Ortomolekularna medicina

Ortomolekularna medicina
Biološki baziranje alternative
i komplementarna terapija
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NCCAM klasifikacije
  1. Alternativni medicinski sistemi
  2. Intervencije uma i tela
  3. Biološki bazirana terapija
  4. Manipulativne metode
  5. Energetska terapija
Vidi još
  • Komplementarna i alternativna medicina
    • Alternativna medicina
    • Komplementarna medicina
  • Glosar alternativne medicine

Orthomolecular medicine[1][2] je forma komplementarne i alternativne medicine koja teži ka održavanju zdravlja, i sprečavanju ili tretiranju bolesti putem optimizacije nutricionog unosa i/ili propisivanja suplemenata.[3][4] Ovaj pristup se ponekad naziva megavitaminska terapija,[1][2] jer je ova praksa evoluirala iz, i u nekim slučajevima još uvek koristi, doze vitamina i minerala koje su mnogo veće od preporučenog referentnog dijetarnog unosa. Ortomolekularni praktikanti mogu da inkorporiraju varijetet drugih tretmantskih modaliteta u svoje pristupe, među kojima su dijetarna restrikcija, megadoze nevitaminskih nutrijenata, i regularni lekovi.[1][5] Proponenti ovog pristupa veruju da nivoi pojedinih supstanci koji nisu optimalni mogu da uzrokuju zdravstvene probleme dalekosežnije od jednostavne deficijencije, i vide njihovo balansiranje kao integralni deo zdravlja.[6]

Termin „ortomolekularan“ je skovao Lajnus Poling. On znači „pravi molekuli u pravim količinama“" (orto je grčki termin za "pravi").[7] Fokus ortomolekularne medicine je na upotrebi neophodnih nutricionih molekula u odgovarajućim količinama za datu osobu. Proponenti[8] tvrde da su tretmani bazirani na individualnim biohemijama pacijenata.[9]

Kritičari opisuju neke aspekte ortomolekularne medicine kao prehrambenu modu ili nadrilekarstvo.[10][11][12] Postoje rezultati istraživanja koji sugeriraju da su pojedini nutricioni suplementi štetni,[13][14][15] pri čemu je nekoliko specifičnih vitaminskih terapija vezano za povećani rizik razvoja kancera, srčane bolesti, i smrti.[16][17][18]


  • Alternativna medicina
  • Pseudonauka


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Saul AW; Hoffer A (2008). Orthomolecular Medicine For Everyone: Megavitamin Therapeutics for Families and Physicians. Laguna Beach, California: Basic Health Publications. ISBN 1-59120-226-4. OCLC 232131968. OL16944688M. 
  2. 2,0 2,1 McMichael AJ (January 1981). „Orthomolecular medicine and megavitamin therapy”. Med. J. Aust. 1 (1): 6–8. PMID 7207301. 
  3. Hoffer A, Walker M (2000). Smart Nutrients. Avery. ISBN 0895295628. 
  4. Skinner Patricia (2004). „Gale encyclopedia of alternative medicine: holistic medicine”. Thomson Gale. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2009-07-03. Pristupljeno 2014-04-05. 
  5. Braverman Eric Dr. (1979). „Orthomolecular Medicine and Megavitamin Therapy: Future and Philosophy”. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 8 (4): 265. 
  6. Trick or Treatment: The Undeniable Facts About Alternative Medicine. W. W. Norton & Company. 2008. str. 320. ISBN 0393066616. 
  7. Pauling L (April 1968). „Orthomolecular psychiatry. Varying the concentrations of substances normally present in the human body may control mental disease”. Science 160 (3825): 265–71. Bibcode 1968Sci...160..265P. DOI:10.1126/science.160.3825.265. PMID 5641253. 
  8. Baumel Syd (August 2000). Dealing with depression naturally : complementary and alternative therapies for restoring emotional health (2nd izd.). Los Angeles: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0658002910. OCLC 43641423. 
  9. Williams RJ (1998). Biochemical individuality: the basis for the genetotrophic concept (2nd izd.). New Canaan, Connecticut: Keats. ISBN 0879838930. OCLC 38239195. 
  10. Jarvis WT (1983). „Food faddism, cultism, and quackery”. Annu Rev Nutr 3 (1): 35–52. DOI:10.1146/annurev.nu.03.070183.000343. PMID 6315036. 
  11. Jukes TH (1990). „Nutrition science from vitamins to molecular biology”. Annual Review of Nutrition 10 (1): 1–20. DOI:10.1146/annurev.nu.10.070190.000245. PMID 2200458.  A short summary is in the journal's preface[mrtav link].
  12. Braganza SF, Ozuah PO (2005). „Fad therapies”. Pediatrics in Review 26 (10): 371–376. DOI:10.1542/pir.26-10-371. PMID 16199591. 
  13. „NIH state-of-the-science conference statement on multivitamin/mineral supplements and chronic disease prevention”. NIH Consens State Sci Statements 23 (2): 1–30. 2006. PMID 17332802. 
  14. Huang HY, Caballero B, Chang S, et al. (September 2006). „The efficacy and safety of multivitamin and mineral supplement use to prevent cancer and chronic disease in adults: a systematic review for a National Institutes of Health state-of-the-science conference”. Ann Intern Med 145 (5): 372–85. DOI:10.1001/archinte.145.2.372. PMID 16880453. 
  15. Bjelakovic G, Nikolova D, Gluud LL, Simonetti RG, Gluud C (2008). Bjelakovic, Goran. ur. „Antioxidant supplements for prevention of mortality in healthy participants and patients with various diseases”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2): CD007176. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD007176. PMID 18425980. 
  16. Satia JA, Littman A, Slatore CG, Galanko JA, White E (April 2009). „Long-term Use of β-Carotene, Retinol, Lycopene, and Lutein Supplements and Lung Cancer Risk: Results From the VITamins And Lifestyle (VITAL) Study”. Am. J. Epidemiol. 169 (7): 815–28. DOI:10.1093/aje/kwn409. PMC 2842198. PMID 19208726. 
  17. Brody, Jane (23. 3. 2009.). „Extra Vitamin E: No Benefit, Maybe Harm”. New York Times. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2009. 
  18. „High dose vitamin E death warning”. BBC. November 11, 2004. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2009. 


