Picture of the Mycro-1 with a portable computer running a terminal emulation software to connect to the Mycro-1
Mycro-1. (2019) Connected to a terminal emulation program. It greets you with: MYCROP V.2.8 (Z)

The MYCRO-1 was a microcomputer manufactured and sold by Mycron of Oslo, Norway. Built around the Intel 8080[1] CPU, it was one of the first commercial single-board computer after the Intel SDK-80. One is currently displayed at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology.[2]

When introduced, it was sold for approximately $6.000[1]

MYCRO-1 is a microcomputer system based on the microprocessor Intel 8080. Some models have a Zilog Z80[3] CPU. Since the Z80 is backward compatible with the 8080, this was probably a cost reduction measure. The MYCRO-1 system was designed by MYCRON Data Industri as an entry In the market place for higher powered microcomputer systems.

A typical basic configuration of the system:

  • DIM-1001 CPU
  • DIM-1013 16K-byte dynamic RAM
  • DIM-1090 Chassis with motherboard
  • DIM-1091 Power supply with switch panel

The modules available for the MYCRO-1 system

Computer modules

  • DIM-1001 CPU (8080)
  • DIM-1003 CPU (Z80)
  • DIM-1027 High-speed slave CPU

Memory modules

  • DIM-1010 4K-byte static RAM
  • DIM-1012 4K-byte PROM
  • DIM-1013 16K-byte dynamic RAM
  • DIM-1014 6K-byte EPROM
  • DIM-1015 16K-byte static RAM
  • DIM-1016 64K-byte dynamic RAM

Input/output modules

  • DIM-1019 Dual Serial I/O, Synchronous/Asynchronous
  • DIM-1020 4-channel serial I/O
  • DIM-1021 Two input and two output parallel I/O
  • DIM-1022 Triple serial I/O module
  • DIM-1030 Floppy disc controller
  • DIM-1031 Floppy disc controller
  • DIM-1035 12M-byte disk drive

Process control modules

  • DIM-1023 32-channel digital input module
  • DIM-1025 8-channel pulse counter module
  • DIM-1026 16-channel digital output module
  • DIM-1029 16-channel level detector input module
  • DIM-1042 16-channel analog input modules
  • DIM-1043 8-channel analog output module
  • DIM-1044 16-channel analog diff. amp. input

Data storage

  • DIP 11133 Single floppy disk drive unit
  • DIP 11134 Double floppy disk drive unit

Mycro-1 modules

  • DIM-1090 Chassis with motherboard
  • DIM-1091 Power supply with switch panel


  • DIP-1022 Display
  • DIP-1023 Teletype


  • DIS 1001 PROCOM
  • DIS 1002/1022 MYCRA one-pass assembler
  • DIS 1003 Editor text page editor
  • DIS 1007 Diskette service package
  • DIS 1010/1018 Floating point software packages
  • DIS 1011 Basic interpreter
  • DIS 1012 DDS diskette dataset support
  • DIS 1014 Mycrop diskette based monitor
  • DIS 1015 EPROM programmer routines
  • DIS 1018 Floating point software package
  • DIS 1019 QEdit Text editor
  • DIS 1020 Multi-access disk driver
  • DIS 1021 Mycrop with remote disk access
  • DIS 1024 Fast floating point micro program for DIM 1027
  • DIS 1024E Communication package for Nord-10
  • DIS 1027 MyMon. A real-time and time-sharing monitor for Mycro-1
  • DIS 1029 PL/Mycro resident one-pass compiler
  • DIS 1030 DINIT diskette initialization program
  • DIS 1031 GRTS 115/Mycro-1 emulator
  • DIS 1032 Trace - a software debugging tool
  • DIS 1033 MyReg system for data registration on diskette
  • DIS 1034 Utility routines on the Mycron system diskette
  • DIS 1035 Pas 80 sequential Pascal compiler
  • DIS 1036 DLSM dataset label maintenance


  1. ^ a b "Report on recent microcomputer developments in Norway". 1976.
  2. ^ "Mycro-1". 11 August 2014.
  3. ^ "Picture of the Micro-1 CPU". 2019.
  • Picture of a MYCRO-1 with additional floppy controller board
  • A Facebook page to discuss the MYCRO-1
  • Pictures of a MYCRO-1
  • Book: PL/MYCRO: a resident PL/M compiler for MYCRO-1
