebase, and may differ from the cited source, as listed citations are primarily for range or existence of records for the region. Sub-taxa within any given taxon are arranged alphabetically as a general rule. Details of each species may be available through the relevant internal links. Synonyms may be listed where useful.

Class: Phaeophyceae

Order: Cutleriales

Family Cutleriaceae

  • Aglaozonia sp. (Muizenberg, False Bay. Brandfontein. Bird Island, eastern Cape)[2]
  • Acid weed Desmarestia herbacea subsp. firma (C.Agardh) A.F.Peters, E.C.Yang, F.C.Küpper & Prud'Homme van Reine, 2014, recorded as syn. Desmarestia firma (C.Agardh) Skottsberg in Nordenskjöld 1907, syn. Sporochnus herbaceus var. firma C.Agardh 1824,[3] (Möwe Bay, Namibia to Betty's Bay. Doubtful record for Cape Agulhas)[2][4]

Order: Dictyotales

Family Dictyotaceae

  • Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux 1809, syn. Ulva dichotoma Hudson 1762, Zonaria dichotoma (Hudson) C.Agardh 1817, Fucus dichotomus (Hudson) Bertolini 1819, Haliseris dichotoma (Hudson) Sprengel 1827, Dichophyllium dichotomum (Hudson) Kützing 1843,[5](Langebaan and False Bay to Natal. D. dichotoma var. intricata (C.Agardh) Greville 1830, common at Kalk Bay and Dalebrook, and occurring more or less throughout the range of the species)[2]
  • Dictyota liturata J.Agardh 1848,[6] (Kommetjie on Cape Peninsula to Umhlali in KwaZulu-Natal)[2][7]
  • Spotted dictyota Dictyota naevosa (Suhr) Montagne 1840, syn. Zonaria naevosa Suhr 1834, Cutleria naevosa (Suhr) Hering ex Krauss 1846,[8] (Die Walle to Umhlali, KwaZulu-Natal)[2](Cape Peninsula eastward into KwaZulu-Natal as far as Mission Rocks)[7][4]
  • Intricate dictyota, Dictyota spp.[4]
  • Multi-fanned zonaria Exallosorus harveyanus (Pappe ex Kützing) J.A.Phillips, 1997. Syn. Zonaria harveyana (Pappe ex Kützing) Areschoug 1851,[9] (Platbank, False Bay to KwaZulu-Natal as far north as Park Rynie. Endemic)[2][7][4]
  • Articulated zonaria, Zonaria subarticulata (J.V.Lamouroux) Papenfuss, 1944.[4][10]

Order: Ectocarpales

  • Acinetospora crinita (Carmichael) Sauvageau 1899, syn. Acinetospora pusilla var. crinita (Carmichael) Batters, Ectocarpus crinitus Carmichael 1833,[11] (False Bay, Eastern Cape)[2]
  • Feldmannia irregularis (Kützing) G.Hamel 1939, syn. Ectocarpus irregularis Kützing 1845, Giffordia irregularis (Kützing) Joly 1965, Hincksia irregularis (Kützing) Amsler 1991,[12] (Cape Peninsula, Langebaan lagoon and Eastern Cape)[2]
  • Hincksia granulosa (Smith) P.C.Silva in P.C.Silva, E.G.Meñez & R.L.Moe 1987, Conferva granulosa Smith 1811, Ectocarpus granulosus (Smith) C.Agardh 1828, Giffordia granulosa (Smith) G.Hamel 1939,[13] (Muizenberg and Oudekraal, also Namibia)[2]
  • Asperococcus compressus A.W.Griffiths ex W.J.Hooker 1833,[14] (Table Bay)[2]
  • Furry slime strings, Chordariaceae spp.[4]
  • Brown brains Leathesia marina (Lyngbye) Decaisne 1842, syn. Chaetophora marina Lyngbye 1819, Leathesia difformis (Linnaeus) J.E. Areschoug 1847,[15] (All South African coasts: common on west coast, internittent in eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal)[2][4]
  • Myriocladia capensis J. Agardh 1848,[16] (Port Nolloth to De Hoop Nature Reserve, endemic)[2]
  • Myriogloea abbreviata Kylin 1940,[17] (Sea Point to Port Nolloth, endemic)[2]
  • Myriogloea papenfussii Kylin 1940,[18] (False Bay to Melkbosstrand, endemic)[2]
  • Myrionema cf. magnusii (Sauvageau) Loiseaux 1967, syn. Ascocyclus magnusii Sauvageau 1927,[19] (Glencairn)[2]
  • Papenfussiella gracilis Kylin 1940,[20] (Platboombaai to Swakopmund, Namibia. Endemic to southern Africa)[2]
  • Zeacarpa leiomorpha Anderson, Simons & Bolton 1988,[21] (Yzerfontein to Dalebrook, Probably more widespread)[2]

Family Chordariopsidaceae

  • Cape cord weed Chordariopsis capensis (C.Agardh) Kylin 1940, syn. Chordaria flagelliformis var. capensis C.Agardh 1824,[22] (Cape Frio, Namibia to at least Arniston)[2][4]
  • Ectocarpus acutus Setchell & Gardner 1922c,[23] (Olifantsbos to Hondeklipbaai)[2]
  • Ectocarpus fasciculatus Harvey 1841,[24] (Melkbosstrand to De Hoop)[2]
  • Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye 1819, syn. Conferva siliculosa Dillwyn 1809, Ceramium siliculosum (Dillwyn) C.Agardh 1811, Ectocarpus confervoides f. siliculosus (Dillwyn) Kjellman 1872, Ectocarpus confervoides var. siliculosus (Dillwyn) Farlow 1881,[25] (Port Nolloth to Eastern Cape)[2]
  • Ectocarpus spp.[4]

