1718 w literaturze

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Wydarzenia literackie w 1718 roku.

Nowe książki

  • Joseph Addison – Poems on Several Occasions
    • The Resurrection
  • Nicholas Amhurst – Protestant Popery; or, The Convocation (part of the Bangorian Controversy)
  • Charles Gildon – The Complete Art of Poetry
  • Mary Hearne – The Lover's Week
  • Simon Ockley – The History of the Saracens, volume 2
  • Richardson Pack – Miscellanies in Verse and Prose
  • Ambrose Philips – The Free-Thinker (periodical)
  • Alexander Pope – The Iliad of Homer iv
  • Thomas Purney – The Cevalier de St. George
  • Allan Ramsay -Christ's Kirk on the Green (revised version)
  • John Ray – Philosophical Letters
  • John Strype – The Life and Acts of John Witgift
  • John Toland – Nazarenus, or Jewish, Gentile and Mahometan Christianity
  • John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester – Remains of the Earl of Rochester
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