List of Turkish Germans

Lists of people of Turkish origin by country
By traditional areas of settlement:
By modern diasporas:
  • v
  • t
  • e

The following is a list of notable Turkish Germans. This includes people of full or partial ethnic Turkish origin born in Germany, as well as ethnic Turkish immigrants who have arrived in Germany either from the Seljuk and Ottoman territories or from post-Ottoman modern nation-states (especially from the Republic of Turkey, but also from the Balkans, Cyprus, as well as other parts of the Levant and North Africa).

Most notable Turkish Germans originate from the Republic of Turkey; however, there are also notable Germans of ethnic Turkish origin who came from Seljuk Anatolia (e.g. Sadok Seli Soltan [de]) and the Ottoman Empire (e.g. Friedrich Aly [de],[1][2] Fatima Kariman[3] and Mehmet von Königstreu [de][4]). In addition, there are notable ethnic Turks who come from other post-Ottoman modern nation-states, especially from the Balkans (e.g. Ozan Güven,[5] Filiz Osmanodja,[6] Erol Sabanov,[7] and Kemal Kurt[8] are of Turkish Bulgarian origin; Hüdai Ülker is of Turkish Macedonian[8] origin; Ateed and Cemile Giousouf are of Turkish Western Thracian origin), the island of Cyprus (e.g. Turgay Hilmi,[9] Atesh Salih, and Rüya Taner[10] are of Turkish Cypriot origin), the Levant (e.g. Yasemin Mansoor [de] is of Turkish Iraqi origin;[11] Burak Karan is of Turkish Syrian origin; and Bilal Aziz Özer is of Turkish Lebanese origin), etc.

This list is arranged alphabetically by surname following the Turkish alphabet arrangement. Notable ethnic Turks who originate from outside the modern borders of Turkey (i.e. from the Balkans, Cyprus, the Levant, etc.) are listed with their origin. Furthermore, individuals who are of partial Turkish origin are listed with their dual identity.

Academia and medicine

Rauf Ceylan
Havva Engin [de]
Kazım Erdoğan [de]
Alexander Görlach
Necla Kelek
Arif Babür Ordu [de]
Uğur Şahin
Metin Tolan [de]
Özlem Türeci
Aysel Yollu-Tok [de]
  • Mustafa Acar [de], political scientist; co-founder of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights
  • Gülşen Aktaş, educator
  • Ian F. Akyildiz, Chair Professor in Telecommunications
  • Şahin Albayrak [de], Professor of Computer Science at Technische Universität Berlin
  • Anil Al-Rebholz [de], sociologist; Professor at the University of Frankfurt am Main
  • Götz Aly, journalist, historian and political scientist
  • Yaşar Aydın [de], social scientist; lecturer at the HafenCity University Hamburg
  • Mehmet Kudret Ayiter [de], legal scholar and founding member of Dokuz Eylül University
  • Ülkü Azrak, Professor of Political Sciences
  • Yaşar Bilgin, doctor and politician; co-founder and chairman of the Turkish-German Health Foundation
  • Ümit Bir [de], doctor and art collector (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Rauf Ceylan, Professor of Sociology of Religion and of Migration at the University of Osnabrück
  • Dr. Elif Duygu Cindik-Herbrueggen [tr], psychiatrist
  • Metin Colpan [de], co-founder of Qiagen
  • Altay Coşkun [de], Associate Professor of Classical Studies at the University of Waterloo
  • Hasan Çil [de], sociologist
  • Gazi Çağlar [de], political scientist
  • Ahmet Çakır (ergonomist) [de], ergonomist; editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Behaviour & Information Technology
  • Hıdır Eren Çelik [de], teaches at the University of Cologne
  • Ahmet Doğan [de], founder of the Ararat-Verlag publishing house
  • Havva Engin [de], linguist and educational scientist
  • Kazım Erdoğan [de], psychologist and sociologist
  • Semra Eren-Nijhar, sociologist[12]
  • Erol Erman [de], architect
  • İlhan Ilkılıç [de], doctor and philosopher
  • Hüseyin Ince [de], Professor of Cardiology
  • Mustafa Kizilcay [de], Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Siegen
  • A. Kubilay Ertan [de], physician
  • Deniz Göktürk [de], Germanist (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Alexander Görlach, senior research associate at Cambridge University
  • Zümrüt Gülbay-Peischard [de], Professor of Business Law at the Berlin School of Economics and Law
  • Onur Güntürkün, Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience at Ruhr University Bochum
  • Dilek Gürsoy, heart surgeon; the first female surgeon in Europe to implant an artificial heart
  • Osman Isfen [de], Professor of Law at the University of Hagen
  • Zehra İpşiroğlu [de], Professor of Turkish Literature at the University of Duisburg-Essen (1998–2009)
  • Ismail Kanay [de], philosopher and internist
  • Yasemin Karakaşoğlu [de], Turkologist; Vice President for Internationality and Diversity at the University of Bremen (2011–17)
  • Necla Kelek, feminist and social scientist
  • Recep Keskin [de], Professor of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
  • Caghan Kizil, neuroscientist and geneticist
  • Esra Küçük [de], social scientist; managing director of Allianz Kulturstiftung (Turkish father and Macedonian mother)
  • Elçin Kürşat-Ahlers [de], sociologist; Professor at Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Enise Lauterbach [de], cardiologist
  • Rasim Marz [de], historian and expert on the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey
  • Murat Mola [de], Professor of Engineering at the Institute for Mechanical Engineering / Materials Science at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences
  • Aylâ Neusel [de], Vice President of the University of Kassel (1986–90)
  • Arif Babür Ordu [de], doctor and former politician
  • Cem Özgönül [de], historian
  • Harun Parlar [de], chemist
  • Asaf Pekdeğer [de], geoscientists and Professor of Hydrogeology at the Free University of Berlin
  • Sanih Savdir [de], dentist; awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit in 2007
  • Ziya Saylan, former president of the European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
  • Yücel Sivri [de], Germanist, ancient historian, writer and translator
  • Uğur Şahin, Professor of Experimental Oncology at the University of Mainz; co-founder of BioNTech which developed the first approved messenger RNA-based vaccine against COVID-19
  • Faruk Şen [de], former director of the Stiftung für Türkeistudien und Integrationsforschung and professor at the University of Essen
  • Sargut Şölçün [de], literary scholar
  • Erman Tanyıldız [de], founder of SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
  • Sabriye Tenberken, tibetologist and co-founder of the organisation Braille Without Borders
  • Semih Tezcan [de], Turkologist
  • Metin Tolan [de], Professor of Experimental Physics at the TU Dotrmund University
  • Sefaattin Tongay, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Arizona State University
  • Ahmet Toprak [de], Professor of Educational Sciences at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Erdal Toprakyaran [de], director of the Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (Universität Tübingen) at the University of Tübingen
  • Özlem Türeci, physician and scientist; Privatdozentin at Johannes Gutenberg University; co-founder of BioNTech which developed the first approved messenger RNA-based vaccine against COVID-19
  • Ali Uçar [de], political scientist
  • Bülent Uçar [de], Professor of Islamic Studies at the Osnabrück University
  • Hacı-Halil Uslucan [de], psychologist; head of the Foundation Center for Turkish Studies and Integration Research
  • Yasemin Utku [de], Professor for Urban Development and Planning Practice at the Technical University of Cologne
  • Recep Ümit Uygun [de], doctor; he received the Order of Merit of Berlin in 1993
  • Altuğ Ünlü [de], Professor of Music Theory at the Robert Schumann Hochschule
  • Bânu Yalkut-Breddermann [de], ethnologist
  • Ali Yarayan [de], Professor and Director of the Research Center for Turkish Law at the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg
  • Ümit Yazıcıoğlu [de], political scientist
  • Karin Yeşilada [de], Germanist and literary critic (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Aysel Yollu-Tok [de], economist and sociologist; director of Harriet Taylor Mill Institute for Economics and Gender Studies at the Berlin School of Economics and Law
  • Gökçe Yurdakul [de], Professor of Sociology; Director for Berlin Institute of Migration Research at the Humboldt University of Berlin (2023–25)
  • Mukadder Seyhan Yücel [de], Professor of German at Trakya University

