Europarlamentari pentru Luxemburg 1994-1999

1 termen (1979)
2 termen (1984)
3 termen (1989)
4 termen (1994)
5 termen (1999)
6 termen (2004)
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Aceasta este lista membrilor Parlamentului European pentru Luxembourg între anii 1994-1999.

  • Ben Fayot (Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party: Party of European Socialists)
  • Charles Goerens (Democratic Party: European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
  • Astrid Lulling (Christian Social People's Party: European People's Party)
  • Lydie Polfer (Democratic Party: European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
  • Marcel Schlechter (Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party: Party of European Socialists)
  • Jup Weber (The Greens: European Green Party (until 10 October 1995), European Radical Alliance (from 10 October 1995))

Vezi și

  • Members of the European Parliament 1994-1999
  • List of Members of the European Parliament 1994-1999 - for a full alphabetical list
  • European Parliament election, 1994