
2007年1月3日 – 2009年1月3日
第一次:2007年1月4日 – 2007年12月19日
第二次:2008年1月3日 – 2009年1月3日[1]

第110届美国国会(英語:110th United States Congress)的任期从2007年1月3日至2009年1月3日,这也是乔治·W·布什总统任期的最后两年。2006年美国中期选举决定了该届国会参议院众议院的组成。民主党在两院都是多数党,这也是1995年以来民主党首次同时控制两院。

民主党人南希·佩洛西成为了众议院首位女性议长[2],同时众议院还首次迎来了穆斯林议员(凯斯·埃里森[3][4]佛教徒议员(汉克・约翰逊英语Hank Johnson广野庆子)。[5]



  49 民主党
  49 共和党
  2 独立人士
民主党 独立人士 共和党 空缺
上届国会结束 44 1 55 100 0
开始 49 2[6][7] 49 100 0
2007年6月4日 48 99 1
2007年6月25日 49 100 0
2007年12月18日 48 99 1
2007年12月31日 49 100 0
2008年11月16日 48 99 1
最终分布 50.5% 49.5%
下届国会开始 55 2 41 98 2


  233 民主党
  202 共和党
民主党 共和党 空缺
上届国会结束 203[8] 229 432 3
开始 233 202 435 0
2007年2月13日 201 434 1
2007年4月22日 232 433 2
2007年7月1日 231 432 3
2007年7月17日 202 433 2
2007年8月21日 232 434 1
2007年9月5日 201 433 2
2007年10月10日 200 432 3
2007年10月16日 233 433 2
2007年11月26日 199 432 3
2007年12月11日 201 434 1
2007年12月15日 232 433 2
2007年12月31日 200 432 3
2008年1月14日 199 431 4
2008年2月2日 198 430 5
2008年2月11日 231 429 6
2008年3月8日 232 430 5
2008年3月11日 233 431 4
2008年4月8日 234 432 3
2008年5月3日 235 199 434 1
2008年5月13日 236 435 0
2008年5月31日 235 434 1
2008年6月17日 236 435 0
2008年8月20日 235 434 1
2008年11月18日 236 435 0
2008年11月24日 198 434 1
2009年1月2日 235 433 2
最终分布 54.3% 45.7%
非投票成员 4 1 5 0
下届国会开始 256 178 434 1











  1. ^ Legislative Activities (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), via clerk.house.gov. Accessed April 25, 2009. 2009-04-29.
  2. ^ Deirdre Walsh. Pelosi becomes first woman House speaker. CNN.com. January 4, 2007 [January 4, 2007]. (原始内容存档于January 6, 2007). 
  3. ^ ruthholladay.com - Andre Carson on identity and belief 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期April 30, 2008,.
  4. ^ DAWN (Newspaper) 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期October 26, 2010,.
  5. ^ Nash, Phil Tajitsu. Washington Journal: Campaign 2006 In Review. AsianWeek. November 24, 2006 [December 16, 2006]. (原始内容存档于November 21, 2007). 
  6. ^ Senators of the 110th Congress "Lieberman, Joseph I." 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期December 27, 2006,. United States Senate. Retrieved January 8, 2007
  7. ^ Martin Kady II. For Those of You Keeping Track at Home, It's Official .... Congressional Quarterly. November 15, 2006 [November 20, 2006]. (原始内容存档于2007年10月31日). 