Family: Pylaiellaceae

  • Bachelotia antillarum (Grunow) Gerloff 1959, syn. Ectocarpus antillarum Grunow 1867, Pylaiella antillarum (Grunow) De Toni 1895,[26] (False Bay to KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
  • Oyster thief Colpomenia sinuosa (Mertens ex Roth) Derbès & Solier in Castagne 1851, syn. Ulva sinuosa Mertens ex Roth 1806, Encoelium sinuosum (Mertens ex Roth) C.Agardh 1820, Stilophora sinuosa (Mertens ex Roth) C.Agardh 1827, Asperococcus sinuosus (Mertens ex Roth) Bory de Saint-Vincent 1832, Asperococcus sinuosus (C.Agardh) Zanardini 1841, Hydroclathrus sinuosus (Mertens) ex Roth) Zanardini 1843,[27] (Throughout South Africa)[2][7][4]
  • Compsonema cf. sessile Setchell & Gardner 1922a, (Oudekraal)[2]
  • Starred cushion Iyengaria stellata (Børgesen) Børgesen 1939, syn. Rosenvingea stellata Børgesen 1928, Colpomenia stellata (Børgesen) Børgesen 1930,[28] (Southern Cape Peninsula to KwaZulu-Natal)[2][4]
  • Petalonia binghamiae (J.Agardh) K.L.Vinogradova, 1973,[4] also recorded as syn. Endarachne binghamiae J.Agardh 1896,[29] (False Bay eastwards to KwaZulu-Natal as far as Port Edward)[2][7][30]
  • Petalonia fascia (O.F.Müller) Kuntze 1898, syn. Fucus fascia O.F.Müller 1778, Laminaria fascia (O.F.Müller) C.Agardh 1817, Ulva fascia (O.F.Müller) Lyngbye 1819, Ilea fascia (O.F.Müller) Fries 1835, Phyllitis fascia (O.F.Müller) Kützing 1843, Saccharina fascia (O.F.Müller) Kuntze 1891,[31] (Yzerfontein to Soetwater)[2]
  • Sausage skins, Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link 1833, Chorda lomentaria Lyngbye 1819, Scytosiphon filum var. lomentarius (Lyngbye) C.Agardh 1820, Fucus lomentarius (Lyngbye) Sommerfelt 1826, Scytosiphon simplicissimus (Clemente) Cremades 1990, Ulva simplicissima Clemente 1807,[32][33] (Simon's Town to Lüderitz)[2][4]

Order: Fucales

Family Bifurcariopsidaceae

  • Upright wrack Bifurcariopsis capensis (Areschoug) Papenfuss 1940a,[4] syn. Fucodium capense Areschoug 1854, (Cape Infanta to Groen River)[2][34]

Family Sargassaceae

  • Long-leafed sargassum Anthophycus longifolius (Turner) Kützing, 1849 syn. Fucus longifolius Turner 1809, Sargassum longifolium (Turner) C.Agardh 1820, Carpophyllum longifolium (Turner) De Toni 1895,[35] (Platboombaai eastwards as far as Uvongo in southern KwaZulu-Natal)[2][7][4]
  • Constricted axils Axillariella constricta (J.Agardh) P.C.Silva 1959b,[4] syn. Fucodium constrictum J.Agardh 1848, Ascophyllum constricta (J.Agardh) Kuntze 1891, Ascophylla constricta (Kützing) Kuntze 1891,[36] (Cape Peninsula to Cape Columbine)[2]
  • Hanging wrack Brassicophycus brassicaeformis (Kützing) Draisma, Ballesteros, F.Rousseau & T.Thibaut 2010, syn. Pycnophycus brassicaeformis Kützing 1860, Bifurcaria brassicaeformis (Kützing) E.S.Barton 1893,[37] (Cape Agulhas to Sea Point)[2][4]
  • Cystophora fibrosa Simons, 1970,[38] (De Walle to Koppie Allen, and Platboom)[2]
  • Sargassum elegans Suhr, 1840,[39] (False Bay to Mozambique. Endemic to southern Africa)[2]
  • Different-leafed sargassum, Sargassum incisifolium (Turner) C.Agardh 1820, syn. Fucus incisifolius Turner 1811, Sargassum heterophyllum (Turner) C.Agardh, 1820,[40] (False Bay eastward into Mozambique. Restricted to Southern Africa and Madagascar)[2][7][4]

Order: Laminariales

  • Split-fan kelp Laminaria pallida Greville in J. Agardh 1848, Hafgygia pallida (Greville) Areschchoug 1883, Saccharina pallida (Greville) Kuntze 1891,[41] (Danger Point to Cape Nolloth, as the schinzii form to at least Rocky Point in northern Namibia)[2][4]
  • Bladder kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Linnaeus) C.Agardh, 1820, also recorded as syn. Macrocystis angustifolia Bory de Saint-Vincent 1826,[42] (Occasional in drift in False Bay. Attached from Cape Point to Paternoster)[2][4]

Family Lessoniaceae

  • Sea bamboo Ecklonia maxima (Osbeck) Papenfuss 1940b, syn. Fucus maximus Osbeck 1757,[43] (Papenkuilsfontein 10 km west of Cape Agulhas to north of Lüderitz, Namibia)[2][4]
  • Spined kelp Ecklonia radiata (C.Agardh) J.Agardh 1848, Laminaria radiata C.Agardh 1817, Capea radiata (C.Agardh) Endlicher 1843,[44] (Forms with long stipes and rugose blades in False Bay, Spinose forms common at Die Dam, Otherwise species common from Koppie Allen to Southern Natal. Longer stiped smooth bladed form as far east as parts of Zululand)[2](Deep water populations extend to Sodwana Bay at depths up to 60m)[7][4]

Order: Ralfsiales

Family Neoralfsiaceae

  • Neoralfsia expansa (J.Agardh) P.-E.Lim & H.Kawai ex Kraft 2009, syn. Myrionema expansum J.Agardh 1847, Ralfsia expansa (J.Agardh) J.Agardh 1848,[45] (unclear distribution)[7]

Family Ralfsiaceae

  • Ralfsia Ralfsia verrucosa (Areschoug) J.Agardh 1848, syn. Cruoria verrucosa Areschoug 1843,[46] (Common on all west coast shores and probably throughout the Agulhas marine province)[2][4]
  • Dead man's fingers, Splachnidium rugosum (Linnaeus) Greville 1830,[47] (Dominant in mid-shore throughout west coast, Lüderitz, Namibia to eastern Cape)[2][4]
  • Sphacelaria brachygonia Montagne 1843,[48] (St. James and Strandfontein, False Bay, More frequent on south coast as far as Transkei)[2]
  • Sphacelaria rigidula Kützing 1843,[49] (Kalk Bay in False Bay to at least Transkei)[2]

Family Stypocaulaceae

  • Broom-weed, Halopteris funicularis (Montagne) Sauvageau, 1904, also recorded as syn. Stypocaulon funiculare (Montagne) Kützing 1849,[50] (Port Nolloth to Cape Agulhas and Tsitsikamma)[2][4]

Order: Sporochnales

  • Carpomitra costata (Stackhouse) Batters 1902,[51] (Algoa Bay. Vulcan Rock, Hout Bay)[2]
  • Sporochnus pedunculatus (Hudson) C. Agardh 1820,[52] (Strandfontein)[2]

