Ares J. Rosakis

Ares J. Rosakis
Ares J. Rosakis
Nascimento 12 de setembro de 1956 (67 anos)
Atenas, Grécia
Alma mater Athens College, Universidade de Oxford, Universidade Brown
Prêmios Prêmio Presidencial Jovem Investigador (1985), Medalha Eringen (2011), Medalha Theodore von Karman (2016)[1] Medalha Timoshenko (2018)
Instituições Instituto de Tecnologia da Califórnia

Ares J. Rosakis (Atenas, Grécia, 12 de setembro de 1956) é um engenheiro estadunidense nascido na Grécia. É Otis Booth Leadership Chair, Division of Engineering and Applied Science e Professor da Cátedra Theodore von Kármán de Aeronáutica e Engenharia Mecânica do Instituto de Tecnologia da Califórnia (Caltech). Foi anteriormente o quinto diretor do Graduate Aerospace Laboratories (Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology - GALCIT).


Ares Rosakis obteve a graduação no Athens College em junho de 1975. Em setembro de 1975 mudou-se para o Reino Unido para estudar ciência da engenharia no University College Oxford. Obteve os graus de BA e MA em ciências da engenharia na Universidade de Oxford em 1978. Obteve o grau de PhD em mecânica dos sólidos na Universidade Brown. Começou a trabalhar no Caltech e no GALCIT como professor assistente em 1982, onde é atualmente Otis Booth Leadership Chair, Division of Engineering and Applied Science, e Theodore von Kármán Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering.

Ares Rosakis addressing École Polytechnique students during a ceremony to sign an agreement for a Master's Education Exchange Program in Aeronautics/Space Engineering and Mechanics.
Ares Rosakis, G. Ravichandran, and José Andrade with Ecuador's President Rafael Correa and Secretary René Ramírez, SENESCYT, discussing Yachay International University and City of Knowledge.
Acting Caltech President Ed Stolper, JPL Director Charles Elachi, Commandeur dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques recipient Ares Rosakis, and Consul General of France in Los Angeles Axel Cruau (photo credit: Bill Youngblood)
Professor Shih Choon Fong, Founding President KAUST (left) and Professor Ares Rosakis (right) at the Franklin Institute Awards Ceremony honoring Professor Subra Suresh, President, Carnegie Mellon University, April 25, 2013
Acima: Ares Rosakis com Abdul Kalam (11. Presidente da Índia). Abaixo: Ares Rosakis com Yannick d'Escatha (Chairman do Centre National d'Études Spatiales - CNES).


Professor Rosakis é autor de mais de 250 publicações.


  1. Theodore von Karman Medal Past Award Winners

Ligações externas

  • "Ares J. Rosakis | California Institute of Technology" Acessado em 13 de fevereiro de 2017.
  • Curriculum Vitae of Ares Rosakis

Precedido por
Ahsan Kareem
Medalha Theodore von Karman
Sucedido por
Huajian Gao
Precedido por
Viggo Tvergaard
Medalha Timoshenko
Sucedido por
J. N. Reddy

