Ayuba Suleiman Diallo

Ayuba Suleiman Diallo
Potret Diallo oleh William Hoare (1733) mengenakan pakaian tradisionalnya
Bundu (sekarang Senegal)
Meninggal1773 (umur 71–72)
Nama lainJob ben Solomon

Ayuba Suleiman Diallo (1701 — 1773), juga dikenal sebagai Job ben Solomon, adalah Muslim yang dikenal menjadi korban dari Perdagangan budak Atlantik. Lahir di Bundu, Senegal (Afrika Barat), memoar Ayuba diterbitkan sebagai salah satu narasi budak yang paling awal, yaitu, cerita orang pertama dari perdagangan budak, menurut Thomas Bluett pada Some Memories of the Life of Job, the Son of the Solomon High Priest of Boonda in Africa; Who was enslaved about two Years in Maryland; and afterwards being brought to England, was set free, and sent to his native Land in the Year 1734. Namun, versi ini bukan cerita orang pertama. Sebuah catatan tangan pertama dari penangkapan Ayuba dan akhirnya kembali ke rumah dapat ditemukan di Travels into the Interior Parts of Africa oleh Francis Moore.


  • Austin, Allan D. African Muslims in Antebellum America: tranatlantic stories and spiritual struggles. (London: Routledge, 1997).
  • Diouf, Sylviane Anna. Servants of Allah: African Muslims enslaved in the Americas. New York: New York University Press, 1998.
  • Painter, Nell Creating Black Americans: African-American History and its Meanings, 1619 to Present, Oxford, 2005. ISBN 978-0-19-513755-2
  • Bluett, Thomas. Some Memories of the Life of Job, the Son of the Solomon High Priest of Boonda in Africa; Who was a Slave about two Years in Maryland; and afterwards being brought to England, was set free, and sent to his native Land in the Year 1734. London: Richard Ford, 1734.
  • Grant, Douglas. The Fortunate Slave: An Illustration of African Slavery in the Early Eighteenth Century. London: Oxford University Press, 1968.
  • 'Job ben Solomon,' Gentleman’s Magazine 20 (1750), 272.
  • 'London, Nov. 11,' The Virginia Gazette(February 4, 1737), 1; and 'London, Nov. 1,' Boston Weekly- newsletter (January 13, 1737), 1
  • Moore, Francis. Travels into the Inland parts of Africa: containing a description of the several nations for the space of Six Hundred Miles up the River Gambia; their Trade, Habits, Customs, Language, Manners, Religion and Government; the Power, Disposition and Characters of some Negro Princes; with a particular Account of Job Ben Solomon, a Pholey, who was in England in the Year 1733, and known by the Name of the African. To which is added, Capt. Stibbs's voyage up the Gambia in the Year 1723, to make Discoveries; with an accurate map of that River taken on the Spot: And many other Copper Plates. Also extracts from the Nubian's Geography, Leo the African, and other authors antient and modern, concerning the Niger-Nile, or Gambia, and Observations thereon. By Francis Moore, Factor several Years to the Royal African Company of England. London: Printed by Edward Cave, at St. John’s Gate, for the author, and sold by J. Stagg, in Westminster Hall; and at St. John’s Gate aforesaid, 1738, 216, 202, and 213-124.
  • Judy, Ronald A.T. (Dis)Forming the American Canon: African-Arabic Slave Narratives and the Vernacular. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.
  • Weaver, Jace. “The Red Atlantic: Transoceanic Cultural Exchanges.” The American Indian Quarterly 35, no. 3 (2011): 418–63.