Arts and literature

Doğan Akhanlı
Hatice Akyün [de]
Fatma Aydemir
İmran Ayata [de]
Birand Bingül [de]
Hasan Cobanli [de]
Ninel Çam [de]
Zehra Çırak
Özlem Özgül Dündar
Osman Engin [de]
Kübra Gümüşay
Lütfiye Güzel [de]
Murat Ham [de]
Yadé Kara
Şermin Langhoff
Souad Mekhennet
Aras Ören
Selim Özdoğan [de]
Aslı Sevindim [de]
Hilal Sezgin [de]
Nedim Şener
Zafer Şenocak
Özlem Topçu [de]
Deniz Yücel
Feridun Zaimoğlu
Zaya (dancer) [de]
  • İhsan Acar [de], author
  • Ayşegül Acevit [de], journalist
  • Can Açıkgöz [de], audio book speaker
  • Fitnat Ahrens [de], writer
  • Melda Akbaş [de], author
  • Selda Akhan [de], theater director
  • Doğan Akhanlı, historical novelist
  • Hatice Aksoy-Woinek [de], author
  • Levent Aktoprak [de], writer, radio and television journalist
  • Hatice Akyün [de], journalist and writer
  • Nevin Aladağ [de], installation and performance artist
  • Iris Alanyalı [de], journalist and writer
  • Hakan Albayrak, journalist and activist
  • Fatma Altinok [de], author and migration policy expert
  • Ayşe Arman, journalist and columnist (Turkish father and a German mother)[13]
  • Ali Arslan [de], writer
  • Zeki Arslan [de], artist and painter
  • Mevlüt Asar [de], writer and poet
  • Ferda Ataman  [de], journalist
  • İlhan Atasoy [de], cabaret artist, satirist and performing artist
  • Fatma Aydemir, author and journalist
  • İmran Ayata  [de], author and campaigner; co-founder of Kanak Attak
  • Attila Murat Aydın [de], graffiti artist, breakdancer, and beatboxer
  • Semiramis Aydınlık [de], cartoonist and satirist
  • Esmahan Aykol, novelist (Turkish Macedonian/Turkish Bulgarian father and Turkish mother)
  • Alparslan Babaoglu-Marx [de], cabaret artist, book author, and integration activist
  • Melek Baklan [de], author and social worker
  • Vehbi Bardakçı [de], author
  • Deniz Baspınar [de], journalist and author
  • Özdemir Başargan [de], writer
  • Fakir Baykurt, author and trade unionist
  • Murad Bayraktar [de], journalist and editor
  • Habib Bektaş, writer
  • Muammer Bilge [de], writer
  • Şakir Bilgin, writer
  • Birand Bingül [de], journalist
  • Hayati Boyacıoğlu [de], cartoonist, playwright and journalist
  • Fuat Bultan [de], journalist and radio presenter
  • Metin Buz [de], author
  • İnci Bürhaniye, co-founder of Binooki Verlag[14]
  • Canan Büyrü [de], journalist
  • Ayhan Can [de], poet
  • Canan and Handan Can [de], early authors on the "Literature of Migrants" in Germany
  • Mustafa Cebe [de], children's book author
  • Selma Ceylan [de], author
  • Emell Gök Che [de], interior designer
  • Hasan Cobanli [de], journalist, author and pilot
  • Nevfel Cumart, writer, speaker, literary translator and journalist
  • Sabri Çakır, poet
  • Ninel Çam [de], choreographer and interdisciplinary performance artist
  • Oğuzhan Çelik [de], journalist
  • Aygen-Sibel Çelik [de], author of children's and youth literature
  • Zehra Çırak, poet
  • Ismail Çoban [de], painter and graphic artist
  • Günfer Çölgeçen [de], writer and theatre actress
  • Yıldırım Dağyeli [de], publisher and literary translator; founder of the Dağyeli Verlag publishing house
  • Güney Dal, writer
  • Timuçin Davras [de], poet
  • Gülten Dayıoğlu [de], author of children's and youth literature
  • Adil Demirci, journalist
  • Fatih Demireli [de], journalist
  • Ahmet Demirhan [de], architect
  • Tunç Denizer [de], theater director, cabaret artist, and author
  • Birol Denizeri [de], author
  • Süleyman Deveci [de], journalist and author
  • Fikret Doğan [de], journalist, translator and author
  • Hülya Doğan-Netenjakob [de], theater director
  • Cengiz Doğu, poet and activist
  • Betül Durmaz [de], author
  • Özlem Özgül Dündar, author and translator
  • Tarek Dzinaj [de], writer and doctor
  • Ihsan Ece [de], painter and object artist
  • Işıl Eğrikavuk, artist
  • Gültekin Emre [de], poet and translator from Russian into Turkish
  • Hülya Engin [de], literary translator
  • Osman Engin [de], satirist
  • Erdoğan Ercivan [de], writer
  • Ismail Erel [de], journalist
  • Özgen Ergin [de], author and social worker
  • İsmet Ergün, painter and stage designer
  • Aslı Erdoğan, writer and author
  • Nurkan Erpulat [de], theater director and author
  • Aysun Ertan [de], author and journalist
  • Semra Ertan, writer and activist
  • Aytaç Eryılmaz [de], author; managing board member of the Documentation Center and Museum about Migration in Germany
  • Ömer Erzeren [de], author and journalist
  • Metin Fakıoğlu [de], journalist and poet
  • Yücel Feyzioğlu [de], children's book author
  • Mehmet Fıstık [de], mime artist, director and theater teacher
  • Bahattin Gemici [de], writer
  • Iskender Gider [de], artist
  • Özlem Gezer [de], journalist
  • Dilaver Gök [de], co-founder and board member of the à la turca theater
  • Cem Gülay [de], author
  • Ali Duran Gülçiçek [de], author
  • Mehmet Güler [de], painter
  • Suzan Gülfirat [de], journalist and publicist
  • Kübra Gümüşay, journalist, blogger, and activist
  • Cihangir Gümüştürkmen [de], painter, sculptor, writer, and comedian
  • Ümit Güney [de], editor and literary translator; co-founder of Buntbuch-Verlag publishing house
  • Baha Güngör [de], journalist; former head of the Turkish-language editorial team at Deutsche Welle
  • Dilek Güngör [de], journalist
  • Metin Gür [de], journalist, publicist, and non-fiction author
  • Tatjana Gürbaca, opera director (Turkish father and Italian mother)[15]
  • Lütfiye Güzel [de], author and poet
  • Murat Ham [de], journalist
  • Mete İzgi [de], writer and playwright
  • Osman Kalin, built the Baumhaus an der Mauer in Berlin
  • Celal Kandemiroglu, graphic artist
  • Yadé Kara, writer
  • Murat Karaaslan [de], writer
  • Immo Karaman [de], theater director
  • Suzan Emine Kaube, writer, painter and pedagogue
  • Nazmi Kavasoğlu [de], writer and publicist
  • Ibrahim Kaya [de], writer
  • Murat Kaya, comics author
  • Nihat Kesen [de], comic artist
  • Sanem Kleff [de], non-fiction author
  • Ali Köken [de], puppeteer; master of Karagöz and Hacivat
  • Azade Köker [de], sculptor and painter
  • Kemal Kurt, author, translator and photographer (Turkish Bulgarian origin)[8]
  • Şeyda Kurt
  • Gülbahar Kültür [de], writer
  • Nuray Lale, writer
  • Şermin Langhoff, director of the Maxim Gorki Theater[16]
  • Betül Licht [de], author and alternative practitioner in psychotherapy
  • Souad Mekhennet, journalist (Turkish mother and Moroccan father)
  • Kadir Memiş [de], dancer and choreographer
  • Can Merey [de], journalist (Turkish father and a German mother)
  • Avni Odabaşı [de], cartoonist
  • Deniz Ohde [de], writer
  • Muhsin Omurca [de], cartoonist and founder of Kabarett Knobi-Bonbon
  • Aras Ören, writer
  • Celal Özcan [de], journalist and author
  • Emine Sevgi Özdamar, dramatist and playwright
  • A. Kadir Özdemir [de], writer
  • Hasan Özdemir (poet) [de], poet
  • Selim Özdoğan [de], writer
  • Tuncay Özer [de], poet and literary translator
  • Kayhan Özgenç [de], journalist and deputy editor-in-chief of Business Insider
  • Gönül Özgül [de], author
  • Hülya Özkan [de], crime writer
  • Sami Özkara [de], novelist and non-fiction writer
  • Ertuğrul Özkök, journalist
  • Acem Özler [de], author and translator
  • Serpil Pak [de], cabaret artist
  • Kerim Pamuk [de], writer and cabaret artist
  • Sedat Pamuk [de], cabaret artist
  • Yüksel Pazarkaya, writer and translator
  • Akif Pirinçci, writer
  • Filiz Penzkofer [de], author, journalist, and theater pedagogue
  • Serap Riedel [de], painter
  • Alpan Sagsöz [de], novelist
  • Şener Saltürk [de], author
  • Zadiel Sasmaz [de], dancer
  • Fethi Savaşçı [de], writer
  • Saliha Scheinhardt, writer
  • Tülay Sözbir-Seidel [de],
  • Deniz Selek [de], writer
  • Evrim Sen [de], author
  • Gök Senin [de], journalist and author
  • Tamer Serbay [de], visual artist
  • Aslı Sevindim [de], journalist, radio presenter and writer
  • Mehmet Ilhami Sezen [de], artist and author
  • Murad Sezer, photographer
  • Hilal Sezgin [de], writer, publicist and journalist (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Zuhal Soyhan [de], journalist
  • Necmi Sönmez, curator, art critic and writer
  • Nedim Sönmez [de], artist
  • Tekin Sönmez [de], writer and publicist
  • Asli Sungu, performance artist and painter
  • Sefa İnci Suvak [de], journalist, author, and editor
  • Necati Şahin [de], theater director; founder of Arkadaş Theater
  • Cemil Şahinöz [de], editor-in-chief of the magazine "Ayasofya"
  • Nedim Şener, writer and journalist
  • Zafer Şenocak, writer, translator, and poet
  • Semiya Şimşek [de], author; winner of the Olympe-de-Gouges-Preis in 2013
  • Leyla Taşdelen [de], poet
  • Nilgün Taşman [de], writer and theater director
  • Kamil Taylan [de], journalist and crime writer
  • Mehmet Tekerek [de], author
  • Sibel Susann Teoman [de], writer (Turkish mother and German father)
  • Ergün Tepecik [de], writer, theater director and satirist
  • Arzu Toker, writer, journalist, publicist and translator
  • Dergin Tokmak [de], dancer and acrobat
  • Canan Topçu, writer
  • Özlem Topçu [de], journalist
  • Bülent Tulay [de]
  • Enver Tuncer [de], journalist and radio presenter
  • Murat Türemiş [de], photojournalist
  • Özgür Uludağ [de], journalist
  • Şadi Üçüncü, writer
  • Meray Ülgen [de], theater director and cartoonist
  • Hüdai Ülker, writer (Turkish Macedonian origin)[8]
  • Halit Ünal [de], writer
  • Mehmet Ünal [de], journalist and photographer
  • Selma Wels, co-founder of Binooki Verlag[14]
  • Atilla Yakut [de], non-fiction author
  • Kemal Yalçın [de], writer
  • Nevzat Yalçın [de], writer (Turkish Cypriot origin)
  • Murat Yeginer [de], theatre actor and theatre director
  • Vehbi Can Yesil [de], artistic performer and dancer
  • Karin Yeşilada [de], literary critic
  • Erol Yıldırım [de], writer
  • Reyhan Yıldırım [de], comic artist and comic author
  • Bahar Yilmaz, author
  • Ethem Yilmaz [de], author, interpreter, editor and publisher
  • Ali Yumuşak [de], journalist and book author
  • Telat Yurtsever [de], theater director
  • Deniz Yücel, journalist and publisher
  • Feridun Zaimoğlu, author and visual artist
  • Dilek Zaptçıoğlu [de], journalist
  • Zaya (dancer) [de], dancer and choreographer