Geographical position of places mentioned in species ranges

  • Algoa Bay, Eastern Cape, 33°55′S 25°42′E / 33.917°S 25.700°E / -33.917; 25.700
  • Aliwal shoal, KwaZulu-Natal, 30°15′30″S 30°49′30″E / 30.25833°S 30.82500°E / -30.25833; 30.82500
  • Arniston (Waenhuiskrans), Western Cape, 34°40′S 20°14′E / 34.667°S 20.233°E / -34.667; 20.233
  • Betty's Bay, Western Cape, 34°22′S 18°56′E / 34.367°S 18.933°E / -34.367; 18.933
  • Bhanga Neck, KwaZulu-Natal, 27°01′00″S 32°50′00″E / 27.01667°S 32.83333°E / -27.01667; 32.83333
  • Bird Island, Eastern Cape, 33°50′28″S 26°17′10″E / 33.84111°S 26.28611°E / -33.84111; 26.28611
  • Blaauwberg, Western Cape, 33°48′S 18°27′E / 33.800°S 18.450°E / -33.800; 18.450
  • Black Rock, Northern KwaZulu-Natal, 27°08′00″S 32°50′00″E / 27.13333°S 32.83333°E / -27.13333; 32.83333
  • Brandfontein, Western Cape, 34°46′S 19°52′E / 34.767°S 19.867°E / -34.767; 19.867
  • Buffelsbaai (Cape Peninsula), Western Cape, 34°19′10″S 18°27′41″E / 34.31944°S 18.46139°E / -34.31944; 18.46139
  • Buffelsbaai (west coast), Western Cape, 33°35′S 18°21′E / 33.583°S 18.350°E / -33.583; 18.350
  • Buffelsbaai (south coast), Western Cape, 34°05′S 22°58′E / 34.083°S 22.967°E / -34.083; 22.967
  • Cape Agulhas, Western Cape, 34°50′00″S 20°00′09″E / 34.83333°S 20.00250°E / -34.83333; 20.00250
  • Cape Columbine, Western Cape, 32°49′39″S 17°51′23″E / 32.82750°S 17.85639°E / -32.82750; 17.85639
  • Cape Frio, Namibia, 18°26′12″S 12°00′17″E / 18.43667°S 12.00472°E / -18.43667; 12.00472
  • Cape of Good Hope, Western Cape, 34°21′29″S 018°28′19″E / 34.35806°S 18.47194°E / -34.35806; 18.47194 (sometimes used historically to refer to the Cape Province, or South Africa)
  • Cape Peninsula, Western Cape 34°12′S 18°24′E / 34.200°S 18.400°E / -34.200; 18.400
  • Cape Hangklip, Western Cape, 34°23′17″S 018°49′35″E / 34.38806°S 18.82639°E / -34.38806; 18.82639
  • Cape Infanta, Western Cape, 34°25′S 20°51′E / 34.417°S 20.850°E / -34.417; 20.850
  • Clovelly, False Bay, Western Cape, 34°09′29″S 18°26′11″E / 34.15806°S 18.43639°E / -34.15806; 18.43639
  • Dalebrook, False Bay, Western Cape, 34°07′29″S 18°27′11″E / 34.12472°S 18.45306°E / -34.12472; 18.45306
  • Danger Point, Western Cape, 34°37′55″S 19°17′34″E / 34.63194°S 19.29278°E / -34.63194; 19.29278
  • De Hoop, Western Cape, (just west of Cape Infanta) 32°26′03″S 20°32′52″E / 32.43417°S 20.54778°E / -32.43417; 20.54778
  • De Walle, (Die Walle), (Just west of Agulhas)
  • Die Dam (Quoin Point), Western Cape, 34°46′S 19°41′E / 34.767°S 19.683°E / -34.767; 19.683
  • Doring Bay (Doringbaai), Western Cape, 31°49′S 18°14′E / 31.817°S 18.233°E / -31.817; 18.233
  • Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 29°51′S 31°01′E / 29.850°S 31.017°E / -29.850; 31.017
  • Dwesa, Eastern Cape, 32°15′36″S 28°53′42″E / 32.26000°S 28.89500°E / -32.26000; 28.89500
  • East London, Eastern Cape, 32°59′S 027°52′E / 32.983°S 27.867°E / -32.983; 27.867
  • False Bay, Western Cape, 34°14′S 18°39′E / 34.233°S 18.650°E / -34.233; 18.650
  • Glencairn, False Bay, Western Cape, 34°09′50″S 18°26′00″E / 34.16389°S 18.43333°E / -34.16389; 18.43333
  • Groenrivier (Groen River), 30°50′55″S 17°34′20″E / 30.84861°S 17.57222°E / -30.84861; 17.57222
  • Groot Bergrivier estuary (Berg River, Velddrif), Western Cape, 32°47′S 18°10′E / 32.783°S 18.167°E / -32.783; 18.167
  • Haga Haga, Eastern Cape (N of E.London) 32°46′S 28°15′E / 32.767°S 28.250°E / -32.767; 28.250
  • The Haven, Eastern Cape, 150 km west of Port St. Johns, 32°14′50″S 28°55′15″E / 32.24722°S 28.92083°E / -32.24722; 28.92083
  • Hermanus, Western Cape, 34°25′S 19°14′E / 34.417°S 19.233°E / -34.417; 19.233
  • Hluleka, Eastern Cape, 31°49′S 29°18′E / 31.817°S 29.300°E / -31.817; 29.300
  • Hondeklipbaai, Northern Cape, 30°19′S 17°16′E / 30.317°S 17.267°E / -30.317; 17.267
  • Hout Bay, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape, 34°03′30″S 18°21′20″E / 34.05833°S 18.35556°E / -34.05833; 18.35556
  • Isipingo, KwaZulu-Natal, 29°59′50″S 30°57′20″E / 29.99722°S 30.95556°E / -29.99722; 30.95556
  • Island Rock, KwaZulu-Natal, 27°17′00″S 32°46′00″E / 27.28333°S 32.76667°E / -27.28333; 32.76667
  • Kalk Bay, False Bay, Western Cape, 34°07′40″S 18°27′00″E / 34.12778°S 18.45000°E / -34.12778; 18.45000
  • Kei River, Eastern Cape, 32°40′35″S 28°23′10″E / 32.67639°S 28.38611°E / -32.67639; 28.38611
  • Kenton-on-Sea, Eastern Cape, 33°42′S 26°41′E / 33.700°S 26.683°E / -33.700; 26.683
  • Keurboomstrand, Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape, 34°02′17″S 23°23′31″E / 34.03806°S 23.39194°E / -34.03806; 23.39194
  • Knysna, Western Cape, 34°05′02″S 23°03′37″E / 34.08389°S 23.06028°E / -34.08389; 23.06028
  • Kommetjie, Western Cape, 34°08′S 18°19′E / 34.133°S 18.317°E / -34.133; 18.317
  • Koppie Alleen, De Hoop, Western Cape,
  • Kosi Bay, Kwa-Zulu-Natal, 26°54′06″S 32°51′59″E / 26.90167°S 32.86639°E / -26.90167; 32.86639
  • Kowie River, Eastern Cape, 33°36′15″S 26°54′12″E / 33.60417°S 26.90333°E / -33.60417; 26.90333
  • Kraalbaai, Langebaan lagoon, Western Cape, 33°08′30″S 18°01′45″E / 33.14167°S 18.02917°E / -33.14167; 18.02917
  • Lala Nek, KwaZulu-Natal, 27°13′00″S 32°48′00″E / 27.21667°S 32.80000°E / -27.21667; 32.80000
  • Lamberts Bay, Western Cape, 32°05′24″S 18°18′10″E / 32.09000°S 18.30278°E / -32.09000; 18.30278
  • Leadsman shoal, KwaZulu-Natal, 28°23′00″S 32°25′15″E / 28.38333°S 32.42083°E / -28.38333; 32.42083
  • Langebaan Lagoon, Western Cape, 33°09′S 18°04′E / 33.150°S 18.067°E / -33.150; 18.067
  • Llandudno, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape, 34°00′30″S 18°20′20″E / 34.00833°S 18.33889°E / -34.00833; 18.33889
  • Lüderitz, Namibia, 26°38′53″S 15°9′34″E / 26.64806°S 15.15944°E / -26.64806; 15.15944
  • Mabibi, Kwa-Zulu-Natal, 29°20′10″S 32°45′10″E / 29.33611°S 32.75278°E / -29.33611; 32.75278