Pranala luar

  • Digital History entry
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Narasi budak
  • Slave Narrative Collection
menurut benua
  • Robert Adams (c. 1790–?)
  • Francis Bok (b. 1979)
  • James Leander Cathcart (1767–1843)
  • Ólafur Egilsson (1564–1639)
  • Hark Olufs (1708–1754)
  • Mende Nazer (b. 1982)
  • Thomas Pellow (1705–?)
  • Joseph Pitts (1663 – ca 1735)
  • Guðríður Símonardóttir (1598–1682)
  • Petro Kilekwa (akhir 19th c.)
  • Lovisa von Burghausen (1698–1733)
  • Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745 Nigeria – 31 March 1797 Eng)
  • Ukawsaw Gronniosaw (c. 1705 Bornu – 1775 Eng)
  • Roustam Raza (1783–1845)
  • Brigitta Scherzenfeldt (1684–1736)
Amerika Utara:
Amerika Utara:
  • Juan Francisco Manzano (1797–1854, Cuba)
  • Esteban Montejo (1860–1965, Cuba)
  • Mary Prince
  • Venerable Pierre Toussaint (1766 Saint-Dominque – June 30, 1853 NY)
  • Marcos Xiorro (c. 1819 – ???, Puerto Rico)
Amerika Utara:
Amerika Serikat
  • Sam Aleckson
  • Jordan Anderson
  • William J. Anderson
  • Jared Maurice Arter
  • Solomon Bayley
  • Polly Berry
  • Henry Bibb
  • Leonard Black
  • Henry "Box" Brown
  • John Brown
  • William Wells Brown
  • Peter Bruner (1845 KY – 1938 OH)
  • Ellen and William Craft
  • Hannah Crafts
  • Lucinda Davis
  • Noah Davis
  • Lucy Delaney
  • Ayuba Suleiman Diallo
  • Frederick Douglass
  • Kate Drumgoold
  • Jordan Winston Early (1814 – after 1894)
  • Sarah Jane Woodson Early
  • David George
  • Moses Grandy
  • William Green (19th century MD)
  • William Grimes
  • Josiah Henson
  • Fountain Hughes (1848/1854 VA – 1957)
  • John Andrew Jackson
  • Harriet Ann Jacobs
  • John Jea
  • Thomas James (minister)
  • Paul Jennings (1799–1874)
  • Elizabeth Keckley
  • Boston King
  • Lunsford Lane
  • J. Vance Lewis
  • Jermain Wesley Loguen
  • Solomon Northup
  • John Parker (1827 VA – 1900)
  • William Parker
  • James Robert
  • Moses Roper
  • Omar ibn Said
  • William Henry Singleton
  • Venture Smith
  • Austin Steward (1793 VA – 1860)
  • Venerable Pierre Toussaint (1766 Saint-Dominque – 1853 NY)
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Wallace Turnage
  • Bethany Veney
  • Booker T. Washington
  • Wallace Willis (19th century Indian Territory)
  • Harriet E. Wilson
  • Zamba Zembola (b. c. 1780 Congo)
Amerika Selatan
  • Osifekunde (c. 1795 Nigeria – ? Brazil)
  • Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua (1845–1847, Brazil)
  • Miguel de Buría (? Puerto Rico – 1555 Venezuela)
Buku non-fiksi
  • The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano (1789)
  • The Narrative of Robert Adams (1816)
  • American Slavery as It Is (1839)
  • Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845)
  • The Life of Josiah Henson (1849)
  • Twelve Years a Slave (1853)
  • My Bondage and My Freedom (1855)
  • Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861)
  • The Underground Railroad Records (1872)
  • Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1881)
  • Up from Slavery (1901)
  • Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States (1936–38)
  • The Peculiar Institution (1956)
  • The Slave Community (1972)
  • Oroonoko (1688)
  • Sab (1841)
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852)
  • The Heroic Slave (1852)
  • Clotel (1853)
  • Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp (1856)
  • The Bondwoman's Narrative (ca 1853ca 1861)
  • Our Nig (1859)
  • Jubilee (1966)
  • The Confessions of Nat Turner (1967)
  • Roots: The Saga of an American Family (1976)
  • Underground to Canada (1977)
  • Kindred (1979)
  • Dessa Rose (1986)
  • Beloved (1987)
  • Middle Passage (1990)
  • Queen: The Story of an American Family (1993)
  • Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons (1996)
  • Ama: A Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade (2001)
  • Walk Through Darkness (2002)
  • The Known World (2003)
  • Unburnable (2006)
  • Copper Sun (2006)
  • The Book of Negroes (2007)
  • The Underground Railroad (2016)
Buku remaja
  • Amos Fortune, Free Man (1951)
  • I, Juan de Pareja (1965)
  • The Slave-Girl from Jerusalem (2007)
  • To a Southern Slaveholder (1848)
  • A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin (1853)
  • The Escape; or, A Leap for Freedom (1858)
  • The Octoroon (1859)
  • African-American literature
  • Atlantic slave trade
  • Caribbean literature
  • Films featuring slavery
  • Songs of the Underground Railroad
  • Book of Negroes (1783)
  • Cotton Plantation Record and Account Book (1847)
  • Slave Songs of the United States (1867)
  • Amazing Grace: An Anthology of Poems about Slavery (2002)
  • The Hemingses of Monticello (2008)
  • Unchained Memories (2003)
  • Frederick Douglass and the White Negro (2008)