Program Minyak untuk Makanan

Program Minyak untuk Makanan
Oil-for-Food Programme

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Program Minyak untuk Makanan atau Oil-for-Food Programme (OIP), didirikan oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa pada 1995 (lewat Resolusi 986)[1] untuk mengijinkan Irak untuk menjual minyak bumi di pasar dunia untuk ditukar dengan makanan, obat dan kebutuhan kemanusiaan lain untuk warga Irak biasa tanpa mengijinkan Irak untuk mengerahkan pasukan militernya. Program tersebut diperkenalkan oleh pemerintahan Presiden Amerika Serikat Bill Clinton pada 1995,[2] sebagai tanggapan terhadap pernyataan bahwa warga Irak biasa ikut terdampak sanksi ekonomi internasional yang ditujukan untuk demiliterisasi Irak pimpinan Saddam Hussein, usai Perang Teluk. Sanksi tersebut dicabut pada 21 November 2003 usai invasi Irak oleh AS, dan fungsi-fungsi kemanusiaan dialihkan ke Coalition Provisional Authority.[3]

Catatan akhir

  1. ^ United Nations Security Council Resolution 986. S/RES/986(1995) 14 April 1995. Retrieved 2008-04-09.
  2. ^ Traub, James. "Off Target." New Republic 232.6 (21 February 2005): 14–17. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Dec 2011.
  3. ^ "UN Office of the Iraq Program – Oil-for-Food". United Nations. Diakses tanggal 7 December 2011. 
  • Duelfer, Charles; Iraq Survey Group (30 September 2004). Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD. Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency. ISBN 0-16-072492-9. Diakses tanggal 2 November 2011. 

Pranala luar


  • おまとめローンで金利を下げられるかも?貴方にその技教えます。 | – Independent Inquiry into the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme
  • Resolution 986 authorizing the Oil-for-Food Programme
  • UN Office of the Iraq Programme Oil-for-Food
  • Oil-for-Food Facts – website of the UN Foundation an independent UN political booster organization
  • SourceWatch on Oil-for-Food Programme
  •[pranala nonaktif permanen]



  • europaticker: oils for Food – scandal in Iraq: Transparency Germany inserts complaint against 57 German enterprises
  • Tel Chai Nation: Oil-for-Food scandal: the Houston-based defendants


  • Putting Oil-for-Food in Perspective, JURIST, 2 November 2005
  • Oil for food: A shared failure – Still a long way to go,, 27 October 2005
  • "U.N.: 2,200 Companies Gave Iraq Illicit Funds", Nick Wadhams & Edith Lederer, Associated Press, Yahoo News, 27 October 2005
  • Financial Times, 13 January 2005, "US ignored warning on Iraqi oil smuggling"
  •, Documents: U.S. condoned Iraq oil smuggling, 2 February 2005
  • BBC, 15 April 2005, Row deepens over UN oil scandal
  • The Guardian, 17 May 2005, US 'backed illegal Iraqi oil deals'
  • AlterNet, 4 October 2005, "Kofi and the Scandal Pimps" Diarsipkan 2012-02-08 di Wayback Machine.
  • Le Monde, 13 October 2005, M. Boidevaix aurait été "en contact constant avec le quai d'Orsay"


  • The U.N. Oil for Food scandal – Washington Times, March 2004
  • BBC, 19 March 2004, Galloway accepts libel damages
  • Jean-David Levitte, Los Angeles Times, 7 April 2004, First 'Freedom Fries,' Now Oil-for-Food Lies; Op ed of French ambassador to the US
  • Claudia Rosett, Commentary, May 2004, "What Did Kofi Annan Know, and When Did He Know It?"
  • Hankes-Drielsma connections to Chalabi, May 2004
  • The U.N. Is Us: Exposing Saddam Hussein's Silent Partner U.S. Complicity in the Oil Smuggling Harper's Magazine December 2004