Mir-558 microRNA precursor family

miRBase familyMIPF0000538
Other data
RNA typemicroRNA
PDB structuresPDBe

In molecular biology mir-558 microRNA is a short RNA molecule. MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other genes by several mechanisms.

See also

  • MicroRNA


Further reading

  • Shohet JM, Ghosh R, Coarfa C, Ludwig A, Benham AL, Chen Z, Patterson DM, Barbieri E, Mestdagh P, Sikorski DN, Milosavljevic A, Kim ES, Gunaratne PH (June 2011). "A genome-wide search for promoters that respond to increased MYCN reveals both new oncogenic and tumor suppressor microRNAs associated with aggressive neuroblastoma". Cancer Research. 71 (11): 3841–51. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-10-4391. PMID 21498633.
  • Yu JM, Wu X, Gimble JM, Guan X, Freitas MA, Bunnell BA (February 2011). "Age-related changes in mesenchymal stem cells derived from rhesus macaque bone marrow". Aging Cell. 10 (1): 66–79. doi:10.1111/j.1474-9726.2010.00646.x. PMC 4339051. PMID 20969724.
  • Maes OC, An J, Sarojini H, Wu H, Wang E (October 2008). "Changes in MicroRNA expression patterns in human fibroblasts after low-LET radiation". Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 105 (3): 824–34. doi:10.1002/jcb.21878. PMID 18729083. S2CID 206015740.
  • Page for mir-558 microRNA precursor family at Rfam

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