"Booty Turks" (Beutetürken) and descendants

Götz Aly
Ludwig Maximilian Mehmet von Königstreu [de]
Maria Aurora von Spiegel
Frederick Augustus Rutowsky
  • Leopold Freiherr von Zungaberg, (1641–1706), Baron[17]
  • Carl Osman (1655–1735), Rügland
  • Friedrich Aly [de] (Haydar Ali) (c. 1664/74 - 1716), Ottoman soldier and kammertürke ("chamber Turk") at the court of Elector Frederick I of Prussia[1][2][18]
    • Descendants:
    • Gottfried Friedrich Aly [de] (1852–1913), classical philologist[18]
    • Götz Haydar Aly, journalist, historian and political scientist (1947–present)[1][18]
    • Heinrich Tscharmann [de] (1859–1932), architect[18]
  • Joseph Borgk (Yusuf), converted to Christianity and became a Lutheran pastor in a village near Windsheim[19]
  • Augusta Marianna Cölestine Fatme (Fatma) (1664–1755), daughter of an Ottoman pasha; married to Count Friedrich Magnus zu Castell-Remlingen[19]
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Hassan, kammertürke ("chamber Turk") of Sophia Charlotte of Hanover[2]
  • Hammet and Hasan [de], captured off Vienna in 1683 and served as "Chamber Turks" for Sophia of Hanover; their graves are the oldest surviving Islamic tombs in Germany dating to 1691
  • Sophia Wilhelmina Kayserin [de] (born Rabi or Rabia) (1677–1735), spent her life at the Electoral Saxon court and then as a Protestant pastor's wife[20]
  • Ludwig Maximilian Mehmet von Königstreu [de] (ca.1660-1726), Ottoman Turk captured in 1685 and converted to Christianity[4]
    • descendants:
    • Johann Ludewig Mehmet von Königstreu (1709–1775), his grave slab is preserved on the north wall of the tower of St. Petri in Döhren-Wülfel[4]
    • Georg Ludwig Mehmet von Königstreu, founded the Freemason Lodge Friedrich; served as a captain in the Guard Grenadier Corps
    • Sophie Caroline Mehmet von Königstreu, married to Georg August von Wangenheim
    • Georg Philipp Wilhelm von Wangenheim [de] (1735–1799), lieutenant general of the Electorate of Hanover[4]
  • Ernst August Mustafa (1675–1738), valet of Elector Georg Ludwig[21]
  • Sadok Seli Soltan [de] (Mehmet Sadık Selim Sultan) (ca.1270-1328), believed to be the first documented Turkish German; he was baptized Christian in 1305[22]
  • Maria Aurora von Spiegel (Fatima Kariman) (born before 1685; died after 1725), Ottoman Turkish mistress of Augustus II the Strong[3]
  • Johann Ernst Nicolauß Strauss (Mehmet Sadullah Pascha), opened one of the first coffee houses in Germany in 1697 in Würzburg; he was baptized on June 24, 1695[32]


Ibrahim Evsan [de]
Adil Kaya
  • Ali Akbaş [de], entrepreneur; owner of Kanal Avrupa
  • Baklan (family), founders of the Baktat food manufacturing company
  • Ozan Capan [de], entrepreneur and former athlete
  • Ibrahim Evsan [de], entrepreneur; co-founder of Sevenload
  • Hüseyin Gelis, CEO of Siemens Turkey
  • Mehmet Göker [de], entrepreneur; founder of MEG AG
  • Johannes Sevket Gözalan [de], founder and director of European Games Group AG and Gründer der Playata GmbH; chairman of Computec Media (2005–09)
  • Ahmet Güler [de], entrepreneur
  • Murat Günak, head of the Volkswagen design department (2004–07)
  • Remzi Kaplan [de], entrepreneur
  • Adil Kaya, CEO of SIGOS
  • Hasan Kivran [de], entrepreneur; president and main partner of Türkgücü München
  • Kadir Nurman, restaurateur
  • Tijen Onaran [de], entrepreneur; CEO of "Global Digital Women"
  • Nina Öger [de], entrepreneur
  • Kemal Şahin, entrepreneur and a textile tycoon; founder of Şahinler Holding
  • Nihat Sorgeç [de], entrepreneur
  • Erman Tanyıldız [de], entrepreneur; founder of the SRH Hochschule Berlin
  • Saygın Yalçın, entrepreneur
  • Sevda Doğan, entrepreneur
  • Avni Yerli, co-founder of Crytek
  • Cevat Yerli, co-founder of Crytek
  • Faruk Yerli, co-founder of Crytek
  • Oğuz Yılmaz (entrepreneur) [de], entrepreneur