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1960: William Prager  · 1961: Raymond Mindlin  · 1962: Nathan M. Newmark  · 1963: Hunter Rouse  · 1964: Eric Reissner  · 1965: Warner Koiter  · 1966: Daniel Drucker  · 1967: Maurice Anthony Biot  · 1968: Lloyd Hamilton Donnell  · 1969: Geoffrey Ingram Taylor  · 1970: Wilhelm Flügge  · 1971: Alfred Martin Freudenthal  · 1972: Nicholas Hoff  · 1973: Hans Bleich  · 1974: George W. Housner  · 1975: John Argyris  · 1976: Yuan-Cheng Fung  · 1977: George Carrier  · 1978: Rodney Hill  · 1979: Henry Louis Langhaar  · 1980: George Herrmann  · 1981: Chia-Shun Yih  · 1982: Bernard Budiansky  · 1983: Albert Edward Green  · 1984: Stephen Harry Crandall  · 1985: Philip Gibson Hodge  · 1986: Stanley Corrsin  · 1987: Richard Skalak  · 1988: Tung-Hua Lin  · 1989: Egor Popov  · 1990: John Dundurs  · 1991: Bruno A. Boley  · 1992: John Tinsley Oden  · 1993: Ronald Rivlin  · 1994: Masanobu Shinozuka  · 1995: Ray Clough  · 1996: Clifford Truesdell  · 1998: Y. K. Lin  · 1999: Ted Belytschko  · 2000: Robert H. Scanlan  · 2001: Anestis Stavrou Veletsos  · 2002: Thomas Kirk Caughey  · 2003: Pol Dimitrios Spanos  · 2004: Theodore Yao-tsu Wu  · 2005: Zdeněk Bažant  · 2006: George J. Dvorak  · 2007: Chiang C. Mei  · 2008: Sia Nemat-Nasser  · 2009: Thomas J.R. Hughes  · 2010: Jan Achenbach  · 2012: Franz-Josef Ulm  · 2013: Wilfred Iwan  · 2014: James Robert Rice  · 2015: Ahsan Kareem  · 2016: Ares J. Rosakis  · 2017: Huajian Gao  · 2018: J. N. Reddy  · 2019: Yonggang Huang  · 2020: Katepalli Raju Sreenivasan  · 2021: Fabrizio Vestroni

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1957: Stephen Timoshenko  · 1958: Arpad Nadai, Geoffrey Ingram Taylor e Theodore von Karman  · 1959: Richard Vynne Southwell  · 1960: Cornelius Biezeno e Richard Grammel  · 1961: James Norman Goodier  · 1962: Maurice Anthony Biot  · 1963: Michael James Lighthill  · 1964: Raymond Mindlin  · 1965: Sydney Goldstein  · 1966: William Prager  · 1967: Hillel Poritsky  · 1968: Warner Koiter  · 1969: Jakob Ackeret  · 1970: James Johnston Stoker  · 1971: Howard Wilson Emmons  · 1972: Den Hartog  · 1973: Eric Reissner  · 1974: Albert Edward Green  · 1975: Chia-Chiao Lin  · 1976: Erastus Henry Lee  · 1977: John Eshelby  · 1978: George Carrier  · 1979: Jerald Ericksen  · 1980: Paul Naghdi  · 1981: John Argyris  · 1982: John Wilder Miles  · 1983: Daniel Drucker  · 1984: Joseph Keller  · 1985: Eli Sternberg  · 1986: George Irwin  · 1987: Ronald Rivlin  · 1988: George Batchelor  · 1989: Bernard Budiansky  · 1990: Stephen Harry Crandall  · 1991: Yuan-Cheng Fung  · 1992: Jan Achenbach  · 1993: John Lumley  · 1994: James Robert Rice  · 1995: Daniel Joseph  · 1996: John Tinsley Oden  · 1997: John Raymond Willis  · 1998: Olgierd Zienkiewicz  · 1999: Anatol Roshko  · 2000: Rodney James Clifton  · 2001: Ted Belytschko  · 2002: John W. Hutchinson  · 2003: Lambert Freund  · 2004: Morton Gurtin  · 2005: Grigory Barenblatt  · 2006: Kenneth Langstreth Johnson  · 2007: Thomas J.R. Hughes  · 2008: Sia Nemat-Nasser  · 2009: Zdeněk Bažant  · 2010: Wolfgang Knauss  · 2011: Alan Needleman  · 2012: Subra Suresh  · 2013: Richard Monson Christensen  · 2014: Robert McMeeking  · 2015: Michael Ortiz  · 2016: Raymond Ogden  · 2017: Viggo Tvergaard  · 2018: Ares J. Rosakis  · 2019: J. N. Reddy  · 2020: Mary Cunningham Boyce  · 2021: Huajian Gao

  • Portal dos Estados Unidos
  • Portal da engenharia
  • Portal da história da ciência
Controle de autoridade
  • Wd: Q4789078
  • WorldCat
  • VIAF: 71462692
  • ISNI: ID
  • LCCN: n85815328
  • MGP: 127749
  • NTA: 074987852
  • NUKAT: n96302521
  • Scopus: 7005403319