
Genus of moths

Scientific classification

Meyrick, 1914
Type species
Meleonoma stomota
(Meyrick, 1910)

Acryptolechia Lvovsky, 2010[1]

Meleonoma is a genus of moths in the family Autostichidae.

Taxonomic history & placement

Meleonoma was established by Edward Meyrick in 1914,[2] who placed the genus in the family Oecophoridae. Subsequently, Clarke (1965)[3] listed the genus in the family Cosmopterigidae. Park & Park (2016)[4] attributed the genus to Lypusidae sensu Lvovsky (2015), although shortly after, Yin & Wang (2016a[5] & 2016b[6]) placed the genus as incertae sedis within Gelechioidea and then in Oecophoridae, followed by Kitajima & Salamaki (2019)[7] when studying the Japanese species. Furthermore, Lvovsky (2015) synonymized the genus Acryptolechia (at that time placed in Cryptolechiinae of Depressariidae) with Meleonoma. More recently, Wang & Li (2020)[8] studied the molecular phylogeny of Gelechioidea, and found Meleonoma plus Phaulolechia formed a clade constituting the tribe Meleonomini, sister to Periacma + Irepacma + Epiracma, constituting the Periacmini, bringing both tribes together to form the subfamily Periacminae, in Autostichidae.

Most recently, there has been a flurry of publications on the genus: Yin & Cai (2019)[9] described two new species from Guangxi and Fujian provinces, China; Wang et al. (2020)[10] reviewed the genus, retained the placement in Meleonomini (Autostichidae, Periacminae) and provided a global checklist, including transferring 50 species from the moth genus Cryptolechia; Zhu et al. (2020)[11] described 16 new species from Hainan Island, China; Yin et al. (2020)[12] described three new species from Yunnan province, China; lastly, Wang & Zhu (2020a[13] & 2020b[14]) described a further 36 species from China.


(species groupings follow Wang et al., 2020[10] and Wang & Zhu (2020a[13] & 2020b[14])

  • the malacobyrsa group
    • Meleonoma anisodonta Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma dorsoprojecta (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma lanceolata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma longaedeaga Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma lunulata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma malacobyrsa (Meyrick, 1921)
    • Meleonoma microbyrsa (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma papillata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma robusta (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma rugulosa Wang & Zhu, 2020
  • the segregnatha group
    • Meleonoma acutata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma apicispinata Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma acutata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma basiprocessa Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma bicornea Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma bidigitata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma brevicula Park, 2016
    • Meleonoma circinans Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma compacta Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma cuneata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma flavifasciana Kitajima & Sakamaki, 2019
    • Meleonoma flavilineata Kitajima & Sakamaki, 2019
    • Meleonoma forcipata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma infundibularis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma ledongensis Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma liui (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma longihamata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma mecobursoides Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma microdonta Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma papillisetosa Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma parallela Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma recticostata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma rostriformis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma segregnatha Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma taeniophylla Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma tamraensis Park, 2016
    • Meleonoma trimaculata (Wang, 2006)
  • the annulignatha group
    • Meleonoma artivalva Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma annulignatha Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma bifoliolata (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma sinuicosta Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma taiwanensis Wang & Zhu, 2020
  • the fasciptera group
    • Meleonoma argometra (Meyrick, 1935)
    • Meleonoma concaviuscula (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma denticulata (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma falsitorophanes (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma kangxianensis (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma latifascia (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma muscosa (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma neargometra (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma proximideflecta (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma solifasciaria (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma spinifera (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma stictifascia (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma zeloxantha (Meyrick, 1934)
  • the jigongshanica group
    • Meleonoma cornutivalvata (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma jigongshanica (Wang, 2003)
  • the dentivalvata group
    • Meleonoma anthaedeaga (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma deflecta (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma falsivespertina (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma fascirupta (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma furcellata (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma gei (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma luniformis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma menglana (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma paranthaedeaga (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma proximihamatilis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma rectimarginalis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma similifloralis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma torophanes (Meyrick, 1935)
    • Meleonoma varifascirupta (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma zhengi (Wang, 2003)
  • the facialis group
    • Meleonoma anticentra (Meyrick, 1910)
    • Meleonoma aridula (Meyrick, 1910)
    • Meleonoma bilobata Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma catenata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma dierli Lvovsky, 2015
    • Meleonoma dilativalva Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma dorsibacilliformis Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma dorsolobulata Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma echinata Li, 2004
    • Meleonoma elongata Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma facialis Li & Wang, 2002
    • Meleonoma facunda (Meyrick, 1910)
    • Meleonoma fasciculifera (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma foliata Li, 2004
    • Meleonoma heterota Meyrick, 1914
    • Meleonoma japonica Kitajima et Sakamaki, 2019
    • Meleonoma jubingella Lvovsky, 2015
    • Meleonoma longiprocessa Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma malacognatha Li, 2002
    • Meleonoma margisclerotica Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma meyricki Lvovsky, 2015
    • Meleonoma montana Lvovsky, 2015
    • Meleonoma nepalella Lvovsky, 2015
    • Meleonoma nephospora Meyrick, 1930
    • Meleonoma parvissima Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma petrota Meyrick, 1914
    • Meleonoma polychaeta Li, 2004
    • Meleonoma stomota (Meyrick, 1910)
    • Meleonoma tianmushana Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma tenuiuncata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma triacantha Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma triangula Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma ventrospinosa Wang & Zhu, 2020
  • the acutiuscula group
    • Meleonoma acutiuscula (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma fustiformis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma mirabilis (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma olivaria (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma peditata (Wang, 2006)