  • Mapelane, Maphelana, KwaZulu-Natal, near St. Lucia, 28°24′28″S 32°25′44″E / 28.40778°S 32.42889°E / -28.40778; 32.42889
  • Melkbosstrand, Western Cape, 33°43′38″S 18°26′06″E / 33.72722°S 18.43500°E / -33.72722; 18.43500
  • Mission Rocks, KwaZulu-Natal, 28°16′23″S 32°29′55″E / 28.27306°S 32.49861°E / -28.27306; 32.49861
  • Mkambati, KwaZulu-Natal, 31°17′S 29°57′E / 31.283°S 29.950°E / -31.283; 29.950 [dubious – discuss]
  • Morgan's Bay, Eastern Cape, (Near Kei mouth) 32°42′0″S 28°21′0″E / 32.70000°S 28.35000°E / -32.70000; 28.35000
  • Möwe Bay, Namibia, 19°22′48″S 12°42′29″E / 19.38000°S 12.70806°E / -19.38000; 12.70806(Möwe Point lighthouse)
  • Mtwalume river, KwaZulu-Natal,
  • Noordhoek, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape, 34°07′S 18°21′E / 34.117°S 18.350°E / -34.117; 18.350
  • Muizenberg, False Bay, Western Cape, 34°07′S 018°28′E / 34.117°S 18.467°E / -34.117; 18.467
  • Oatlands Point, False Bay, Western Cape, 34°12′30″S 18°27′44″E / 34.20833°S 18.46222°E / -34.20833; 18.46222
  • Oudekraal, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape, 33°59′09″S 18°20′55″E / 33.98583°S 18.34861°E / -33.98583; 18.34861
  • Olifantsbos, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape, 34°16′23″S 18°22′45″E / 34.27306°S 18.37917°E / -34.27306; 18.37917
  • Palm Beach, South Africa, 30°59′S 30°16′E / 30.983°S 30.267°E / -30.983; 30.267
  • Park Rynie, KwaZulu-Natal, 30°19′S 30°44′E / 30.317°S 30.733°E / -30.317; 30.733
  • Paternoster, Western Cape, 32°49′S 17°53′E / 32.817°S 17.883°E / -32.817; 17.883
  • Papenkuilsfontein, Western Cape, 10 km west of Agulhas
  • Pearly Beach, Western Cape, 34°39′S 19°29′E / 34.650°S 19.483°E / -34.650; 19.483
  • Platbank, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape, °'"S °'E34°20′5″S 18°29′09″E / 34.33472°S 18.48583°E / -34.33472; 18.48583
  • Platboombaai, 34°20′20″S 18°27′08″E / 34.33889°S 18.45222°E / -34.33889; 18.45222
  • Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape, 34°03′S 023°22′E / 34.050°S 23.367°E / -34.050; 23.367
  • Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique border, 26°50′36″S 32°53′48″E / 26.84333°S 32.89667°E / -26.84333; 32.89667
  • Port Alfred, Eastern Cape, 33°36′15″S 26°54′12″E / 33.60417°S 26.90333°E / -33.60417; 26.90333
  • Port Edward, KwaZulu-Natal 31°03′S 30°13′E / 31.050°S 30.217°E / -31.050; 30.217
  • Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, 33°58′S 25°35′E / 33.967°S 25.583°E / -33.967; 25.583
  • Port Nolloth, Northern Cape, 22°15′S 16°52′E / 22.250°S 16.867°E / -22.250; 16.867
  • Port St. Johns, KwaZulu-Natal, 31°37′40″S 29°33′20″E / 31.62778°S 29.55556°E / -31.62778; 29.55556
  • Postberg, Western Cape, 33°07′S 18°00′E / 33.117°S 18.000°E / -33.117; 18.000
  • Protea Banks, KwaZulu-Natal, 30°50′S 30°28′E / 30.833°S 30.467°E / -30.833; 30.467
  • Rabbit Rock, KwaZulu-Natal,
  • Robberg, Western Cape, 34°06′30″S 23°24′45″E / 34.10833°S 23.41250°E / -34.10833; 23.41250
  • Rocky Point, Namibia,
  • Saldanha Bay, Western Cape, 33°01′S 17°59′E / 33.017°S 17.983°E / -33.017; 17.983
  • Saxon Reef, KwaZulu-Natal, (near Mozambique border),
  • Scarborough, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape, 34°12′00″S 18°22′13″E / 34.20000°S 18.37028°E / -34.20000; 18.37028
  • Scottburgh, KwaZulu-Natal, 30°17′S 30°45′E / 30.283°S 30.750°E / -30.283; 30.750
  • Sea Point, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape, 33°55′19″S 18°22′37″E / 33.92194°S 18.37694°E / -33.92194; 18.37694
  • Shelly Beach, KwaZulu-Natal, KwaZulu-Natal, 30°48′S 30°25′E / 30.800°S 30.417°E / -30.800; 30.417
  • Simon's Town, Western Cape, 34°11′S 18°26′E / 34.183°S 18.433°E / -34.183; 18.433
  • Smitswinkel Bay, False Bay, Western Cape, 34°16′S 18°28′E / 34.267°S 18.467°E / -34.267; 18.467
  • Sodwana Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, 27°32′S 32°41′E / 27.533°S 32.683°E / -27.533; 32.683
  • Soetwater,
  • Stilbaai (Still Bay), Western Cape, E34°22′S 21°25′E / 34.367°S 21.417°E / -34.367; 21.417
  • St Helena Bay, Western Cape, 32°43′S 18°06′E / 32.717°S 18.100°E / -32.717; 18.100
  • St. James, False Bay, Western Cape, 34°07′29″S 18°27′11″E / 34.12472°S 18.45306°E / -34.12472; 18.45306
  • St Lucia, KwaZulu-Natal, 28°23′03″S 32°25′46″E / 28.38417°S 32.42944°E / -28.38417; 32.42944
  • Strand, Western Cape, 34°07′S 18°49′E / 34.117°S 18.817°E / -34.117; 18.817
  • Strandfontein, False Bay, Western Cape, 34°05′22″S 18°33′18″E / 34.08944°S 18.55500°E / -34.08944; 18.55500
  • Strandfontein, Western Cape, 31°45′20″S 18°13′38″E / 31.75556°S 18.22722°E / -31.75556; 18.22722
  • Swakopmund, Namibia, 22°41′S 14°32′E / 22.683°S 14.533°E / -22.683; 14.533
  • Swartklip, False Bay, Western Cape, 34°04′30″S 18°41′10″E / 34.07500°S 18.68611°E / -34.07500; 18.68611
  • Swartkops River, 33°51′56″S 25°37′58″E / 33.86556°S 25.63278°E / -33.86556; 25.63278
  • Table Bay, Western Cape, 33°53′S 18°27′E / 33.883°S 18.450°E / -33.883; 18.450
  • Three Anchor Bay, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape, 33°54′22″S 19°23′51″E / 33.90611°S 19.39750°E / -33.90611; 19.39750
  • Three Sisters (Eastern Cape), Riet River, 10 km west of Port Alfred, Eastern Cape,
  • Trafalgar, KwaZulu-Natal, 30°58′S 30°18′E / 30.967°S 30.300°E / -30.967; 30.300
  • Tsitsikamma, Eastern Cape, 34°01′18″S 22°53′44″E / 34.02167°S 22.89556°E / -34.02167; 22.89556
  • Umhlali, KwaZulu-Natal, (mHlali river mouth) 29°27′45″S 31°16′45″E / 29.46250°S 31.27917°E / -29.46250; 31.27917
  • Umpangazi, KwaZulu-Natal, (Cape Vidal?) 28°07′45″S 32°33′50″E / 28.12917°S 32.56389°E / -28.12917; 32.56389
  • Uvongo, KwaZulu-Natal, 30°49′S 30°23′E / 30.817°S 30.383°E / -30.817; 30.383
  • Waterloo Bay, Eastern Cape, 33°29′S 27°10′E / 33.483°S 27.167°E / -33.483; 27.167
  • Yzerfontein, Western Cape, 33°20′S 18°10′E / 33.333°S 18.167°E / -33.333; 18.167

