
アンナビー・ユーシュア (アラビア語: النبي يوشع‎) はサファドの北東17キロに位置する標高375メートルのガリラヤの小さなパレスチナ人の村である。1923年から1948年にかけてイギリス支配下のイギリス委任統治領パレスチナの一部となり、第一次中東戦争の際に無人化させられた。村は森に囲まれ、フラ渓谷を見下ろしている。


18世紀遅くにアル=グルとして知られる一家が 宗教的献身行為としてナビー・ユーシュア(預言者ヨシュア)の廟を建てた。それはモスクと、訪問者の建物を含んでいた。「廟の従僕」とも呼ばれた一家はおよそ50名であり同地に入植した。彼らは廟周辺の土地を耕し、その結果土地は村へと発展していった[1]






第一次世界大戦終結時は、フランス統治下にあった。そして1920年の英仏間の境界協定に基づき、レバノン領となった[4] 。1921年のフランスによる人口センサスの時点で、村民はレバノンの市民権を与えられた[7]。しかしながら、1920年の協定により設立された境界委員会は国境を動かし、村をパレスチナ側にした[4]。管理支配のイギリス当局への委譲は、1924年まで終了しなかった[8]











  1. ^ a b c d e Khalidi, 1992, p. 481
  2. ^ van de Velde, 1854, 2 vol, pp. 416-417
  3. ^ Guérin, 1880, p. 362
  4. ^ a b c Asher Kaufman (2006年). “Between Palestine and Lebanon: Seven Sahi'i villages as a case study of boundaries, identities and conflict”. Middle East Journal 60: pp. 685–706 
  5. ^ Conder and Kitchener, 1881, SWP I, p. 228
  6. ^ Berger, 2015, En-Nabi Yusha‘
  7. ^ Khalid Sindawi (2008年). “Are there any Shi'ite Muslims in Israel?”. Holy Land Studies 2: pp. 183–199 
  8. ^ Biger, 2004, p. 134
  9. ^ Mills, 1932, p. 109
  10. ^ Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. Village Statistics, April, 1945. Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p. 10
  11. ^ a b Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. Village Statistics, April, 1945. Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p. 70
  12. ^ Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. Village Statistics, April, 1945. Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, 120
  13. ^ Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. Village Statistics, April, 1945. Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p. 170
  14. ^ Morris, 2004, pp. 361-2
  15. ^ Khalidi, 1992, pp. 481-2
  16. ^ Petersen, 2001, pp. 236-8
  17. ^ a b Mazar Hazrat Yusha’ bin Noon, on the website of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada [1]
  18. ^ Tomb of Prophet Yusha' (photo of the tomb; Islamic view on Prophet Yusha'/Joshua) [2]


  • Berger, Uri (2015-12-09). En-Nabi Yusha‘. Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel. http://www.hadashot-esi.org.il/report_detail_eng.aspx?id=24854&mag_id=122. 
  • Biger, Gideon (2004). The boundaries of modern Palestine, 1840-1947. Routledge. p. 134. ISBN 978-0-7146-5654-0. https://books.google.com/?id=jC9MbKNh8GUC 
  • Conder, Claude Reignier; Kitchener, H. H. (1881). The Survey of Western Palestine: Memoirs of the Topography, Orography, Hydrography, and Archaeology. 1. London: Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund. https://archive.org/details/surveyofwesternp01conduoft 
  • Department of Statistics (1945). Village Statistics, April, 1945. Government of Palestine. http://web.nli.org.il/sites/nli/Hebrew/library/Pages/BookReader.aspx?pid=856390 
  • Guérin, Victor (1880) (French). Description Géographique Historique et Archéologique de la Palestine. 3: Galilee, pt. 2. Paris: L'Imprimerie Nationale. https://archive.org/details/descriptiongogr00gugoog 
  • Hadawi, Sami (1970). Village Statistics of 1945: A Classification of Land and Area ownership in Palestine. Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center. http://www.palestineremembered.com/Articles/General-2/Story3150.html 
  • Khalidi, Walid (1992). All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948. Washington D.C.: Institute for Palestine Studies. ISBN 0-88728-224-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=_By7AAAAIAAJ 
  • Lamb, Franklin. Completing The Task Of Evicting Israel From Lebanon 2009-06-02
  • Mills, E., ed (1932). Census of Palestine 1931. Population of Villages, Towns and Administrative Areas. Jerusalem: Government of Palestine. https://archive.org/details/CensusOfPalestine1931.PopulationOfVillagesTownsAndAdministrativeAreas 
  • Morris, Benny (2004). The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-00967-7. https://books.google.com/books?id=uM_kFX6edX8C 
  • Palmer, E. H. (1881). The Survey of Western Palestine: Arabic and English Name Lists Collected During the Survey by Lieutenants Conder and Kitchener, R. E. Transliterated and Explained by E.H. Palmer. Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund. https://archive.org/details/surveyofwesternp00conduoft 
  • Petersen, Andrew (2001). A Gazetteer of Buildings in Muslim Palestine (British Academy Monographs in Archaeology). 1. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-727011-0. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0197270115 
  • al-Qawuqji, Fauzi (1972): Memoirs of al-Qawuqji, Fauzi in Journal of Palestine Studies
    • "Memoirs, 1948, Part I" in 1, no. 4 (Sum. 72): 27-58., dpf-file, downloadable
    • "Memoirs, 1948, Part II" in 2, no. 1 (Aut. 72): 3-33., dpf-file, downloadable
  • Rubinstein, Danny (6 August 2006). “The Seven Lost Villages”. Haaretz. 1 October 2007時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2009年6月2日閲覧。
  • Velde, van de, Charles William Meredith (1854). Narrative of a journey through Syria and Palestine in 1851 and 1852. 2. William Blackwood and son. https://archive.org/details/narrativeajourn01veldgoog 


  • Welcome To al-Nabi Yusha', Palestine Remembered
  • al-Nabi Yusha', Zochrot
  • Survey of Western Palestine, Map 4: IAA, File:Survey_of_Western_Palestine_1880.04.jpg
  • al-Nabi Yusha', at Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center
  • Al-Nabi Yusha’, Dr. Khalil Rizk.
  • UN map of the 1947 plan
  • The Destroyed Palestinian Villages on Google Earth