  8. ^ 包括一位加入民主党党团的独立议员。
議员英语Member of Congress和负责人
  • By length of service英语List of members of the United States Congress by longevity of service
  • Freshmen英语List of freshman class members of the 115th United States Congress
  • Youngest members英语List of youngest members of the United States Congress
  • 波多黎各居民代表
  • Delegates英语Delegate (United States Congress)
  • Longest-serving members ever英语List of historical longest-serving members of the United States Congress
  • 现任成员
  • 院长
  • Former senators英语List of former United States Senators
  • Earliest serving英语Earliest serving United States Senator
  • Earliest living英语List of longest-living United States Senators
  • Expelled or censured英语List of United States Senators expelled or censured
  • 组别
  • Born outside the U.S.英语List of United States Senators born outside the United States
  • 目前英语Current members of the United States House of Representatives
    • 资历英语List of current members of the United States House of Representatives by seniority
  • 院长
  • Former representatives英语List of former members of the United States House of Representatives
  • Oldest living英语List of the oldest living members of the United States House of Representatives
  • Earliest serving英语Earliest serving United States Representative
  • Expelled, censured, and reprimanded英语List of United States Representatives expelled, censured, or reprimanded
  • 副总统兼议长
  • 臨時議長 (列表英语List of Presidents pro tempore of the United States Senate)
  • 多数和少数党领袖
  • 多数和少数党党鞭
  • Democratic Caucus英语Democratic Caucus of the United States Senate (Chair英语Democratic Conference Chairman of the United States Senate
  • Secretary英语United States Senate Democratic Conference Secretary
  • Policy Committee Chair英语Senate Democratic Policy Committee)
  • Republican Conference英语Republican Conference of the United States Senate (Chair英语Republican Conference Chairman of the United States Senate
  • Vice-Chair英语Republican Conference Vice-Chair of the United States Senate
  • Policy Committee Chair英语Republican Policy Committee Chairman of the United States Senate)
  • 议长
  • 政党领袖
  • 两党法律咨询小组英语Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group
  • Democratic Caucus英语Democratic Caucus of the United States House of Representatives
  • 共和党会议
  • 国会议员核心小组
  • African Americans in the House英语List of African-American United States Representatives
    • Congressional Black Caucus英语Congressional Black Caucus
  • African Americans in the Senate英语List of African-American United States Senators
  • 亞裔
    • Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus英语Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
  • Hispanic and Latino members英语List of Hispanic and Latino Americans in the United States Congress
    • Congressional Hispanic Caucus英语Congressional Hispanic Caucus
    • Congressional Hispanic Conference英语Congressional Hispanic Conference
  • Jewish members英语List of Jewish members of the United States Congress
  • 穆斯林
  • 佛教徒
  • LGBT members英语List of LGBT Americans in the United States Congress
    • LGBT Equality Caucus英语LGBT Equality Caucus
  • Native American members英语List of Native Americans in the United States Congress
  • 女性
    • 参议院英语Women in the United States Senate
    • 眾議院
    • Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues英语Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues
  • 美国宪法第一条
  • 版权条款英语Copyright Clause
  • 商业条款英语Commerce Clause (Dormant)英语Dormant Commerce Clause
  • Contempt of Congress英语Contempt of Congress
  • 美國戰爭宣告英语Declaration of war by the United States
  • 美國彈劾案英语Impeachment in the United States
  • Naturalization英语United States nationality law
  • "Necessary and Proper"英语Necessary and Proper Clause
  • Power of enforcement英语Congressional power of enforcement
  • Taxing/spending英语Taxing and Spending Clause
  • 薪金英语Salaries of members of the United States Congress
  • Franking (美国)英语Franking
  • 豁免
  • 國會法案 (列表英语List of United States federal legislation)
  • 撥款法案
  • 藍紙條
  • Budget resolution英语Budget resolution
  • 譴責
  • Closed sessions英语Closed session of the United States Congress