See also


  1. ^ "Table Mountain National Park". MPA Forum South Africa. Retrieved 26 May 2018.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at Stegenga, H., Bolton, J.J., & Anderson, R.J. 1997. Seaweeds of the South African West Coast. Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town. ISBN 0-7992-1793-X
  3. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Kock, Alison; Stanbridge, Debbie; Brink, Rene; Holness, Stephen; Harris, Linda; Gardner, Kathryn; van Wilgen-Bredenkamp, Nicola; Mayekiso, Sisanda; Jones, Georgina. Table Mountain National Park Marine Protected Area – State of Knowledge Report March 2022 (PDF). Internal Report 01 / 2022 (Report). Pretoria: Scientific Services, South African National Parks.
  5. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  6. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i Tronchin, E.M. and De Clerk, O in De Clerck, O., Bolton, J.J., Anderson, R. J. & Coppejans, E. 2005. Guide to the Seaweeds of KwazZulu-Natal. Scripta Botanica Belgica Volume 33. Joint publication of: National Botanical gardens of Belgium, VLIZ Flanders Marine Institute and Flemish Community. ISBN 90-72619-64-1
  8. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  9. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  10. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2023). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway (taxonomic information republished from AlgaeBase with permission of M.D. Guiry). Zonaria subarticulata (J.V.Lamouroux) Papenfuss, 1944. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2023-10-14
  11. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 27 February 2012
  12. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 27 February 2012
  13. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 27 February 2012
  14. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  15. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  16. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  17. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  18. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  19. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  20. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  21. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  22. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  23. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 27 February 2012
  24. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 27 February 2012
  25. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 27 February 2012
  26. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 27 February 2012
  27. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  28. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  29. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012.
  30. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2023). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway (taxonomic information republished from AlgaeBase with permission of M.D. Guiry). Petalonia binghamiae (J.Agardh) K.L.Vinogradova, 1973. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2023-10-14
  31. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  32. ^ Silva, Basson & Moe 1996
  33. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 27 February 2012
  34. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  35. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  36. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  37. ^ Wendy Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  38. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  39. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  40. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  41. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  42. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  43. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  44. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 February 2012
  45. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 15 March 2012
  46. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  47. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  48. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  49. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  50. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  51. ^ Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  52. ^ M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 26 February 2012
  • v
  • t
  • e
National taxon checklists
  • Harvestmen
  • Microwhip scorpions
  • Pseudoscorpions
  • Scorpions
  • Shorttailed whipscorpions
  • Solifugae
  • Araneae
  • Ixodida
  • Whip spiders and tailless whip scorpions
  • Alderflies, dobsonflies and fishflies
  • Beetles
  • Booklice, barklice and barkflies
  • Butterflies and moths
  • Caddisflies
  • Cockroaches and termites
  • Dragonflies and damselflies
  • Earwigs
  • Fleas
  • Flies
  • Jumping bristletails
  • Lice
  • Mantises
  • Mayflies
  • Net-winged insects
  • Notoptera
  • Orthoptera
  • Sawflies, wasps, bees, and ants
  • Scorpionflies
  • Silverfish and firebrats
  • Stick and leaf insects
  • Stoneflies
  • Strepsiptera
  • Termites
  • Thrips
  • True bugs
  • Webspinners