Species awaiting assignment to existing or as yet undefined groups

  • Meleonoma bifida (Wang, 2006)
  • Meleonoma concolora (Wang, 2006)
  • Meleonoma flavimaculata (Christoph, 1882)
  • Meleonoma foliiformis Yin, 2019
  • Meleonoma hamatilis (Wang, 2004)
  • Meleonoma implexa Meyrick, 1918
  • Meleonoma leishana (Wang, 2006)
  • Meleonoma pardalias Meyrick, 1931
  • Meleonoma projecta Yin, 2019
  • Meleonoma sticta (Wang, 2006)
  • Meleonoma vespertina (Meyrick, 1910)
  • Meleonoma wenxianica (Wang, 2006)
  • Meleonoma apicicurvata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma apicirectangula Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma bicuspidata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma bidentata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma conica Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma hainanensis Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma latiunca Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma linearis Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma magnidentata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma ornithorrhyncha Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma parilis Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma pectinalis Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma puncticulata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma quadritaeniata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma robustispina Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma rostellata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma plicata Yin, Zhi & Cai, 2020
  • Meleonoma scalprata Yin, Zhi & Cai, 2020
  • Meleonoma taeniata Yin, Zhi & Cai, 2020

Species incertae sedis

sensu Wang et al., 2020,[10] i.e. current placement to genus is uncertain and may be revised

Former species


  1. ^ Lvovsky, A.L (23 October 2015). "Composition of the subfamily Periacminae (Lepidoptera, Lypusidae) with Descriptions of new and little known species of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 from South, East, and South-East Asia". Entomological Review. 95 (6): 766–778. doi:10.1134/S0013873815060111. S2CID 255279569 – via Springer.
  2. ^ Meyrick, E., 1914. Exotic Microlepidoptera, Marlborough. Vol. 1, part 8. Printed by Taylor and Francis, London, 64 pp. [pp. 225−288] [1]
  3. ^ Clarke, J.F.G. (1965) Catalogue of the Type Specimens of Microlepidoptera in the British Museum (Natural History) described by Edward Meyrick. Vol. 5. Trustees of the British Museum Natural History, London, 581 pp. [2]
  4. ^ Park, K.T. & Park, Y.M. (2016) Two new species of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Lypusidae) from Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 9: 485−488 [3]
  5. ^ Yin, A.H. & Wang, S.X. (2016a) Two new species in the genus Meleonoma Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from Taiwan. Entomotaxonomia 38 (1): 24−28.
  6. ^ Yin, A.H. & Wang, S.X. (2016b) Taxonomic study of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick from Thailand (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea). ZooKeys 571: 133–141 [4]
  7. ^ Kitajima, Y. & Sakamaki, Y. (2019) Three new species of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from Japan. Lepidoptera Science 70 (2), 33–46.
  8. ^ Wang, Q.Y. & Li, H.H. (2020) Phylogeny of the superfamily Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera: Obtectomera), with an exploratory application on geometric morphometrics. Zoologica Scripta 49 (3): 307-328 [5]
  9. ^ Yin, A.H. & Cai, Y.P. (2019) Two new species of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick from China (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea, Xyloryctidae). ZooKeys 871: 79–87. [6]
  10. ^ a b c Wang, S.X., Zhu, X.J., Zhao, B.X. & Yang, X.F. (2020) Taxonomic review of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae), with a checklist of all the described species. Zootaxa 4763 (3): 371–393 [7]
  11. ^ Zhu. X.J., Cai. B. & Wang, S.X. (2020) Genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera, Autostichidae) from Hainan Island, China, with descriptions of sixteen new species. ZooKeys 975: 125–157. [8]
  12. ^ Yin, A.H., Zhi, Y. & Cai, Y.P. (2020) Three new species of Meleonoma Meyrick from Yunnan, China (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea, Xyloryctidae). ZooKeys 904: 23–33.
  13. ^ a b Wang, S.X. & Xhu, X.J. (2020a) Study of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae) from China, with descriptions of fifteen new species. Zootaxa 4838 (3): 331-357 [9]
  14. ^ a b Wang, S.X. & Xhu, X.J. (2020b) Study of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae) from China, with descriptions of twenty-one new species (II). Zootaxa 4881 (2): 257–289 [10]


  • Natural History Museum Lepidoptera genus database
  • Park & Park, 2016. Two new species of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Lypusidae) from Korea.
  • Data related to Meleonoma at Wikispecies
  • Media related to Meleonoma at Wikimedia Commons
Taxon identifiers