Cinema and television

Numan Acar
Fatih Akin
Thomas Arslan
Almila Bagriacik
Aslı Bayram
Ava Celik [de]
Bülent Ceylan
İlker Çatak
Renan Demirkan
Ercan Durmaz
Nazan Eckes
Fahriye Evcen
Jasmin Gerat
Lilli Hollunder
Lilay Huser
Gülcan Kamps
Sibel Kekilli
Nursel Köse
Adnan Maral
Fatma Mittler-Solak [de]
Denis Moschitto
Özgür Özata
Biene Pilavci [de]
Taner Sahintürk [de]
Erol Sander
Tim Seyfi
Bülent Sharif [de]
Aylin Tezel
Leyla Lydia Tuğutlu
Funda Vanroy
Fahri Yardım
Özgür Yıldırım
  • Numan Acar, actor and film producer
  • Emine Akbaba [de], documentary filmmaker
  • Cem Akin [de], actor
  • Fatih Akin, film director, screenwriter and producer
  • Bülent Akinci, director and script writer
  • Ben Akkaya [de], actor
  • Sinan Akkuş, director, writer and actor
  • Ozan Aksu [de], actor
  • Züli Aladağ, film director, film producer, and screenwriter (Turkish and Kurdish descent)[33]
  • Buket Alakuş [de], film director
  • Sinan Albayrak, actor
  • Erden Alkan, actor
  • Can Arduc [de], actor and model
  • Erkan Arıkan [de], TV presenter
  • Jale Arıkan, film and television actress
  • Tamer Arslan [de], actor
  • Thomas Arslan, film director
  • Yılmaz Arslan, film director
  • Aslan Aslan [de], actor
  • Öznur Asrav [de], model for Playboy
  • Django Asül, actor and comedian
  • Erdoğan Atalay, actor
  • Pinar Atalay, television and radio presenter
  • Mehmet Ateşçi [de], actor
  • Akif Aydin [de], actor
  • Hatice Ayten [de], documentary director
  • Aysun Bademsoy [de], film director and screenwriter
  • Sabahat Bademsoy [de], actress
  • Tayfun Bademsoy, actor
  • Almila Bagriacik, actress
  • Menderes Bağcı [de], winner of Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus! (season 10)
  • İlknur Bahadır [de], actress
  • Tevfik Başer, film director and screenwriter
  • İdil Baydar [de], stand-up-comedian
  • Tayfun Baydar [de], actor
  • Sertan Baykara, broadcast journalist and presenter
  • Tonguç Baykurt [de], director and screenwriter
  • Aslı Bayram, actress and winner of Miss Germany (2005)
  • Arzu Bazman [de], actress and model
  • Serap Berrakkarasu [de], documentary filmmaker
  • Funda Bostanlik [de], actress
  • Sabia Boulahrouz [de], dancer and Playboy model
  • Yasin Boynuince [de], actor
  • İlknur Boyraz [de], actress
  • Zeynep Bozbay [de], actress
  • Mehmet Akif Büyükatalay [de], film director and screenwriter
  • Olgu Caglar [de], actor
  • Kerem Can [de], actor
  • Yasmin Canli [de], actress
  • Özgür Cebe [de], actor (Turkish, Kurdish, and Armenian origin)[34]
  • Ava Celik [de], actress
  • Aleksan Cetinkaya [de], actor
  • Yasemin Cetinkaya [de], actress (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Savaş Ceviz [de], director, screenwriter and film producer
  • Vildan Cirpan [de], actress
  • Özcan Coşar [de], comedian
  • Yunus Cumartpay [de], actor
  • Ebru Cündübeyoğlu [tr], actress
  • Bülent Ceylan, comedian (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Tan Çağlar [de], comedian, actor, presenter and model
  • Nevrez Calışkan [de], entertainer
  • İlker Çatak, film maker
  • Serkan Çayoğlu, actor
  • Fırat Çelik, actor
  • Fatih Çevikkollu [de], actor
  • Bora Dağtekin, screenwriter (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Ceren Dal [de], actress
  • Sophie Dal [de], actress
  • Açalya Samyeli Danoğlu [tr], winner of Miss Turkey (2012)
  • Baki Davrak, actor
  • Neshe Demir [de], actress and producer
  • Yasin Demirel [de], director and screenwriter
  • Renan Demirkan, actress
  • Zejhun Demirov [de], actor (Turkish Macedonian origin)
  • İsmail Deniz [de], actor
  • Bilhan Derin [de], director
  • Seyhan Derin [de], film maker
  • Murat Dikenci [de], actor
  • Serdar Dogan [de], filmmaker
  • Serhat Doğan [de], comedian
  • Turgay Doğan [de], actor
  • Mustafa Dok [de], director and film producer
  • Şebnem Dönmez, actress, TV host, and former model
  • Şükriye Dönmez [de], actress
  • Ercan Durmaz, actor
  • Serkan Durmus [de], actor
  • Hülya Duyar, actress
  • Senay Duzcu, comedian
  • Özlem Düvencioğlu [de], actress and film producer
  • Nazan Eckes, TV presenter
  • Eray Eğilmez [de], actor
  • Uğur Ekeroğlu [de], actor
  • Şiir Eloğlu, actress
  • Erhan Emre, actor
  • Gizem Emre [de], actress
  • Aybi Era [de], actress
  • Selma Ergeç, actress
  • Emire Erhan-Neubauer [de], actress
  • Pinar Erincin [de], actress
  • Vedat Erincin, actor
  • Arzu Ermen [de], actress
  • Eyüp Ertan [de], actor
  • Orkun Ertener [de], screenwriter; created the KDD – Kriminaldauerdienst television series
  • Sahin Eryilmaz [de], actor
  • Aylin Esener [de], actress
  • Fahriye Evcen, actress
  • Özay Fecht, actress
  • Nur Fettahoğlu, actress
  • Derya Flechtner [de], voice actress
  • Verena S. Freytag [de], director and screenwriter (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Tuncay Gary [de], actor
  • Jasmin Gerat, actress (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Sadjah Gezza [de], silent film actress and dancer
  • Servet Ahmet Golbol [de], film director and screenwriter
  • Ayla Gottschlich [de], film director and screenwriter (Turkish mother and German father)
  • Demir Gökgöl, actor
  • Demet Gül, actress
  • Halil Gülbeyaz [de], television journalist, documentary filmmaker and writer
  • Erkan Gündüz [de], actor, stuntman and director
  • Orhan Güner [de], actor
  • Ozan Güven, actor (Turkish Bulgarian origin)[5]
  • Ahmet Olgun Han [de], actor
  • Lilli Hollunder, actress (Turkish mother and German father)
  • Lilay Huser, actress
  • Esra Inal [de], actress
  • Kurt Ipekkaya [de], actor
  • Volkan Isbert [de], actor
  • Yasin Islek, actor
  • Timur Işık [de], actor (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Selman Iyi [de], actor
  • Arman İnci, actor
  • Çetin İpekkaya [de], actor
  • Galip İyitanır [de], documentary film director and film editor
  • Aylin Kabasakal [tr], actress
  • İlker Kaleli, actor
  • Gülcan Kamps, TV presenter
  • Meltem Kaptan, actress and comedian
  • Ercan Karaçaylı [de], actor and director
  • Özgür Karadeniz [de], actor
  • Nefise Karatay, actress, TV presenter, and model
  • Lale Karci, actress and model
  • Cüneyt Kaya [de], director, screenwriter and film producer
  • Serkan Kaya [de], actor
  • Aykut Kayacık, actor
  • Sibel Kekilli, actress
  • Berrin Keklikler, winner of Miss Universe Turkey 2013
  • Serdar Keskin [de], actor and filmmaker
  • Döndü Kılıç [de], director
  • Canan Kir [de], actress
  • Adnan G. Köse [de], director, screenwriter, actor, playwright and producer
  • Nursel Köse, actress
  • Asuman Krause, actress, TV presenter, and model (Turkish mother and German father)
  • Tunçay Kulaoğlu [de], filmmaker, journalist and translator
  • Bülent Kullukcu [de], director
  • Mehmet Kurtuluş, actor
  • Tekin Kurtuluş, actor
  • Hussi Kutlucan [de], filmmaker and actor
  • Mustafa Kuzu (actor) [de], actor
  • Devrim Lingnau, actress (Turkish father and a German mother)
  • Kader Loth (actress) [de], reality show actress
  • Yasemin Mansoor [de], winner of Miss Germany (1996) (Turkish Iraqi origin)[11]
  • Can Mansuroglu [de], filmmaker, journalist and presenter (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Adnan Maral, actor
  • Dilek Mayatürk-Yücel [de], documentary film producer
  • Maxim Mehmet, actor
  • Sema Meray, actress
  • Erdal Merdan, actor
  • Hasan Ali Mete [de], actor
  • Hakan Savaş Mican, filmmaker and playwright
  • Fatma Mittler-Solak [de], television presenter
  • Esin Moralıoğlu [tr], actress and model
  • Denis Moschitto, actor (Turkish mother and Italian father)
  • Gandi Mukli, actor (Turkish Syrian origin)
  • Gökhan Mumcu [tr], actor
  • Lale Nalbant [de], film director
  • Mirza Odabaşı [de], film director
  • Baran bo Odar, film and television director and screenwriter (Turkish mother and Russian father)
  • Orhan Okan [de], actor
  • Osman Okkan [de], film maker
  • Kenan Ormanlar [de], actor and film producer (Turkish Macedonian origin)
  • Eren Önsöz [de], filmmaker
  • Özgür Özata, actor
  • Volkan Özcan [de], actor
  • Ercan Özçelik, actor
  • Oktay Özdemir, actor
  • Olcay Özdemir [de], TV presenter
  • Olgun Özdemir [tr], director and screenwriter
  • Gülsel Özkan, film director and screenwriter
  • Rona Özkan [de], actress
  • Okan Patirer, actor
  • Meral Perin, actress
  • Biene Pilavci [de], filmmaker and actress
  • Haluk Piyes, actor
  • Ayşe Polat, script writer and film director (Turkish and Kurdish origin)[35]
  • Sevda Polat [de], actress
  • Sema Poyraz [de], actress
  • Hürdem Riethmüller [de], actress
  • Ayse Romey, actress
  • Engin Sahin [de], actor
  • Seren Sahin [de], film producer and actor
  • Varol Sahin [de], actor
  • Taner Sahintürk [de], actor
  • Sinem Sakaoglu [de], puppet cartoon director (Turkish and American origin)
  • Ayhan Salar [de], film director
  • Erol Sander, actor
  • Seran Sargur [de], broadcasting manager of Kanal Avrupa
  • Özlem Sarıkaya [de], television journalist and presenter
  • Deniz Sarsilmaz [de], actor
  • Selçuk Sazak [de], actor
  • Jennifer Şebnem Schaefer, actress, TV presenter, and model (Turkish mother and German father)
  • Alev Seker [de], news anchor and television presenter
  • Tolga Seker [de], actor
  • Nezâ Selbuz, actress
  • Hakan Serbes [de], pornographic actor
  • Murat Seven [de], actor
  • Tim Seyfi, actor
  • Nuri Sezer [de], actor
  • Bülent Sharif [de], actor and model
  • Ünal Silver [de], actor
  • Ömer Simsek [de], actor
  • Yeliz Simsek [de], actress
  • Nadir Sisman [de], actor
  • Candan Six-Sasmaz [de], TV writer and journalist
  • Serdar Somuncu [de], comedian
  • Fatma Souad [de], actress and LGBT activist
  • Sascha Laura Soydan [de], actress
  • Deniz Sözbir [de], film maker (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Kadir Sözen [de], film maker
  • Hilmi Sözer, actor
  • İsmail Şahin [de], actor
  • Sıla Şahin, actress
  • Suzan Şekerci [de], film maker
  • Türkiz Talay, actress
  • Pinar Tanrikolu [de], television presenter
  • Ahmet Taş [de], filmmaker
  • Can Taylanlar [de], actor (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Serkan Temel [de], actor
  • Aylin Tezel, actress and dancer
  • Tamer Tıraşoğlu [de], actor
  • Murat Topal [de], comedian (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Beren Tuna [de], actress
  • Süleyman-Mikail Tufan [de], actor
  • Leyla Lydia Tuğutlu, actress, model, and winner of Miss Turkey (2008) (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Su Turhan [de], director and screenwriter
  • Nicolas Fethi Türksever [de], actor
  • Cem Sultan Ungan [de], actor
  • Tito Uysal [de], actor
  • Meryem Uzerli, actress (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Eralp Uzun [de], actor
  • Timur Ülker [de], actor
  • Murat Ünal [de], film director, screenwriter, film producer, editor and actor
  • Tuna Ünal [de], actor
  • Birol Ünel, actor
  • İdil Üner, actress
  • Süheyla Ünlü [de], actress
  • Selma Üsük [de], TV and radio presenter
  • Funda Vanroy, TV presenter and actress
  • Marcus Vetter, documentary filmmaker (Turkish father and German mother)[36]
  • Kaya Yanar, comedian
  • Lale Yanık [de], actress
  • Mennan Yapo, director, screenwriter, producer and actor
  • Osan Yaran [de], comedian
  • Fahri Yardım, actor
  • Erol Yesilkaya, screenwriter
  • Özgür Yıldırım, film director
  • Murat Yılmaz [de], actor
  • Mehmet Yilmaz (actor) [de], actor
  • Burak Yiğit [de], actor
  • Tamer Yiğit (actor, 1974) [de], actor
  • Mürtüz Yolcu, actor
  • Ismail Zagros [de], actor
  • Haydar Zorlu, actor