Regional taxon checklists and other minor lists
Tropical and subtropical
moist broadleaf forests
Tropical and subtropical grasslands,
savannas, and shrublands
Montane grasslands
and shrublands
Mediterranean forests,
woodlands, and scrub
Deserts and xeric shrublands
Marine ecoregions
  • Andesite Mountain Bushveld
  • Aoub Duneveld
  • Barberton Serpentine Sourveld
  • Bhisho Thornveld
  • Cathedral Mopane Bushveld
  • Central Sandy Bushveld
  • Delagoa Lowveld
  • Dwaalboom Thornveld
  • Dwarsberg-Swartruggens Mountain Bushveld
  • Eastern Valley Bushveld
  • Gabbro Grassy Bushveld
  • Gauteng Shale Mountain Bushveld
  • Ghaap Plateau Vaalbosveld
  • Gold Reef Mountain Bushveld
  • Gordonia Duneveld
  • Gordonia Kameeldoring Bushveld
  • Gordonia Plains Shrubland
  • Granite Lowveld
  • Gravelotte Rocky Bushveld
  • Kaalrug Mountain Bushveld
  • Kathu Bushveld
  • Kimberley Thornveld
  • Koranna-Langeberg Mountain Bushveld
  • Kuruman Mountain Bushveld
  • Kuruman Thornveld
  • Kuruman Vaalbosveld
  • KwaZulu-Natal Hinterland Thornveld
  • KwaZulu-Natal Sandstone Sourveld
  • Lebombo Summit Sourveld
  • Legogote Sour Bushveld
  • Limpopo Ridge Bushveld
  • Limpopo Sweet Bushveld
  • Loskop Mountain Bushveld
  • Loskop Thornveld
  • Lowveld Rugged Mopaneveld
  • Madikwe Dolomite Bushveld
  • Mafikeng Bushveld
  • Makatini Clay Thicket
  • Makhado Sweet Bushveld
  • Makuleke Sandy Bushveld
  • Malelane Mountain Bushveld
  • Mamabolo Mountain Bushveld
  • Marikana Thornveld
  • Molopo Bushveld
  • Moot Plains Bushveld
  • Mopane Basalt Shrubland
  • Mopane Gabbro Shrubland
  • Musina Mopane Bushveld
  • Ngongoni Veld
  • Norite Koppies Bushveld
  • Northern Lebombo Bushveld
  • Northern Zululand Sourveld
  • Nossob Bushveld
  • Nwambyia-Pumbe Sandy Bushveld
  • Ohrigstad Mountain Bushveld
  • Olifantshoek Plains Thornveld
  • Phalaborwa-Timbavati Mopaneveld
  • Pilanesberg Mountain Bushveld
  • Polokwane Plateau Bushveld
  • Postmasburg Thornveld
  • Poung Dolomite Mountain Bushveld
  • Pretoriuskop Sour Bushveld
  • Roodeberg Bushveld
  • Schmidtsdrif Thornveld
  • Schweizer-Reneke Bushveld
  • Sekhukhune Mountain Bushveld
  • Sekhukhune Plains Bushveld
  • South Eastern Coastal Thornveld
  • Southern Lebombo Bushveld
  • Soutpansberg Mountain Bushveld
  • Springbokvlakte Thornveld
  • Stella Bushveld
  • Swaziland Sour Bushveld
  • Tembe Sandy Bushveld
  • Thukela Thornveld
  • Thukela Valley Bushveld
  • Tsende Mopaneveld
  • Tshokwane-Hlane Basalt Lowveld
  • Tzaneen Sour Bushveld
  • Vaalbos Rocky Shrubland
  • VhaVenda Miombo
  • Waterberg Mountain Bushveld
  • Western Maputaland Clay Bushveld
  • Western Maputaland Sandy Bushveld
  • Western Sandy Bushveld
  • Zeerust Thornveld
  • Zululand Coastal Thornveld
  • Zululand Lowveld
  • Aliwal North Dry Grassland
  • Amathole Mistbelt Grassland
  • Amathole Montane Grassland
  • Amersfoort Highveld Clay Grassland
  • Barberton Montane Grassland
  • Basotho Montane Shrubland
  • Bedford Dry Grassland
  • Besemkaree Koppies Shrubland
  • Bloemfontein Dry Grassland
  • Bloemfontein Karroid Shrubland
  • Carletonville Dolomite Grassland
  • Central Free State Grassland
  • Drakensberg Afroalpine Heathland
  • Drakensberg Foothill Moist Grassland
  • Drakensberg-Amathole Afromontane Fynbos
  • East Griqualand Grassland
  • Eastern Free State Clay Grassland
  • Eastern Free State Sandy Grassland
  • Eastern Highveld Grassland
  • Egoli Granite Grassland
  • Frankfort Highveld Grassland
  • Income Sandy Grassland
  • Ithala Quartzite Sourveld
  • KaNgwane Montane Grassland
  • Karoo Escarpment Grassland
  • Klerksdorp Thornveld
  • KwaZulu-Natal Highland Thornveld
  • Leolo Summit Sourveld
  • Lesotho Highland Basalt Grassland
  • Low Escarpment Moist Grassland
  • Lydenburg Montane Grassland
  • Lydenburg Thornveld
  • Mabela Sandy Grassland
  • Midlands Mistbelt Grassland
  • Mooi River Highland Grassland
  • Mthatha Moist Grassland
  • Northern Drakensberg Highland Grassland
  • Northern Escarpment Afromontane Fynbos
  • Northern Escarpment Dolomite Grassland
  • Northern Escarpment Quartzite Sourveld
  • Northern Free State Shrubland
  • Northern KwaZulu-Natal Moist Grassland
  • Northern KwaZulu-Natal Shrubland
  • Northern Zululand Mistbelt Grassland
  • Paulpietersburg Moist Grassland
  • Queenstown Thornveld
  • Rand Highveld Grassland
  • Sekhukhune Montane Grassland
  • Senqu Montane Shrubland
  • Southern Drakensberg Highland Grassland
  • Southern KwaZulu-Natal Moist Grassland
  • Soutpansberg Summit Sourveld
  • Soweto Highveld Grassland
  • Steenkampsberg Montane Grassland
  • Stormberg Plateau Grassland
  • Strydpoort Summit Sourveld
  • Tarkastad Montane Shrubland
  • Tsakane Clay Grassland
  • Tsomo Grassland
  • uKhahlamba Basalt Grassland
  • Vaal Reefs Dolomite Sinkhole Woodland
  • Vaal-Vet Sandy Grassland
  • Vredefort Dome Granite Grassland
  • Wakkerstroom Montane Grassland
  • Waterberg-Magaliesberg Summit Sourveld
  • Western Free State Clay Grassland
  • Western Highveld Sandy Grassland
  • Western Lesotho Basalt Shrubland
  • Winburg Grassy Shrubland
  • Wolkberg Dolomite Grassland
  • Woodbush Granite Grassland
  • Xhariep Karroid Grassland
  • Zastron Moist Grassland
  • Agulhas Limestone Fynbos
