Horatio Hornblower

Horatio Hornblower
Debi The Happy Return (1937)
Odlazak The Last Encounter (1967)
Autor(i) C. S. Forester
Tumači Gregory Peck
Michael Redgrave
Ioan Gruffudd
Nadimak Horry (od strane prve supruge)
Spol muški
Zanimanje mornarički oficir
Bračni drug(ovi) Maria Mason (†)
Lady Barbara Wellesley
Djeca Horatio Hornblower (†)
Maria Hornblower (†)
Richard Hornblower
Nacionalnost britanska

Horatio Hornblower je izmišljeni lik oficira britanske Kraljevske mornarice iz doba Napoleonskih ratova, koga je stvorio britanski književnik C. S. Forester kao protagonista serije historijsko-pustolovnih romana. Hornblower se prvi put pojavio godine 1937. u romanu The Happy Return koji ga opisuje kao mladog kapetana broda na tajnoj misiji u Centralnoj Americi. Knjiga je postigla veliki uspjeh, potakla brojne nastavke, a Hornblower stekao poklonike među uglednim književnim imenima kao što su Ernest Hemingway i Winston Churchill. Forester je kasnije u svojim romanima obradio kako prošlost svog junaka, odnosno opisao kao boležljivog mornaričkog kadeta na početku Francuskih revolucionarnih ratova, ali i kako postepeno napreduje u službi te na kraju dobija admiralski čin i plemićku titulu. Horatio Hornblower se 1951. godine pojavio kao protagonist britansko-američkog filma Captain Horatio Hornblower gdje ga je tumačio Gregory Peck, odnosno britanske TV-serije Hornblower gdje ga je tumačio Ioan Gruffudd. Romani o Hornloweru su također poznati kao inspiracija za brojna popularna književna djela, kako historijsko-pustolovnog žanra (među kojima se ističe Bernard Cornwell sa serijom o Richardu Sharpeu), tako i science fictiona (gdje je najpoznatiji primjer serija o Honoru Harringtonu Davida Webera).


Vanjske veze

  • Scaryfangirl - a Hornblower fan site Arhivirano 2008-01-31 na Wayback Machine-u
  • C. S. Forester Society, dedicated to the author and his works
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serija romana Horatio Hornblower čiji je autor C. S. Forester
  • Mr. Midshipman Hornblower
  • Lieutenant Hornblower
  • Hornblower and the Hotspur
  • Hornblower and the Crisis
  • Hornblower and the Atropos
  • The Happy Return (Beat to Quarters)
  • A Ship of the Line
  • Flying Colours
  • The Commodore
  • Lord Hornblower
  • Hornblower in the West Indies
  • "The Hand of Destiny"
  • "Hornblower and the Widow McCool" ("Hornblower’s Temptation")
  • "Hornblower’s Charitable Offering"
  • "Hornblower and His Majesty"
  • "The Point and the Edge"
  • "The Last Encounter"
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Djela čiji je autor C. S. Forester
  • A Pawn Among Kings (1924)
  • Payment Deferred (1926)
  • Love Lies Dreaming (1927)
  • The Wonderful Week (1927)
  • The Shadow of the Hawk (1928)
  • Brown on Resolution (1929)
  • Plain Murder (1930)
  • Death to the French (1932)
  • The Gun (1933)
  • The Peacemaker (1934)
  • The African Queen (1935)
  • The General (1936)
  • The Happy Return (1937) (Beat to Quarters in U.S.)
  • A Ship of the Line (1938)
  • Flying Colours (1938)
  • To the Indies (1940)
  • The Earthly Paradise (1940)
  • The Captain from Connecticut (1941)
  • The Ship (1943)
  • The Bedchamber Mystery (1944)
  • The Commodore (1945)
  • Lord Hornblower (1946)
  • The Sky and the Forest (1948)
  • Mr. Midshipman Hornblower (1950)
  • Randall and the River of Time (1950)
  • Lieutenant Hornblower (1952)
  • Hornblower and the Atropos (1953)
  • The Good Shepherd (1955)
  • Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies (1958)
  • Hornblower and the Hotspur (1962)
  • Hornblower and the Crisis (1967)
  • "The Paid Piper" (1924)
  • "Two-and-Twenty" (1931, autobiografska)
  • "The Nightmare" (1954)
  • "The Last Encounter" (1967)
  • "Hornblower and the Widow McCool" (1967)
  • "The Man in the Yellow Raft" (1969)
  • "Gold from Crete" (1970)
  • "Hornblower One More Time" (1976)
  • Poo-Poo and the Dragons (1942)
  • The Barbary Pirates (1953)
  • U 97 (1931)
  • Nurse Cavell (1933)
  • "Hollywood Coincidence" (1956)
  • "William Joyce" (1965)
  • Napoleon and His Court (1924)
  • Josephine, Napoleon's Empress (1925)
  • Victor Emmanuel II and the Union of Italy (1927)
  • Louis XIV, King of France and Navarre (1928)
  • Nelson (1929)
  • The Voyage of the Annie Marble (1929)
  • The Annie Marble in Germany (1930)
  • Marionettes at Home (1936)
  • The Adventures of John Wetherell (1953) (urednik)
  • The Age of Fighting Sail (1956)
  • The Naval War of 1812 (1957)
  • The Last Nine Days of the Bismarck (1959) (ili "Hunting the Bismark")
  • The Hornblower Companion (1964)
  • Long Before Forty (1967)
Normativna kontrola Uredi na Wikidati
  • WorldCat identiteti
  • VIAF: 305433059
  • LCCN: sh92001307
  • GND: 1044946911