  • Tanju Babacan [tr], fashion designer
  • Yüksel D. [de], fashion designer


Sally Özcan [de]
  • Marco Akuzun [de], Michelin star chef (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Mehmet Aygün [de], restaurateur
  • Ali Güngörmüşn [de], Michelin star chef
  • Attila Hildmann, celebrity chef
  • Ali Riza Kaya [de], restaurateur and author of cookbooks on Turkish cuisine
  • Sally Özcan [de], runs Germany's most successful YouTube channel on cooking and baking
  • Edip Sigl [de], celebrity chef


Mehmet Daimagüler [de]
  • Ahmet Alagün [de], the first Berliner with Turkish roots to serve as a judge at the Constitutional Court of the State of Berlin
  • Tuğrul Ansay [de], legal scholar
  • Aysun Cenk [de], lawyer
  • Mehmet Daimagüler [de], lawyer and politician
  • Kazim Görgülü [de], father who fought for the right of access to his son after the German mother unilaterally released him for adoption after giving birth without Görgülü's knowledge; the case reached the European Court of Human Rights
  • Derman Kanal [de], lawyer and entrepreneur
  • Murat Kayman [de], lawyer and legal advisor to the DITIB Federal Association (2014–17)
  • Müjgan Perçin [de], lawyer and federal manager of the German Fire Brigade Association
  • Sinan Selen, lawyer; Vice President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (2019–present)
  • Nurhan Soykan [de], lawyer and general secretary of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (ZMD)
  • Erkut Sogut, lawyer and sports agent


  • Beutetürken [de], Ottoman prisoners of war
  • Karl Boy-Ed, naval attaché to the German embassy in Washington during World War I (Turkish father and German mother)[37][38]
  • Frederick Augustus Rutowsky, Saxon Field Marshal (Ottoman Turkish mother and Polish father)


Meltem Acikgöz [de]
Aylin Aslım
Aynur Aydın
Volkan Baydar [de]
Summer Cem
Chefket [de]
Elif Demirezer
Eko Fresh
Alpa Gun
Martin Kesici
Bahar Kizil
Alev Lenz
DJ Quicksilver
Kool Savas
Reyhan Şahin
Mousse T.
  • Aziza A., rapper
  • Meltem Acikgöz [de], DSDS Finalist 2014
  • Aydo Abay, singer and songwriter
  • Sermet Agartan [de], music producer, composer, and songwriter
  • Alper Ağa [tr], rapper
  • Kazim Akboga [de], singer, songwriter, composer, and DJ
  • Tansel Akzeybek, operatic tenor
  • Ali471 [de], rapper
  • Ano (rapper) [de], rapper
  • Apache 207, rapper
  • Bülent Aris [de], music producer
  • C Arma [de], R&B singer
  • Ali N. Askin [de], composer, arranger, and music producer
  • Aylin Aslım, singer and songwriter
  • Ateed, singer (Turkish Western Thracian mother and Iranian father)
  • Automatikk [de], rap duo
  • Aynur Aydın, singer and songwriter
  • Gülhan Aydın [tr], rock and electronic musician
  • Ayliva [de; fr; tr], musician
  • Azra [de], rapper
  • Boe B [tr], rapper
  • Bacapon [de], rapper
  • Emine Bahar [de], musician (Turkish mother and a Kurdish father)
  • Volkan Baydar [de], singer and composer
  • KD Beatz [de], hip-hop producer (Turkish and Algerian origin)
  • Bernd Begemann, singer, guitarist and entertainer (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Bektas [de], rapper
  • BRKN [de] (Turkish, Armenian and Kurdish origin)
  • Capo, rapper (Turkish mother and Kurdish father)
  • Caput [de], rapper
  • Selcuk Cara [de], opera singer
  • Cartel, rap group
  • Summer Cem, rapper
  • Özlem Cetin [de], singer and songwriter
  • Chefket [de], rapper and singer
  • Aylin Coşkun [tr], singer
  • Murat Coşkun [de], musicologist
  • Credibil [de], rapper
  • Işın Çakmakcıoğlu, violinist and a member of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (Turkish German origin)[39]
  • Kazım Çalışgan, musician; part of the Çalışgan & Heuser duo
  • Burak Çebi [de], pianist
  • Esra Dalfidan, jazz singer
  • Elif Demirezer, pop singer
  • Atiye Deniz, singer
  • Derdiyoklar [de], folk group
  • Parah Dice, DJ and record producer
  • Kemal Dinç, folk artist
  • Doğuş (singer) [tr], singer
  • Güler Duman, singer, songwriter, and composer
  • Erci E, rapper
  • Akın Eldes, guitarist
  • Emre Elivar, concert pianist
  • Ercandize, rapper
  • Erci E, musician, producer and radio host
  • Simone Eriksrud, musician, singer and composer (Turkish father and a German mother)
  • Abdullah Eryilmaz [de], songwriter and bookseller
  • Len Faki, DJ and music producer
  • Eko Fresh, rapper (Turkish father and Kurdish mother)
  • Islamic Force, Oriental hip hop group
  • DJ Mahmut & Murat G. [de], hip-hop duo
  • G-Hot [de], rapper
  • Laia Genc [de], jazz pianist (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Duygu Goenel [de], DSDS Finalist 2017
  • Mert Gökmen [de], R&B singer
  • Gringo (rapper) [de], rapper
  • Alpa Gun, rapper
  • Erkan Gümüşsuyu [de], singer
  • Betin Güneş [de], composer, conductor and pianist of classical music
  • Murat Güngör [de], music producer
  • Ali Güven (musician) [tr], musician
  • Haftbefehl, rapper (Turkish mother and Kurdish father)
  • Killa Hakan, rapper
  • Hava, rapper (Turkish father and Bosnian mother)
  • Nedim Hazar [de], musician and composer
  • Bass Sultan Hengzt [de], rapper (Turkish mother and Italian father)
  • Turgay Hilmi, French horn player (Turkish Cypriot origin)[9]
  • Isar (rapper) [de], rapper
  • İpek İpekçioğlu [de], DJ
  • Jazn [de], rapper
  • Jiggo [de], rapper (Turkish father and Spanish mother)
  • Hasan.K [de], rapper
  • Sady K [de], singer
  • Gültekin Kaan, musician and singer
  • Kemelion [de], musician and singer-songwriter
  • Hülya Kandemir [de], songwriter and folk singer
  • Kader Kesek [de], musician, songwriter, lyricist, director and music producer
  • Karakan [de; tr], rap group
  • Timur Karakuş, lead singer of the rock band Schöngeist
  • Martin Kesici, singer and songwriter (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Asli Kilic [de], pianist
  • Bahar Kizil, singer
  • Kobra (Band) [de], rock group
  • Deniz Koyu, disc jockey and electronic dance music producer
  • Kex Kuhl [de], rapper
  • Alev Lenz, record producer, singer/songwriter and composer (Turkish mother and German father)
  • Limanja [de], music band
  • Lot (musician) [de], musician
  • Maestro (musician) [de], rapper
  • Microphone Mafia [de], rap group (Turkish and Italian members)
  • Massaka, rapper
  • Mel (musician) [de], singer, rapper and songwriter
  • Melendiz (musician) [de], musician
  • Mero, rapper
  • Sero El Mero [de], rapper
  • Mert [de], rapper
  • Metrickz [de], rapper (Turkish father and German mother)
  • MOK, rapper
  • Sema Moritz [de], singer
  • Muhabbet, singer
  • Ozan Musluoğlu, member of Athena
  • Engin Nurşani, folk musician
  • Omero (rapper) [de], rapper and songwriter
  • Can Oral [de], DJ (Turkish father and a Finnish mother)
  • Cem Oral, musician (Turkish father and Finnish mother)
  • Nilüfer Örer, pop singer
  • Özlem Özdil [de], singer and saz player
  • Engin Öztürk, musician
  • Hande Özyürek,
  • Da Crime Posse, Oriental hip-hop group
  • Playboy 51 [de], singer and rapper
  • Prodycem [de], producer and rapper
  • DJ Quicksilver, DJ and music producer
  • Remoe [de], singer, rapper, songwriter and producer
  • Rafet el Roman, singer[40]
  • Freddy Sahin-Scholl, singer and composer (Turkish-German mother)
  • DJ Sakin, trance music producer
  • Kool Savas, (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Samira Saygili [de], singer and composer
  • Sevtap Sonu [tr], folk musician
  • Benyamin Sönmez, classical cellist
  • Pamela Spence, singer (Turkish mother and American father)
  • Muhammed Suiçmez, member of Necrophagist
  • Defne Şahin [de], jazz musician
  • Reyhan Şahin, rapper, linguist and former radio host
  • Sürpriz, pop group; represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 1999
  • Mousse T., DJ and record producer
  • Volkan T. [de], rapper, hip-hop musician and producer
  • Tachiles [de], singer, rapper, and hip-hop musician
  • Rüya Taner, pianist (Turkish Cypriot origin)[10]
  • Grup Tekkan [de], band
  • Tarkan Tevetoğlu, singer and songwriter
  • Sultan Tunc [de], rapper
  • Şah Turna [tr], folk poet
  • DJ Tuneruno [de], music producer and DJ
  • Metin Türköz [de], songwriter
  • Ufo361, rapper
  • Tamer Ülker [de], former member of Jamatami; pop singer, dancer, choreographer and model
  • Grup Ünlü [de], rock band
  • Kenan Williams [de], pop singer
  • Ufuk Yıldırım [tr], pop singer
  • İsmail YK, pop singer
  • Meriç Yurdatapan, jazz singer
  • Ünal Yüksel [de], music producer and managing director of the music label Plak Music
  • Orhan Osman, musician and bouzouki artist (Western Thrace Turk origin)