  • Agulhas Sand Fynbos
  • Albertinia Sand Fynbos
  • Algoa Sandstone Fynbos
  • Atlantis Sand Fynbos
  • Bokkeveld Sandstone Fynbos
  • Boland Granite Fynbos
  • Breede Alluvium Fynbos
  • Breede Quartzite Fynbos
  • Breede Sand Fynbos
  • Breede Shale Fynbos
  • Canca Limestone Fynbos
  • Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
  • Cape Winelands Shale Fynbos
  • Cederberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • Central Coastal Shale Band Vegetation
  • Central Inland Shale Band Vegetation
  • De Hoop Limestone Fynbos
  • Eastern Coastal Shale Band Vegetation
  • Eastern Inland Shale Band Vegetation
  • Elgin Shale Fynbos
  • Elim Ferricrete Fynbos
  • Garden Route Granite Fynbos
  • Garden Route Shale Fynbos
  • Graafwater Sandstone Fynbos
  • Greyton Shale Fynbos
  • Grootrivier Quartzite Fynbos
  • Hangklip Sand Fynbos
  • Hawequas Sandstone Fynbos
  • Hopefield Sand Fynbos
  • Kamiesberg Granite Fynbos
  • Kango Conglomerate Fynbos
  • Knysna Sand Fynbos
  • Kogelberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • Kouebokkeveld Alluvium Fynbos
  • Kouebokkeveld Shale Fynbos
  • Kouga Grassy Sandstone Fynbos
  • Kouga Sandstone Fynbos
  • Leipoldtville Sand Fynbos
  • Loerie Conglomerate Fynbos
  • Lourensford Alluvium Fynbos
  • Matjiesfontein Quartzite Fynbos
  • Matjiesfontein Shale Fynbos
  • Montagu Shale Fynbos
  • Namaqualand Sand Fynbos
  • North Hex Sandstone Fynbos
  • North Kammanassie Sandstone Fynbos
  • North Langeberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • North Outeniqua Sandstone Fynbos
  • North Rooiberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • North Sonderend Sandstone Fynbos
  • North Swartberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • Northern Inland Shale Band Vegetation
  • Olifants Sandstone Fynbos
  • Overberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • Peninsula Granite Fynbos
  • Peninsula Sandstone Fynbos
  • Piketberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • Potberg Ferricrete Fynbos
  • Potberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • Robertson Granite Fynbos
  • South Hex Sandstone Fynbos
  • South Kammanassie Sandstone Fynbos
  • South Langeberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • South Outeniqua Sandstone Fynbos
  • South Rooiberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • South Sonderend Sandstone Fynbos
  • South Swartberg Sandstone Fynbos
  • Southern Cape Dune Fynbos
  • Stinkfonteinberge Quartzite Fynbos
  • Suurberg Quartzite Fynbos
  • Suurberg Shale Fynbos
  • Swartberg Altimontane Sandstone Fynbos
  • Swartberg Shale Fynbos
  • Swartland Alluvium Fynbos
  • Swartruggens Quartzite Fynbos
  • Swellendam Silcrete Fynbos
  • Tsitsikamma Sandstone Fynbos
  • Western Altimontane Sandstone Fynbos
  • Western Coastal Shale Band Vegetation
  • Winterhoek Sandstone Fynbos
  • Baviaanskloof Shale Renosterveld
  • Breede Alluvium Renosterveld
  • Breede Shale Renosterveld
  • Central Mountain Shale Renosterveld
  • Central Ruêns Shale Renosterveld
  • Ceres Shale Renosterveld
  • Eastern Ruêns Shale Renosterveld
  • Hantam Plateau Dolerite Renosterveld
  • Humansdorp Shale Renosterveld
  • Kango Limestone Renosterveld
  • Langkloof Shale Renosterveld
  • Matjiesfontein Shale Renosterveld
  • Montagu Shale Renosterveld
  • Mossel Bay Shale Renosterveld
  • Namaqualand Granite Renosterveld
  • Nieuwoudtville Shale Renosterveld
  • Nieuwoudtville-Roggeveld Dolerite Renosterveld
  • Peninsula Shale Renosterveld
  • Robertson Granite Renosterveld
  • Roggeveld Shale Renosterveld
  • Ruêns Silcrete Renosterveld
  • Swartberg Shale Renosterveld
  • Swartland Alluvium Renosterveld
  • Swartland Granite Renosterveld
  • Swartland Shale Renosterveld
  • Swartland Silcrete Renosterveld
  • Uniondale Shale Renosterveld
  • Vanrhynsdorp Shale Renosterveld
  • Western Ruêns Shale Renosterveld
  • Aggeneys Gravel Vygieveld
  • Agter-Sederberg Shrubland
  • Anenous Plateau Shrubland
  • Bushmanland Inselberg Shrubland
  • Central Knersvlakte Vygieveld
  • Central Richtersveld Mountain Shrubland
  • Citrusdal Vygieveld
  • Die Plate Succulent Shrubland
  • Doringrivier Quartzite Karoo
  • Eastern Little Karoo
  • Eenriet Plains Succulent Shrubland
  • Goariep Mountain Succulent Shrubland
  • Hantam Karoo
  • Kamiesberg Mountains Shrubland
  • Klawer Sandy Shrubland
  • Knersvlakte Dolomite Vygieveld
  • Knersvlakte Quartz Vygieveld
  • Knersvlakte Shale Vygieveld
  • Koedoesberge-Moordenaars Karoo
  • Kosiesberg Succulent Shrubland
  • Lekkersing Succulent Shrubland
  • Little Karoo Quartz Vygieveld
  • Namaqualand Arid Grassland
  • Namaqualand Blomveld
  • Namaqualand Coastal Duneveld
  • Namaqualand Heuweltjie Strandveld
  • Namaqualand Heuweltjieveld
  • Namaqualand Inland Duneveld
  • Namaqualand Klipkoppe Shrubland
  • Namaqualand Shale Shrubland
  • Namaqualand Spinescent Grassland
  • Namaqualand Strandveld
  • Northern Knersvlakte Vygieveld
  • Northern Richtersveld Scorpionstailveld
  • Northern Richtersveld Yellow Duneveld
  • Oograbies Plains Sandy Grassland
  • Piketberg Quartz Succulent Shrubland
  • Platbakkies Succulent Shrubland
  • Prince Albert Succulent Karoo
  • Richtersveld Coastal Duneveld
