
Athena Nike Tapınağı, Atina Akropolisi, Yunanistan

Kallikrates, M.Ö. 5. yüzyılın ortalarında faal olan eski bir Yunan mimarisi.[1] Atinalı mimar Atina Akropolisi'ndeki Athena Nike Tapınağı'nı, İktinos'la birlikte de gene aynı yerdeki Parthenon'u yapmıştır.[2][3]


  1. ^ Roth, Leland M. (1993). Understanding Architecture: Its Elements, History and Meaning (First bas.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press. s. 203. ISBN 0-06-430158-3. 
  2. ^ Roth, Leland M. (1993). Understanding Architecture: Its Elements, History and Meaning (First bas.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press. s. 200. ISBN 0-06-430158-3. 
  3. ^ Mark, Ira S. (1993). The Sanctuary of Athena Nike in Athens: Architectural Stages and Chronology. Princeton. 
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Atina Akropolisi
Mevcut yapılar
  • Parthenon
  • Erehteyon
  • Propylaia
  • Athena Nike Tapınağı
  • Herodes Attikus Odeonu
  • Agrippa Kaidesi
  • Eumenes Stoası
  • Atina Asklepieion'u
  • Dionisos Tiyatrosu
  • Aglaureion
  • Thrasyllos Korajik Anıtı
  • Beulé Kapısı
  • Mağara Kutsal Alanları
  • Peripatos
  • Altyapı
Eski yapılar
  • Pelasgic duvar
  • Hekatompedon
  • Eski Parthenon
  • Eski Athena Tapınağı
  • Artemis Brauronia Tapınağı
  • Chalkotheke
  • Pandroseion
  • Arrephorion
  • Altar of Athena Polias
  • Eleusinion
  • Sanctuary of Pandion
  • Sanctuary of Zeus Polieus
  • Odeon of Pericles
  • Frankish Tower
  • Choragic Monument of Nikias
  • Klepsydra
  • Church of Panagia Atheniotissa
  • Temple of Roma and Augustus
  • Partenon Camii
  • Themistocles
  • Pericles
  • Phidias
  • Ictinus
  • Kallikrates
  • Mnesikles
  • Xerxes I
  • Mardonius
  • Francesco Morosini
  • Lord Elgin
  • Giovanni Battista Lusieri
  • Reverend Philip Hunt
  • Jacques Carrey
  • Louis-François-Sébastien Fauvel
  • Ludwig Ross
  • Kyriakos Pittakis
  • Panagiotis Kavvadias
  • Nikolaos Balanos
  • Athena Parthenos
  • Parthenon Frieze
  • Athena Promachos
  • Metopes of the Parthenon
  • Pediments of the Parthenon
  • Korai of the Acropolis of Athens
  • Antenor Kore
  • Euthydikos Kore
  • Kritios Boy
  • Kore 670
  • Peplos Kore
  • Moschophoros
  • Mourning Athena
  • Nike Fixing her Sandal
  • Persian Rider
  • Procne and Itys
  • Lemnian Athena
  • Athena Marsyas Group
  • Nike of Callimachus
  • Üç Gövdeli İblis
  • Achaemenid destruction of Athens
  • Sack of Athens (267 AD)
  • Akropol Kuşatması (1687)
  • Akropol Kuşatması (1821-1822)
  • Akropol Kuşatması (1826–1827)
İlgili maddeler
  • Perserschutt
  • Moria
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