Fables, Ancient and Modern

Fables, Ancient and Modern adalah sebuah kumpulan terjemahan puisi klasik dan abad pertengahan karya John Dryden yang disesuaikan dengan beberapa karyanya sendiri. Diterbitkan pada Maret 1700, karya tersebut adalah salah satu karya terbesar terakhirnya. Dryden wafat dua bulan kemudian.[1]


  1. ^ The Preface to the Fables - Page v volume of miscellanies entitled Fables, consisting chiefly of translations from Chaucer, Ovid, and Boccaccio, with a poetical epistle to his cousin, John Driden, and the second Ode on St Cecilia's Day, better known as Alexanders Feast. It is dedicated in a prose epistle to the Duke of Ormond, and contains a verse dedication of Palamon and Arcite to the Duchess of Ormond.
  • Jena Trammell, Anderson College, Fables Ancient and Modern in The Literary Encyclopedia. Diarsipkan 2021-06-21 di Wayback Machine.
  • A Table of Contents for the volume
  • Dryden's Preface "Chaucer as a Poet" Diarsipkan 2023-03-23 di Wayback Machine.
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Karya buatan John Dryden
  • Essay of Dramatick Poesie (1668)
  • Fables, Ancient and Modern (1700)
  • The State of Innocence (1677)
  • Albion and Albanius (1685)
  • King Arthur (1691)
  • Astraea Redux (1660)
  • Annus Mirabilis (1667)
  • Absalom and Achitophel (1681-82)
  • Mac Flecknoe (1682)
  • Religio Laici (1682)
  • Threnodia Augustalis (1685)
  • The Hind and the Panther (1687)
  • Alexander's Feast (1697)
  • The Wild Gallant (1663)
  • The Indian Queen (1664)
  • The Indian Emperour (1665)
  • The Maiden Queen (1667)
  • The Tempest (1667)
  • Sir Martin Mar-all (1667)
  • An Evening's Love (1668)
  • Tyrannick Love (1669)
  • The Conquest of Granada (1670)
  • The Assignation (1672)
  • Marriage à la mode (1672)
  • Amboyna (1673)
  • The Mistaken Husband (1674)
  • Aureng-zebe (1675)
  • All for Love (1678)
  • Mr. Limberham; or, the Kind Keeper (1678)
  • Oedipus (1679)
  • Amphitryon (1691)
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