Turgut Altuğ [de]
Nezahat Baradari
Danyal Bayaz
Ekin Deligöz
Ismail Ertug
Cemile Giousouf
Ates Gürpinar
Metin Hakverdi
Cansel Kiziltepe
Belit Onay
Mahmut Özdemir.
Aygül Özkan
Aydan Özoğuz
Ismail Tipi
Gülistan Yüksel
  • Kazım Abacı [de], member of the SPD[41]
  • Mehmet Sirri Acar [de], member of the SPD
  • Lale Akgün, member of the SPD[42][43]
  • Turgut Altuğ [de], member of the Greens[44][45]
  • Celal Altun [de], former General Secretary of the Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland[46][47]
  • Selin Arikoglu, member of the Greens
  • Bülent Arslan [de], member of the CDU[48][49]
  • Ayse Asar, member of the Greens[50][51]
  • Canan Atilgan [de], political scientist; works for the CDU's Konrad Adenauer Foundation
  • Nezahat Baradari, member of the SPD[52][53]
  • Volkan Baran [de], member of the SPD[54]
  • Ali Baş [de], member of the Greens[55][56]
  • Danyal Bayaz, member of the Greens (Turkish father and German mother)[57][58]
  • İkbal Berber [de], member of the SPD[59]
  • Cem Berk [de], member of the SPD[60]
  • Yaşar Bilgin, member of the CDU; doctor[61]
  • Aziz Bozkurt [de], member of the SPD[62][63]
  • Cemal Bozoğlu [de], member of the Greens[64]
  • Gönül Bredehorst [de], member of the SPD[65]
  • Ayla Cataltepe [de], member of the Greens
  • Ozan Ceyhun [de], former member of the Greens and the SPD; MEP (2000–04); Turkish ambassador to Austria (2020–present)[66][67]
  • Ezhar Cezairli, member of the CDU[68][69]
  • Derya Çağlar [de], member of the SPD[70][71]
  • Murat Çakır [de], former press spokesman and board member of the WASG[72]
  • Selmin Çalışkan [de], director for Institutional Relations in the Berlin office of the Open Society Foundations[73][74]
  • Bülent Çiftlik [de], member of the SPD[75]
  • Sevim Çelebi-Gottschlich, member of the Greens; the first MP of Turkish origin in a German parliament[76][77]
  • Deniz Çelik (politician) [de], member of the Left; Vice President of the Hamburg Parliament[78][79]
  • Safter Çinar [de], chairman of the Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland (2014–present)
  • Mehmet Daimagüler [de], former member of the FDP; lawyer[80][81]
  • Ekin Deligöz, member of the Greens[82][83][84]
  • Hakan Demir (politician), member of the SPD[85][86]
  • Emine Demirbüken-Wegner [de], member of the CDU[87]
  • Filiz Demirel [de], member of the Greens[88]
  • Sina Aylin Demirhan [de], member of the Greens
  • Sülmez Doğan [de], member of the Greens[89]
  • Mahmut Erdem [de], member of the Greens
  • Nese Erikli [de], member of the Greens[90][91]
  • Mustafa Erkan [de], former member of the SPD and current member of the AKP[92][93]
  • Engin Eroglu, Chairman of the Free Voters Hesse and the vice-chairman of Free Voters; MEP (2019–present)[94]
  • Ismail Ertug, member of the SPD; MEP (2009–present)[95][96]
  • Zübeyde Feldmann, First Lady of Frankfurt; married to Peter Feldmann who is the Mayor of Frankfurt-am-Main[97][98]
  • Cemile Giousouf, member of the CDU (Turkish Western Thracian origin)[99][100]
  • Murat Gözay [de], member of the Greens; deputy chairman of the Türkische Gemeinde Hamburg und Umgebung (TGH)[101]
  • Nebahat Güçlü [de], former member of the Greens and current member of the SPD[102]
  • Serap Güler, member of the CDU[103][104]
  • Lena Saniye Güngör [de], member of the Left[105]
  • Mustafa Güngör (politician) [de], member of the SPD[106]
  • Sanem Güngör [de], member of the SPD[107]
  • Aydin Gürlevik [de], member of the SPD[108]
  • Ates Gürpinar, deputy chairmen of the Left (Turkish father and German mother)[109]
  • Metin Hakverdi, member of the SPD[75]
  • Derviş Hızarcı [de], anti-discrimination officer of the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family
  • Timur Husein, member of the CDU (Turkish Macedonian father and Croatian mother)[110]
  • Uğur Işılak, member of the AKP[111]
  • Ahmet İyidirli [de], member of the SPD[112]
  • Dilek Kalayci, member of the SPD[113][114]
  • Macit Karaahmetoǧlu, member of the SPD
  • Kadriye Karcı [de], member of the Left[115]
  • Metin Kaya [de], member of the Left
  • Zülfiye Kaykin [de], member of the SPD[116]
  • Tayfun Keltek [de], member of the SPD
  • Hakkı Keskin, member of the Left; former chairman of the Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland (1995–2005)[117]
  • Gül Keskinler [de], member of the CDU
  • Akif Çağatay Kılıç, member of the AKP[118][119]
  • Memet Kılıç [de], member of the Greens[120][121]
  • Cansel Kızıltepe, member of the SPD[122][123][124]
  • Alptekin Kirci [de], member of the SPD (Turkish father and German mother)[125]
  • Kenan Kolat [de], member of the SPD; former chairman of the Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland (2005–14)[126]
  • Elvan Korkmaz, member of the SPD[127][128]
  • Aylin Kotil [tr], member of the CHP (Turkish father and German mother)
  • Deniz Kurku [de], member of the SPD[129][130]
  • Serpil Midyatli, member of the SPD[131][132]
  • Özcan Mutlu, member of the Greens[100]
  • Belit Onay, member of the Greens; Mayor of Hanover (2019–present)[133]
  • Leyla Onur [de], member of the SPD; MEP (1989–94)[134]
  • Arif Babür Ordu [de], former member of the FDP; doctor
  • Taşkın Oymacı [de], former migrant advisor[135]
  • Vural Öger, member of the SPD; MEP (2004–09)[136]
  • Baris Önes [de], member of the SPD
  • Bilkay Öney [de], member of the SPD[137][138]
  • Ertekin Özcan [de], former chairman of the Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland (1994–95)
  • Timur Özcan, member of the SPD; Mayor of Walzbachtal (2019–present)[139][140]
  • Turhal Özdal [de], member of the Greens[141]
  • Cem Özdemir, member of the Greens (Turkish mother and Circassian father)[142]
  • Mahmut Özdemir, member of the SPD[100]
  • Hasan Özen [de], member of the SPD; awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1994[143]
  • Handan Özgüven [de], member of the SPD[144]
  • İlkin Özışık [de], member of the SPD[145]
  • Aygül Özkan, member of the CDU[82][146]
  • Erol Özkaraca [de], member of the SPD[147]
  • Aydan Özoğuz, member of the SPD[82][148][149]
  • Mustafa Kemal Öztürk [de], member of the Greens[150][151]
  • Patrick Öztürk [de], member of the SPD
  • Ziya Pir, member of the HDP
  • Filiz Polat, member of the Greens[152]
  • Yanki Pürsün [de], member of the FDP
  • Ülker Radziwill [de], member of the SPD[153]
  • Melis Sekmen, member of the Greens[154][155]
  • Emin Sükrü Senkal [de], member of the SPD
  • Ali Şimşek [de], member of the SPD
  • Gökay Sofuoglu [de], member of the SPD; chairman of the Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland (2014–present)[156]
  • Saadet Sönmez [de], member of the Left
  • Azize Tank, member of the Left[100]
  • Arif Taşdelen [de], member of the SPD[157][158]
  • Ismail Tipi, member of the CDU[159]
  • Tayfun Tok [de], member of the Greens[160]
  • Fatoş Topaç [de], member of the Greens
  • Serkan Tören [de], member of the FDP[161]
  • Eyfer Tunc [de], former member of the SPD and current member of the CDU[162]
  • Derya Türk-Nachbaur, member of the SPD[163][164]
  • Yusuf Uzundag [de], member of the Greens[165]
  • Arif Ünal [de], member of the Greens[166]
  • Özlem Ünsal, member of the SPD
  • Bülend Ürük [de], spokesman of the ruling CDU/CSU group in the German Bundestag
  • Oğuzhan Yazıcı [de], member of the CDU[167]
  • Mustafa Yeneroğlu [de], member of the DEVA[168]
  • Haluk Yildiz [de], chairman of the Turkish-founded political party BIG[169]
  • Güngör Yilmaz [de], member of the SPD[170]
  • Gülistan Yüksel, member of the SPD
  • Fatih Zingal [de], former member of the SPD; deputy chairman of the UID (2013–15)