    • House英语Closed sessions of the United States House of Representatives
    • Senate英语Closed sessions of the United States Senate
  • 辯論終結
  • Concurrent resolution英语Concurrent resolution
  • Continuing resolution英语Continuing resolution
  • Dear colleague letter英语Dear colleague letter (United States)
  • Discharge petition英语Discharge petition
  • Engrossed bill英语Engrossed bill
  • Enrolled bill英语Enrolled bill
  • Expulsion英语Expulsion from the United States Congress
  • 联合决议案
  • 聯席會議 (列表英语List of joint sessions of the United States Congress)
  • Lame-duck session英语Lame duck session (United States)
  • 哈斯特爾特規則
  • Multiple referral英语Multiple referral
  • Procedures (House)英语Procedures of the United States House of Representatives
  • Quorum call英语Quorum call
  • 预算调和
  • Rider英语Rider (legislation)
  • 薩克斯比修復
  • Sponsorship英语Sponsor (legislative)
  • Suspension of the rules英语Suspension of the rules in the United States Congress
  • Unanimous consent英语Unanimous consent
  • 否决权
  • Advice and consent英语Advice and consent
  • 组别
  • Executive communication英语Executive communication
  • Executive session英语Executive session
  • Filibuster英语Filibuster in the United States Senate
  • Jefferson's Manual英语Jefferson's Manual
  • Senate Journal英语United States Senate Journal
  • Morning business英语Morning business
  • 核选项
  • Presiding Officer英语Presiding Officer of the United States Senate
  • Recess appointment英语Recess appointment
  • 预算调和
  • Riddick's Senate Procedure英语Riddick's Senate Procedure
  • Senate hold英语Senate hold
  • Senatorial courtesy英语Senatorial courtesy
  • 資歷
  • Standing Rules英语Standing Rules of the United States Senate
  • Tie-breaking votes英语List of tie-breaking votes cast by Vice Presidents of the United States
  • Traditions英语Traditions of the United States Senate
  • Treaty Clause英语Treaty Clause
  • 會長高阶委员
  • Of the Whole英语Committee of the Whole (United States House of Representatives)
  • Conference英语United States congressional conference committee
  • Discharge petition英语Discharge petition
  • 聽證會
  • Markup英语Markup (legislation)
  • Oversight英语Congressional oversight
  • List (Joint)英语List of current United States congressional joint committees
  • List (House)英语List of current United States House of Representatives committees
  • List (Senate)英语List of current United States Senate committees
  • Select and special英语Select or special committee
  • Standing英语Standing committee (United States Congress)
  • 国会小组委员会
  • 众议院史英语History of the United States House of Representatives
    • 回忆录英语U.S. representative bibliography (congressional memoirs)
    • 众议长选举英语List of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives elections
  • 参议院史英语History of the United States Senate
    • 选举争议英语List of United States Senate election disputes
    • 回忆录英语U.S. senator bibliography (congressional memoirs)
  • 大陆会议
  • 联邦国家纪念堂
  • 国会厅
  • 老砖墙国会楼英语Old Brick Capitol
  • 传记大辞典
  • 分立性政府英语Divided government in the United States
  • 政党分布英语Party divisions of United States Congresses
办公室、员工、服务以及国会建筑群英语United States Capitol Complex国会大厦 · 国会山
  • 美国国会职员
  • 政府問責署 (署長)
  • Architect of the Capitol英语Architect of the Capitol
  • 国会警察 (Capitol Police Board英语Capitol Police Board)
  • Capitol Guide Service英语United States Capitol Guide Service (Capitol Guide Board英语United States Capitol Guide Board)
  • Congressional Budget Office (CBO)英语Congressional Budget Office
  • Compliance英语United States Congress Office of Compliance
  • 國會圖書館
  • 政府出版局
  • Technology Assessment英语Office of Technology Assessment
  • Curator英语Curator of the United States Senate
  • Historical英语Historian of the United States Senate
  • Library英语United States Senate Library
  • Congressional Ethics英语Office of Congressional Ethics
  • Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Operations英语United States House of Representatives Office of Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Operations
  • Interparliamentary Affairs英语United States House of Representatives Office of Interparliamentary Affairs
  • Legislative Counsel英语Office of the Legislative Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives
  • Law Revision Counsel英语Office of the Law Revision Counsel
  • Library英语United States House of Representatives Library
  • Secretary英语Secretary of the United States Senate
  • Chaplain英语Chaplain of the United States Senate
  • Curator英语Curator of the United States Senate
  • Inspector General英语Inspector General of the House
  • Historian英语Historian of the United States Senate
  • Librarian英语United States Senate Librarian
  • Pages英语United States Senate Page
  • Parliamentarian英语Parliamentarian of the United States Senate
  • Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper英语Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate
  • Chaplain英语Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives
  • Chief Administrative Officer英语Chief Administrative Officer of the United States House of Representatives
  • Clerk英语Clerk of the United States House of Representatives
  • Doorkeeper英语Doorkeeper of the United States House of Representatives
  • Floor Operations英语Director of Floor Operations
  • Floor Services Chief英语Floor Services Chief
  • Historian英语Historian of the United States House of Representatives
  • Pages英语United States House of Representatives Page (Page Board英语House Page Board)
  • Parliamentarian英语Parliamentarian of the United States House of Representatives
  • Postmaster英语Postmaster of the United States House of Representatives
  • Reading Clerk英语Reading Clerk of the United States House of Representatives
  • 众议院警卫官
  • 國會研究處 (reports英语Congressional Research Service reports)
  • 著作權局 (Register of Copyrights英语Register of Copyrights)
  • Law Library英语Law Library of Congress
  • Poet Laureate英语United States Poet Laureate
  • Adams Building英语John Adams Building
  • 傑弗遜大樓
  • Madison Building英语James Madison Memorial Building
  • Public Printer英语Public Printer of the United States
  • Congressional Pictorial Directory英语Congressional Pictorial Directory
  • Congressional Record英语Congressional Record
  • Official Congressional Directory英语Official Congressional Directory
  • 美国政府机构手册
  • Serial Set英语United States Congressional Serial Set
  • 法律总汇
  • 美国法典
  • Brumidi Corridors英语Brumidi Corridors
  • Congressional Prayer Room英语Congressional Prayer Room
  • Crypt英语United States Capitol crypt
  • Dome英语United States Capitol dome
    • Statue of Freedom英语Statue of Freedom
  • Rotunda英语United States Capitol rotunda
  • Hall of Columns英语Hall of Columns
  • Statuary Hall英语National Statuary Hall
  • Visitor Center英语United States Capitol Visitor Center
  • 華盛頓的神化
  • Statue of Freedom英语Statue of Freedom
  • Declaration of Independence painting英语Declaration of Independence (Trumbull)
  • 美国宪法签署时的场景
  • Apotheosis of Democracy英语Apotheosis of Democracy
  • First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln英语First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln
  • Surrender of General Burgoyne英语Surrender of General Burgoyne
  • Surrender of Lord Cornwallis英语Surrender of Lord Cornwallis
  • Revolutionary War Door英语Revolutionary War Door
  • Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way英语Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way
  • Vice President's Room英语Vice President's Room
  • Vice Presidential Bust Collection英语United States Senate Vice Presidential Bust Collection
国会办公楼英语Congressional office buildings
  • Dirksen英语Dirksen Senate Office Building
  • Hart英语Hart Senate Office Building
    • Mountains and Clouds英语Mountains and Clouds
  • Russell英语Russell Senate Office Building
  • Building Commission英语House Office Building Commission
  • Cannon英语Cannon House Office Building
  • Ford英语Ford House Office Building
  • Longworth英语Longworth House Office Building
  • O'Neill英语O'Neill House Office Building
  • Rayburn英语Rayburn House Office Building
  • 美国植物园
  • Health and Fitness Facility英语Senate Staff Health and Fitness Facility
  • House Recording Studio英语Recording Studio of the United States House of Representatives
  • 參議院議場
  • Old Senate Chamber英语Old Senate Chamber
  • Old Supreme Court Chamber英语Old Supreme Court Chamber
  • Power Plant英语Capitol Power Plant
  • Webster Page Residence英语Daniel Webster Senate Page Residence
  • 地鐵