Наявні структури
PDBПошук ортологів: PDBe RCSB
Список кодів PDB

1UCP, 2KN6, 3J63, 5H8O

Символи PYCARD, ASC, CARD5, TMS, TMS-1, TMS1, PYD and CARD domain containing
Зовнішні ІД OMIM: 606838 MGI: 1931465 HomoloGene: 8307 GeneCards: PYCARD
Онтологія гена
Молекулярна функція

protein homodimerization activity
interleukin-6 receptor binding
BMP receptor binding
GO:0001948, GO:0016582 protein binding
identical protein binding
enzyme binding
cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process
Pyrin domain binding
cysteine-type endopeptidase activator activity involved in apoptotic process
myosin I binding
tropomyosin binding
protease binding
transmembrane transporter binding
protein dimerization activity
cysteine-type endopeptidase activity

Клітинна компонента

NLRP3 inflammasome complex
NLRP1 inflammasome complex
AIM2 inflammasome complex
ендоплазматичний ретикулум
IkappaB kinase complex
клітинне ядро
secretory granule lumen
azurophil granule lumen
extracellular region
GO:0009327 protein-containing complex
neuronal cell body
Golgi membrane
комплекс Ґольджі

Біологічний процес

positive regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity
regulation of apoptotic process
intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage by p53 class mediator
regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway by p53 class mediator
positive regulation of adaptive immune response
GO:0051636 defense response to Gram-negative bacterium
процес імунної системи
cellular response to tumor necrosis factor
regulation of tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway
positive regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity
tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway
positive regulation of JNK cascade
negative regulation of interferon-beta production
negative regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling
myeloid dendritic cell activation
positive regulation of T cell activation
defense response to virus
cellular response to interleukin-1
positive regulation of apoptotic process
positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor production
positive regulation of release of cytochrome c from mitochondria
negative regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity
positive regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
inflammatory response
cellular response to lipopolysaccharide
negative regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity
GO:0072468 сигнальна трансдукція
GO:0097285 апоптоз
вроджений імунітет
neutrophil degranulation
positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity
activation of innate immune response
myeloid dendritic cell activation involved in immune response
positive regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class II
activation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process
positive regulation of actin filament polymerization
regulation of protein stability
positive regulation of interferon-gamma production
positive regulation of interleukin-6 production
positive regulation of activated T cell proliferation
positive regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process
positive regulation of phagocytosis
positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade
positive regulation of T cell migration
positive regulation of defense response to virus by host
intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage
response to bacterium
regulation of autophagy
interleukin-1 beta production
GO:0043087, GO:0032313, GO:0032319, GO:0032314, GO:0043088 regulation of GTPase activity
regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process
regulation of inflammatory response
protein homooligomerization
activation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity
negative regulation of cytokine production involved in inflammatory response
positive regulation of interleukin-1 beta production

Джерела:Amigo / QuickGO
Шаблон експресії
Більше даних
Види Людина Миша
RefSeq (мРНК)
RefSeq (білок)
Локус (UCSC) Хр. 16: 31.2 – 31.2 Mb Хр. 7: 127.59 – 127.59 Mb
PubMed search [1] [2]
Див./Ред. для людейДив./Ред. для мишей

PYCARD (англ. PYD and CARD domain containing) – білок, який кодується однойменним геном, розташованим у людей на короткому плечі 16-ї хромосоми.[3] Довжина поліпептидного ланцюга білка становить 195 амінокислот, а молекулярна маса — 21 627[4].

Послідовність амінокислот

Кодований геном білок за функцією належить до фосфопротеїнів. Задіяний у таких біологічних процесах, як апоптоз, імунітет, вроджений імунітет, запальна відповідь, альтернативний сплайсинг. Локалізований у цитоплазмі, ядрі, мітохондрії, ендоплазматичному ретикулумі.


  • The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). Genome Res. 14: 2121—2127. 2004. PMID 15489334 DOI:10.1101/gr.2596504
  • Martinon F., Burns K., Tschopp J. (2002). The inflammasome: a molecular platform triggering activation of inflammatory caspases and processing of proIL-beta. Mol. Cell. 10: 417—426. PMID 12191486 DOI:10.1016/S1097-2765(02)00599-3
  • Dowds T.A., Masumoto J., Zhu L., Inohara N., Nunez G. (2004). Cryopyrin-induced interleukin 1beta secretion in monocytic cells: enhanced activity of disease-associated mutants and requirement for ASC. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 21924—21928. PMID 15020601 DOI:10.1074/jbc.M401178200
  • Bedoya F., Sandler L.L., Harton J.A. (2007). Pyrin-only protein 2 modulates NF-kappaB and disrupts ASC:CLR interactions. J. Immunol. 178: 3837—3845. PMID 17339483 DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.178.6.3837
  • Bryan N.B., Dorfleutner A., Rojanasakul Y., Stehlik C. (2009). Activation of inflammasomes requires intracellular redistribution of the apoptotic speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain. J. Immunol. 182: 3173—3182. PMID 19234215 DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.0802367
  • Fernandes-Alnemri T., Yu J.W., Datta P., Wu J., Alnemri E.S. (2009). AIM2 activates the inflammasome and cell death in response to cytoplasmic DNA. Nature. 458: 509—513. PMID 19158676 DOI:10.1038/nature07710


  1. Human PubMed Reference:.
  2. Mouse PubMed Reference:.
  3. HUGO Gene Nomenclature Commitee, HGNC:16608 (англ.) . Архів оригіналу за 24 вересня 2017. Процитовано 11 вересня 2017.
  4. UniProt, Q9ULZ3 (англ.) . Архів оригіналу за 17 серпня 2017. Процитовано 11 вересня 2017.

Див. також

  • Хромосома 16
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