Bekir Alboğa [de]
Seyran Ateş
Mustafa Cimşit [de]
  • Bekir Alboğa [de], scholar of Islam; chairman of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (2012–17)
  • Murat Aslanoğlu [de], former chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Christian-Islamic Dialogue (2003–08)
  • Seyran Ateş, lawyer and feminist; founder of the Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque (Turkish mother and Kurdish father)[171]
  • Mustafa Cimşit [de], religious scholar, imam, and co-founder and managing director of the Maimonides Jewish-Muslim educational institute
  • Mehmet Sabri Erbakan [de], chairman of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (2001–02)
  • Mesud Gülbahar [de], chairman of HASENE International (2012–present)
  • Mustafa Özcan Güneşdoğdu, Qur'an reciter
  • Eren Güvercin [de], co-founder of the Alhambra Society
  • Antuan Ilgit, Catholic Jesuit priest (converted from Sunni Islam)
  • Ercan Karakoyun [de], chairman of the Dialogue and Education Foundation; co-founder of the House of One - one of the world's first houses of prayer for Islam, Christianity and Judaism
  • Burhan Kesici [de], chairman of the Islamic Council for the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Ali Kızılkaya [de], former chairman of the Islamic Council for the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Ayten Kiliçarslan [de], executive chairwoman and project manager of the "Sozialdienst muslimischer Frauen" (SmF e.V.)
  • Erol Pürlü [de], scholar of Islam and imam; former spokesman of the Coordination Council of Muslims in Germany
  • Kazım Türkmen [de], chairman of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs
  • Celal Tüter [de], chairman of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (2005–13)
  • Mehmet Yıldırım (DITIB) [de], former chairman of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB)
  • Emel Zeynelabidin [de], activist in interreligious dialogue
  • Bülent Uçar, Islamic scholar



Dilan Ağgül
Sinan Akdag
İsmet Akpınar
Halil Altıntop
Tolgay Arslan
Barış Atik
Şahin Aygüneş
Deniz Aytekin
Hakan Balta
Deniz Barış
Engin Baytar
Mehmet Boztepe
Emre Can.
Ahmet Cebe
Hakan Çalhanoğlu
Tarık Çamdal
Haşim Çelik [de]
Berkay Dabanlı
Ümit Davala
Kerem Demirbay
Selin Dişli
İlkay Durmuş
Yasin Ehliz
Mehmet Ekici
Malik Fathi
Berkant Göktan
Ceyhun Gülselam
Sinan Gümüş
İlkay Gündoğan
Özer Hurmacı
Uğur İnceman
Hasan Ali Kaldırım
Arzu Karabulut
Kenan Karaman
Lucky Kid
Kenan Kocak
Tayfun Korkut
Cüneyt Köz
Yunus Mallı
İlhan Mansız
Ersen Martin
Filiz Osmanodja
Barış Özbek
Salih Özcan
Mesut Özil
Yasin Öztekin
Levin Öztunalı
Melike Pekel
Mehmet Scholl
Suat Serdar
Nuri Şahin
Olcay Şahan
Serdar Tasci
Ömer Toprak
Tunay Torun
Cenk Tosun
Gökhan Töre
Onur Ünlüçifçi
Aycan Yanaç
Taner Yalçın
Samed Yeşil
Özkan Yıldırım.
Deniz Yılmaz

Victims of crime

Vigil for Tuğçe Albayrak

"Wall victims" (Maueropfer) at the Berlin Wall

  • Cengaver Katrancı, an 8-year-old boy who drowned in the river Spree in 1972; West Berlin fire department could not intervene after they unsuccessfully attempted to obtain permission for the entry into the river. An East German fireboat and a tanker were present but did not take the rescue operation.
  • Çetin Mert [de], a 5-year-old boy drowned in the river Spree in 1975; West Berlin police and fire brigade were not allowed to intervene because of the state border running along the bank. Çetin received no help from East Berlin either.