  • Richtersveld Red Duneveld
  • Richtersveld Sandy Coastal Scorpionstailveld
  • Riethuis-Wallekraal Quartz Vygieveld
  • Robertson Karoo
  • Roggeveld Karoo
  • Rooiberg Quartz Vygieveld
  • Rosyntjieberg Succulent Shrubland
  • Southern Namaqualand Quartzite Klipkoppe Shrubland
  • Southern Richtersveld Inselberg Shrubland
  • Southern Richtersveld Scorpionstailveld
  • Southern Richtersveld Yellow Duneveld
  • Steytlerville Karoo
  • Stinkfonteinberge Eastern Apron Shrubland
  • Swartruggens Quartzite Karoo
  • Tanqua Escarpment Shrubland
  • Tanqua Karoo
  • Tatasberg Mountain Succulent Shrubland
  • Umdaus Mountains Succulent Shrubland
  • Upper Annisvlakte Succulent Shrubland
  • Vanrhynsdorp Gannabosveld
  • Vyftienmyl se Berge Succulent Shrubland
  • Western Bushmanland Klipveld
  • Western Gwarrieveld
  • Western Little Karoo
  • Willowmore Gwarrieveld
  • Albany Arid Thicket
  • Albany Bontveld
  • Albany Mesic Thicket
  • Albany Valley Thicket
  • Baviaans Valley Thicket
  • Bethelsdorp Bontveld
  • Blombos Strandveld
  • Buffels Mesic Thicket
  • Buffels Valley Thicket
  • Cape Flats Dune Strandveld
  • Crossroads Grassland Thicket
  • Doubledrift Karroid Thicket
  • Eastern Gwarrieveld
  • Elands Forest Thicket
  • Escarpment Arid Thicket
  • Escarpment Mesic Thicket
  • Escarpment Valley Thicket
  • Fish Arid Thicket
  • Fish Mesic Thicket
  • Fish Valley Thicket
  • Gamka Arid Thicket
  • Gamka Valley Thicket
  • Geluk Grassland Thicket
  • Goukamma Dune Thicket
  • Gouritz Valley Thicket
  • Grahamstown Grassland Thicket
  • Grassridge Bontveld
  • Groot Brak Dune Strandveld
  • Hamburg Dune Thicket
  • Hartenbos Dune Thicket
  • Kasouga Dune Thicket
  • Koedoeskloof Karroid Thicket
  • Lambert's Bay Strandveld
  • Langebaan Dune Strandveld
  • Mons Ruber Fynbos Thicket
  • Motherwell Karroid Thicket
  • Nanaga Savanna Thicket
  • Oudshoorn Karroid Thicket
  • Overberg Dune Strandveld
  • Saldanha Flats Strandveld
  • Saldanha Granite Strandveld
  • Saldanha Limestone Strandveld
  • Saltaire Karroid Thicket
  • Sardinia Forest Thicket
  • St Francis Dune Thicket
  • Subtropical Dune Thicket
  • Sundays Arid Thicket
  • Sundays Mesic Thicket
  • Sundays Valley Thicket
  • Thorndale Forest Thicket
  • Umtiza Forest Thicket
  • Vanstadens Forest Thicket
  • Western Gwarrieveld
  • Willowmore Gwarrieveld
  • Albany Broken Veld
  • Blouputs Karroid Thornveld
  • Bushmanland Arid Grassland
  • Bushmanland Basin Shrubland
  • Bushmanland Sandy Grassland
  • Eastern Lower Karoo
  • Eastern Upper Karoo
  • Gamka Karoo
  • Kalahari Karroid Shrubland
  • Lower Gariep Broken Veld
  • Lower Karoo Gwarrieveld
  • Northern Upper Karoo
  • Upper Karoo Hardeveld
  • Western Upper Karoo
  • Alexander Bay Coastal Duneveld
  • Eastern Gariep Plains Desert
  • Eastern Gariep Rocky Desert
  • Helskloof Canyon Desert
  • Kahams Mountain Desert
  • Kwaggarug Mountain Desert
  • Namib Lichen Fields
  • Noms Mountain Desert
  • Northern Nababiepsberge Mountain Desert
  • Richtersberg Mountain Desert
  • Richtersveld Sheet Wash Desert
  • Southern Nababiepsberge Mountain Desert
  • Western Gariep Hills Desert
  • Western Gariep Lowland Desert
  • Western Gariep Plains Desert
  • Albany Alluvial Vegetation
  • Albany Dune Strandveld
  • Algoa Dune Strandveld
  • Arid Estuarine Salt Marshes
  • Bushmanland Vloere
  • Cape Estuarine Salt Marshes
  • Cape Inland Salt Pans
  • Cape Lowland Alluvial Vegetation
  • Cape Lowland Freshwater Wetlands
  • Cape Seashore Vegetation
  • Cape Vernal Pools
  • Drakensberg Wetlands
  • Eastern Temperate Freshwater Wetlands
  • Fynbos Riparian Vegetation
  • Highveld Alluvial Vegetation
  • Highveld Salt Pans
  • Lesotho Mires
  • Lower Gariep Alluvial Vegetation
  • Muscadel Riviere
  • Namaqualand Riviere
  • Namaqualand Salt Pans
  • Namaqualand Seashore Vegetation
  • Namib Seashore Vegetation
  • Southern Kalahari Mekgacha
  • Southern Kalahari Salt Pans
  • Southern Karoo Riviere
  • Subantarctic Kelp Bed Vegetation
  • Subtropical Alluvial Vegetation
  • Subtropical Dune Thicket
  • Subtropical Estuarine Salt Marshes
  • Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands
  • Subtropical Salt Pans
  • Subtropical Seashore Vegetation
  • Tanqua Wash Riviere
  • Upper Gariep Alluvial Vegetation
  • KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Belt
  • Maputaland Coastal Belt
  • Maputaland Wooded Grassland
  • Pondoland-Natal Sandstone Coastal Sourveld
  • Transkei Coastal Belt
  • Ironwood Dry Forest
  • Lowveld Riverine Forest
  • Mangrove Forest
  • Northern Afrotemperate Forest
  • Northern Coastal Forest
  • Northern Mistbelt Forest
  • Sand Forest
  • Scarp Forest
  • Southern Afrotemperate Forest
  • Southern Coastal Forest
  • Southern Mistbelt Forest
  • Swamp Forest
  • Subantarctic Biotic Herbfield and Grassland
  • Subantarctic Cinder Cone Vegetation
  • Subantarctic Coastal Vegetation
  • Subantarctic Drainage Line Vegetation
  • Subantarctic Fellfield
  • Subantarctic Fernbrake Vegetation
  • Subantarctic Mire
  • Subantarctic Polar Desert
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  • List of field guides to South African biota
  • Categories: Biodiversity of South Africa
  • Index