  • Baumel Syd (August 2000). Dealing with depression naturally : complementary and alternative therapies for restoring emotional health (2nd izd.). Los Angeles: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0658002910. OCLC 43641423. 
  • Hoffer A, Walker M (2000). Smart Nutrients. Avery. ISBN 0895295628. 


  • Williams Roger John, Kalita Dwight K (1979). A Physician's handbook on orthomolecular medicine (Health science izd.). New Canaan, Connecticut: Keats Publishing. ISBN 0879831995. OCLC 6006241. 
  • Huemer Richard P, ur. (1986). The Roots of molecular medicine : a tribute to Linus Pauling. W. H. Freeman. str. 290pp. ISBN 0716717611. OCLC 13009998. »Based on a collection of papers presented at a symposium of the Orthomolecular Medical Society in San Francisco, May 7–8, 1983, with revisions and additional papers.« 
  • Pauling Linus (1986). How to live longer and feel better. W. H. Freeman. str. 322pp. ISBN 0380702894. OCLC 12722295. 
  • Hoffer Abram, Walker Morton (1998). Putting it all together : the new othomolecular nutrition (Revised izd.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0879836334. OCLC 34515814. 
  • Hoffer Abram, with Pauling Linus (2004). Healing cancer : complementary vitamin & drug treatments. Toronto: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. ISBN 1897025114. OCLC 56682217. 
  • Moss Ralph W (2000). Antioxidants against cancer. Brooklyn: Equinox Press. ISBN 1881025284. OCLC 42786370. 
  • Pizzorno Joseph E Jr, Murray Michael T (November 2005). Textbook of natural medicine (Third izd.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. str. 2368. ISBN 0443073007. OCLC 61878655. 


  • Barrett Stephen (1980). The health robbers : how to protect your money and your life (Second izd.). Philadelphia: G. F. Stickley. str. 52. ISBN 0893130230. OCLC 6994138. 
  • Cassileth Barrie R (1998). Alternative medicine handbook: the complete reference guide to alternative and complementary therapies. New York: W.W. Norton. ISBN 0393045668. OCLC 36727947. 
  • Bender David A (2003). Nutritional biochemistry of the vitamins (Second izd.). Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. str. 230. ISBN 0521803888. OCLC 50948594. 
  • Gratzer Walter B (2005). Terrors of the table : the curious history of nutrition. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. str. 210. ISBN 0192806610. OCLC 60837725. 
  • Saul AW; Hoffer A (2008). Orthomolecular Medicine For Everyone: Megavitamin Therapeutics for Families and Physicians. Laguna Beach, California: Basic Health Publications. ISBN 1-59120-226-4. OCLC 232131968. OL16944688M. 
  • Trick or Treatment: The Undeniable Facts About Alternative Medicine. W. W. Norton & Company. 2008. str. 320. ISBN 0393066616. 

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  • Identifikovanje sumnjivih tehničkih procesa i proizvoda
  • Razlikovanje nauke od pseudonauke Arhivirano 2012-05-16 na Wayback Machine-u