Steven D. Smith

Steven D. Smith
Nascimento 11 de junho de 1948 (76 anos)
Nacionalidade Estados Unidos Estadunidense
Prêmios Prêmio Leroy P. Steele (2012)
Orientador(es)(as) Graham Higman[1]
Campo(s) Matemática
Tese 1973: Sylow Subgroups of Index 2 in Their Normalizers

Stephen D. Smith (Houston, 11 de junho de 1948) é um matemático estadunidense.

Smith estudou na Universidade St. Mary em San Antonio a partir de 1965. Em 1967 foi para o Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts (MIT), onde obteve em 1970 o bacharelato em matemática e literatura. Em seguida obteve uma bolsa Rhodes na Universidade de Oxford, onde obteve em 1971 um mestrado e em 1973 um doutorado, orientado por Graham Higman, com a tese Sylow subgroups of index 2 in their normalizers.

Pelo livro Classification of finite simple groups: groups of characteristic 2-type de 2011 recebeu com Aschbacher, Ronald Solomon e Richard Lyons o Prêmio Leroy P. Steele de 2012.

É fellow da American Mathematical Society.


  • com David J. Benson: Classifying spaces of sporadic groups, Surveys and Monographs of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), Volume 147, Providence (Rhode Island), 2008.
  • com Michael Aschbacher, Ronald Solomon, Richard Lyons: Classification of finite simple groups: groups of characteristic 2-type, Surveys and Monographs of the AMS, Volume 172, 2011.
  • com Michael Aschbacher: The classification of quasithin groups, Surveys and Monographs of the AMS, Volume 111, 112, 2004.
  • Subgroup complexes, Surveys and Monographs of the AMS, Volume 179, 2011.


  1. Steven D. Smith (em inglês) no Mathematics Genealogy Project

Ligações externas

  • Homepage in Chicago mit CV
  • Steele Preis 2012, Notices AMS, pdf

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Agraciados até 1978
Contribuição Fundamental à Investigação Científica

1979: Joseph Kohn e Hans Lewy 1980: Gerhard Hochschild 1981: Eberhard Hopf 1982: John Milnor 1983: Stephen Kleene 1984: Lennart Carleson 1985: Robert Steinberg 1986: Rudolf Kalman 1987: Herbert Federer e Wendell Fleming 1988: Gian-Carlo Rota 1989: Alberto Calderón 1990: Bertram Kostant 1991: Eugenio Calabi 1992: James Glimm 1993: George Mostow 1994: Louis de Branges de Bourcia 1995: Edward Nelson 1996: Daniel Stroock e S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan 1997: Mikhael Gromov 1998: Herbert Wilf e Doron Zeilberger 1999: Michael Crandall e John Forbes Nash 2000: Barry Mazur 2001: Leslie Greengard e Vladimir Rokhlin 2002: Mark Goresky e Robert MacPherson 2003: Ronald Jensen e Michael Morley 2004: Lawrence Craig Evans e Nicolai Krylov 2005: Robert Langlands 2006: Clifford Gardner, John Greene, Martin Kruskal e Robert Miura 2007: Karen Uhlenbeck 2008: Endre Szemerédi 2009: Richard Hamilton • 2010: Robert Griess 2011: Ingrid Daubechies 2012: William Thurston 2013: Saharon Shelah 2014: Luis Caffarelli, Robert Kohn e Louis Nirenberg 2015: Rostislav Grigorchuk 2016: Andrew Majda 2017: Leon Simon 2018: Sergey Fomin e Andrei Zelevinsky 2019: Haruzo Hida


1979: Salomon Bochner e Antoni Zygmund 1980: André Weil 1981: Oscar Zariski 1982: Fritz John 1983: Shiing-Shen Chern 1984: Joseph Leo Doob 1985: Hassler Whitney 1986: Saunders Mac Lane 1987: Samuel Eilenberg 1988: Deane Montgomery 1989: Irving Kaplansky 1990: Raoul Bott 1991: Armand Borel 1992: Peter Lax 1993: Eugene Dynkin 1994: Louis Nirenberg 1995: John Tate 1996: Goro Shimura 1997: Ralph Phillips 1998: Nathan Jacobson 1999: Richard Kadison 2000: Isadore Singer 2001: Harry Kesten 2002: Michael Artin e Elias Stein 2003: Ronald Graham e Victor Guillemin 2004: Cathleen Synge Morawetz 2005: Israel Gelfand 2006: Frederick Gehring e Dennis Sullivan 2007: Henry McKean 2008: George Lusztig 2009: Luis Caffarelli 2010: William Fulton 2011: John Milnor 2012: Ivo Babuška 2013: Yakov G. Sinai 2014: Phillip Griffiths 2015: Victor Kac 2016: Barry Simon 2017: James Arthur 2018: Jean Bourgain 2019: Jeff Cheeger

Divulgação da Matemática

1979: Robin Hartshorne 1980: Harold Edwards 1981: Nelson Dunford e Jacob Theodore Schwartz 1982: Tsit Yuen Lam 1983: Paul Halmos 1984: Elias Stein 1985: Michael Spivak 1986: Donald Knuth 1987: Martin Gardner 1988: Sigurdur Helgason 1989: Daniel Gorenstein 1990: Robert Richtmyer 1991: François Treves 1992: Jacques Dixmier 1993: Walter Rudin 1994: Ingrid Daubechies 1995: Jean-Pierre Serre 1996: Bruce Berndt e William Fulton 1997: Anthony Knapp 1998: Joseph Hillel Silverman 1999: Serge Lang 2000: John Conway 2001: Richard Peter Stanley 2002: Yitzhak Katznelson 2003: John Garnett 2004: John Milnor 2005: Branko Grünbaum 2006: Lars Hörmander 2007: David Mumford 2008: Neil Trudinger 2009: Ian Macdonald 2010: David Eisenbud 2011: Henryk Iwaniec 2012: Michael Aschbacher, Richard Lyons, Steven Smith e Ronald Solomon 2013: John Guckenheimer e Philip Holmes 2014: Dmitri Burago, Yuri Burago e Sergei Ivanov • 2015: Robert Lazarsfeld 2016: David Archibald Cox, John Little e Donal O’Shea • 2017: Dusa McDuff e Dietmar Arno Salamon 2018: Martin Aigner e Günter Matthias Ziegler 2019: Philippe Flajolet e Robert Sedgewick

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