See also


  1. ^ a b c Der Historiker Götz Aly ist Nachfahre des Urtürken, Der Tagesspiegel, 2014, retrieved 26 March 2021
  2. ^ a b c Berlin'in ilk Turkleri Friedrich Aly ve Friedrich Hassan'dı, Hürriyet, 4 December 2013, retrieved 26 March 2021
  3. ^ a b Wilson, Peter (2002), German Armies: War and German Society, 1648-1806, Routledge, p. 86, ISBN 978-1135370534
  4. ^ a b c d Mehmet von Königstreu, Enzyklopädie des Islam, 2006, retrieved 26 March 2021
  5. ^ a b Oğlum seyredip çok eğlenecek', Radika, 2008, retrieved 29 March 2021, Bizimkiler Bulgaristan göçmeni. Sonra Almanya'ya gitmişler. Ben orada doğmuşum, Nürnberg'de.
  6. ^ a b Die neue Leichtigkeit, Sächsische Zeitung, 2015, retrieved 29 March 2021, Bilgin und Filiz Osmanodja, Geschwister-Paar einer bulgarischen Familie mit türkischen Wurzeln, wohnen nun in einer WG in Berlin-Wilmersdorf.
  7. ^ a b SV Sandhausen holt schwäbische Torwart-Legende, Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 2017, retrieved 29 March 2021, Der 43-jährige Aalener mit bulgarisch-türkischen Wurzeln war eine Torwart-In-stitution im Südwesten.
  8. ^ a b c d Ülker, Hüdai (2002), Güle Güle Kemal Kurt: Ein Nachruf von HÜDAI ÜLKER, Kemal Kurt, retrieved 29 March 2021, Kemal Kurt'la ortak bir yanımız vardı: İkimiz de Balkan insanıydık. Ben Makedonya, o da Bulgaristan kökenliydi. Ancak onun ailesi epey önce gelmiş ve Çorlu'ya yerleşmişlerdi. Kemal Kurt ta, yukarıda belirttiğim gibi, Çorlu'da doğmuştu. Ara sıra buluştuk mu, birbirimize ‚hemşerim' diye hitap ederdik.
  9. ^ a b Turgay Hilmi, CypNet, retrieved 29 March 2021
  10. ^ a b Rüya Taner, CypNet, retrieved 29 March 2021
  11. ^ a b Barth, Alexander (2018), Schönheit im Wandel der Zeit (Image 45 of 67), Neue Ruhr Zeitung, retrieved 27 March 2021, Yasemin Mansoor (Jahrgang 1979) ist Miss Germany 1996. Die damals 16-Jährige brach brach den Rekord als jüngste gewinnerin des schönheitswettbewerbs. Später arbeitete die Tochter irakisch-türkischer Immigranten als Fotomodell und produzierte Popmusik mit der Mädchenband "4 Unique...
  12. ^ "Semra Eren-Nijhar" (PDF), Raising Expectations: Promoting the visibility of role models within the Turkish speaking community in Britain, London Centre for Social Studies, 2011, p. 54, archived from the original (PDF) on 10 January 2021, retrieved 8 January 2021
  13. ^ Arman, Ayşe (1999), Benim gündemim: Alman kuzenler, retrieved 16 April 2021
  14. ^ a b Topçu, Canan (2017), Deutsche Stimme für türkische Autoren,, retrieved 2 April 2021
  15. ^ Mohr, Christoph (2020), Oper Köln: Opernpremieren gehen online, report-K, retrieved 16 April 2021, Die 1973 in Berlin geborene Tatjana Gürbaca, Tochter eines türkischen Vaters und einer italienischen Mutter,
  16. ^ "Wir haben keine festen Gewissheiten",, 2014, retrieved 2 April 2021
  17. ^ Gedächtnis des Landes: Freiherr Leopold von Zungaberg (Pascha Mehmed Csonkabeg). Niederösterreichische Museum BetriebsgesmbH., retrieved 9 October 2017.
  18. ^ a b c d Yılmaz, Şerif (2019), Osnabrück'te Osmanlı Türküne ait izler, Panorama, retrieved 26 March 2021, Eşi ve Haydar Ali'nin ölümünden sonra 6 çocuğu da Prusya Devletinin değişik şehirlerine göç ederek hayatlarına oralarda devam etmişlerdir. Hatta bu çocuklardan ve Haydar Ali'nin torunlarından birçok isim ünlü olmuştur. Örneğin Ernst August Wilhelm Aly (1768–1825) çok tanınmış bir eğitimci, Gottfried Friedrich Aly (1852-1913) tanınmış bir filolog ve okul politikacısı, Heinrich Tscharmann (1859-1932) tanınmış bir mimar ve Alman siyaset ve tarih bilimcisi, gazeteci Prof. Dr. Götz Haydar Aly bunlardan bir kaçı.Eşi ve Haydar Ali'nin ölümünden sonra 6 çocuğu da Prusya Devletinin değişik şehirlerine göç ederek hayatlarına oralarda devam etmişlerdir. Hatta bu çocuklardan ve Haydar Ali'nin torunlarından birçok isim ünlü olmuştur.
  19. ^ a b Türken in Franken - und ihre frühen Vorläufer, Nord Bayern, 2010, retrieved 26 March 2021, Die beiden liegenden Figuren unter dem Pferd des Markgrafen werden im Erlanger Stadtlexikon als ein Türke und als die Verkörperung des Neids («Invidia») gedeutet. Und die vier kauernden Sklaven an den Ecken des Postaments erinnern daran, dass in der Zeit der Türkenkriege oft Türken oder türkische Untertanen mit nach Deutschland verschleppt wurden. Sie wurden hier «bekehrt» und in oft spektakulären «Türkentaufen» in die evangelische oder katholische Kirche aufgenommen und mit einem neuen Namen versehen.... Professor Hartmut Heller hat den Lebensweg Betroffener untersucht und festgestellt, dass sie zu geachteten Mitbürgern wurden und Einheimische heirateten. So mag mancher Franke türkische Vorfahren haben. Die schöne, kluge und charmante Fatme wurde sogar zu einer Gräfin Castell, und aus dem sechsjährigen Türkenknaben Yussuf mit dem neuen Namen Christian Joseph Borgk wurde ein lutherischer Pfarrer in einem Dorf bei Windsheim.
  20. ^ Sophia Wilhelmine Kayser, Enzyklopädie des Islam, 2006, retrieved 26 March 2021, Die Inschrift auf der Gruftplatte gibt ihre Lebensgeschichte wieder: „. Frau Sophia Wilhelmine Kayserin geb. Rabi. Ward von Türckischen Eltern 1677 zu Corona in Morea gezeuget, von den Christen 1685 gefangen, am hohen Churf. Hofe zu Dresden u. Lichtenburg erzogen u. zum christl. Glauben bekehret, auch an gedachten H. Pastorem Ao 1717 verehelicht, gebahr gemeldten Sohn, starb in beständigem Glauben an Christum d. 7. Febr. Ao 1735 ihres Alters 58 Jahr. Leichentext Chron. 29 v 4"
  21. ^ Aus dem Archiv der Welfen : Der Türke Ernst August Mustafa, Welfen, retrieved 26 March 2021, Der Mann mit weißem Turban, reich verschnürtem roten Rock ist der alte Kammerdiener Kurfürst Georg Ludwigs (1660-1727), der Türke Ernst August Mustafa (1675-1738) (Mitte oben). Mustafa wurde - nachdem er eine Weile im Dienst eines schwedischen Offiziers gestanden hatte, der ihn auf dem Peloponnes während der Türkenkriege gefangen genommen hatte - an Georg Ludwig von Hannover weitergereicht. Dieser ließ seinen neuen Türken gleich in Hannover taufen.
  22. ^ Goethe, der Beutetürke?, Kandil, 2016, retrieved 26 March 2021, Und doch gibt es unter Goethes Vorfahren mütterlicherseits einen Ahnen türkisch-osmanischer, muslimischer Herkunft: Johann Soldan hieß vor seiner christlichen Taufe, die im Jahr 1305 in Brackenheim (Landkreis Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg) vorgenommen wurde, auf Türkisch vermutlich Mehmet Sadık Selim Sultan. Überliefert in deutschen Quellen ist der Name als "Sadok Seli Soltan". Johann Soldan jedenfalls starb 1328 und gilt als der erste urkundlich erfasste Deutsche türkischer Herkunft.
  23. ^ a b Maria Dusl, Andrea [in German] (2014), Die Leiden des jungen Erdem. War Goethe Türke?, Falter, retrieved 19 April 2021, Nach Ansicht der Erforscher des Stammbaums vom Herrn Geheimrat hatte dieser zumindest einen türkischen Vorfahren. Über seine Urgroßmutter mütterlicherseits, Elisabeth Katharina Seip (1680-1759), stammt Jowo Goethe von einem gewissen Heinrich Soldan ab, Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts Bürgermeister des hessischen Städtchens Frankenberg. Die (noch heute blühende) Familie Soldan sieht als ihren Stammvater Johann Soldan an, Oberst in Diensten des Grafen von Württemberg. Das türkische daran? Johann Soldan (1270-1328) gilt als der erste urkundlich nachweisbare Türke in Deuschland. Mehmet Sadık Selim Sultan (auch: Sadok Seli Soltan) war türkischer Offizier.
  24. ^ Engelmann, Bernt [in German] (1991), Du deutsch?: Geschichte der Ausländer in Deutschland, Steidl, p. 59, ISBN 9783882431858
  25. ^ Leiprecht, Rudolf [in German] (2005), Schule in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft: ein Handbuch, Wochenschau Verlag, p. 29, ISBN 9783879202744, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , einen fremdländischen Vorfahren : Er soll von dem türkischen Offizier Sadok Seli Zoltan abstammen , den Graf Reinhart von Württemberg im Jahre 1291 von einem der Kreuzzüge aus dem Heiligen Land mit nach Süddeutschland gebracht hatte
  26. ^ Meier-Braun, Karl-Heinz [in German] (2017), Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen: Einwanderung und Asyl, C.H. Beck, Dass Johann Wolfgang von Goethe türkische Vorfahren hatte, war bekannt. Dass diese Wurzeln jedoch nach Baden-Württemberg zurückreichen, weniger. Das hat jedenfalls der Brackenheimer Dekan Werner-Ulrich Deetjen herausgefunden Laut dem promovierten Kirchenhistoriker gehen Goethes Vorfahren auf Sadok Selim zurück, der gegen Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts bei Kämpfen mit Kreuzfahrern im Heiligen Land in die Gefangenschaft des Deutschritterordens geriet.
  27. ^ Çelik, Latif (2008), Türkische Spuren in Deutschland / Almanyaʼda Türk Izleri, Logophon Verlag GmbH, p. 202, ISBN 9783936172089
  28. ^ Hans Soldan, ein engagierter Rechtsanwalt, Soldan, 2009, archived from the original on 2015-05-24, retrieved 19 April 2021, Die Ursprünge der Familie Soldan reichen bis ins frühe 14. Jahrhundert zurück. Stammvater soll der türkische Offizier Sadok Seli Soltan gewesen sein, der während eines Kreuzzugs vom Grafen von Lechtimor gefangen genommen wurde, der ihn wegen seiner Tapferkeit und besonderen Größe zu einem seiner Obersten ernannte.
  29. ^ a b Mommsen, Katharina [in German] (2015), "Goethe'nin Damarlarındaki Türk kanı", "Orient und Okzident sind nicht mehr zu trennen": Goethe und die Weltkulturen ["Garb ve Şark Artık Ayrılmazlar." Goethe ve Dünya Kültürleri], translated by Özkan, Senail [in Turkish], Ötüken, pp. 297–304, ISBN 9786051553115
  30. ^ Sommer, Robert (1907), Familienforschung und Vererbungslehre, Barth, p. 147
  31. ^ Killy, Walther; Vierhaus, Rudolf (2011), "Rutowsky", Dictionary of German Biography, vol. 8, Walter de Gruyter, p. 509, ISBN 978-3110966305, As the illegitimate son of King Augustus II of Poland and Elector of Saxony (Frederick Augustus I) and a Turkish woman who later became Frau von Spiegel R. was educated at Parisian and Sardinian courts.
  32. ^ Nikolaus Strauß, Enzyklopädie des Islam, 2006, retrieved 26 March 2021
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  38. ^ Goebel, Ulrike (2000), German Propaganda in the United States, 1914-1917 -- a Failure?, University of Wisconsin-Madison, p. 16, Karl Boy-Ed, son of a Turkish father and a German mother, had received a special executive training and had served as naval attaché in several parts of the world.
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