
Infobox orangAdomnán

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Abbas Biara Iona
679 – 704
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Adomnán atau Adamnán dari Iona (/æðɒvˈnɔːn/, bahasa Latin: Adamnanus, Adomnanus; skt. 624  – 704), juga dikenal sebagai Eunan (dari bahasa Gaeilge Naomh Ádhamhnán), merupakan seorang abbas dari Biara Iona (679–704), hagiografer, negarawan, ahli hukum keagamaan, dan santo. Ia adalah penulis sebuah buku terpenting dari sepupunya St Kolumba dan penyebar Hukum Adomnán atau "Hukum Yang Tidak Berdosa" (bahasa Latin: Lex Innocentium).

Lihat pula



  • Reeves, William, and James Henthorn Todd (eds.). Vita Sancta Columbae: The life of St Columba founder of Hy, written by Adamnan, ninth Abbot of Iona. Dublin: Dublin University Press for the Irish Archaeological and Celtic Association, 1857. Available from CELT
  • Sharpe, Richard (tr.). Adomnán of Iona: Life of St. Columba. London, 1995. (43-65)
  • Smyth, Alfred P. (1984). Warlords and Holy Men: Scotland AD 80–1000. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 0-7486-0100-7. 

Bacaan selanjutnya

  • Adomnán at Birr, AD 697: Essays in Commemoration of the Law of the Innocents. Edited by Thomas O'Loughlin. (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001)

Sumber pertama

  • Adomnán, Vita Columbae:
    • Anderson, A.O. and M.O. Anderson (eds. and trs.). Adomnán's Life of Columba. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1991. First edition: Edinburgh, 1961.
    • Sharpe, Richard (tr.). Adomnán of Iona: Life of St. Columba. London, 1995. (43-65)
    • Reeves, William, and James Henthorn Todd (eds.). Vita Sancta Columbae: The life of St Columba founder of Hy, written by Adamnan, ninth Abbot of Iona. Dublin: Dublin University Press for the Irish Archaeological and Celtic Association, 1857. Available from CELT
  • Cáin Adamnáin ("The Law of Adomnán") or Lex Innocentium ("Law of the Innocents")
    • Márkus, Gilbert (tr.), Adomnán's Law of the Innocents - Cáin Adomnáin: A seventh-century law for the protection of non-combatants. Kilmartin, Argyll: Kilmartin House Museum, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9533674-3-6
    • Meyer, Kuno (ed.). Cain Adamnain: An Old Irish Treatise on the Law of Adamnan. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1905.
    • Ní Dhonnchadha, Máirín (tr.). "The Law of Adomnán: A Translation." Adomnan at Birr, AD 697: Essays in Commemoration of the Law of the Innocents, ed. Thomas O’Louglin. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001. 53-68. Translation of §§ 28-53.
  • Adomnán, De Locis Sanctis
    • Meehan, D. (ed.). Adomnan's 'De Locis Sanctis'. Scriptores Latini Hiberniae 3. Dublin, 1958. 1–34.
  • Anonymous, Betha Adamnáin ("The Life of Adomnán")
    • Herbert, Maire and Padraig Ó Riain (eds. and trs.). Betha Adamnáin: The Irish Life of Adamnán. Irish Texts Society 54. 1988. 1-44.
  • Anonymous, Fís Adomnáin ("The Vision of Adomnán"), 10-11th century.
    • Windisch, Ernst (ed.). "Fís Adamnáin." Irische Texte 1 (1880). 165-96.
    • Stokes, W. (ed. and tr.). Fis Adomnáin. Simla, 1870.
    • Carey, John (tr.). King of Mysteries: Early Irish Religious Writings. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1998. 263-74.

Sumber kedua

  • Herbert, M. Iona, Kells, and Derry: the history and hagiography of the monastic familia of Columba. 1988.
  • O'Loughlin, T. "The Exegetical Purpose of Adomnán’s De Locis Sanctis", Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 24(1992)37-53.
  • O'Loughlin, T. "The Library of Iona in the Late Seventh Century: The Evidence from Adomnán’s De locis sanctis", Ériu 45(1994)33-52
  • O'Loughlin, T."The View from Iona: Adomnán’s mental maps", Peritia 10(1996)98-122
  • O'Loughlin, T. "Res, tempus, locus, persona: Adomnán’s Exegetical Method", Innes Review 48(1997)95-111; re-printed in: D. Broun and T.O. Clancy eds, Spes Scotorum Hope of the Scots: Saint Columba, Iona and Scotland (T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh 1999), pp. 139–158.
  • O'Loughlin, T. "Adomnán and Arculf: The Case of an Expert Witness", Journal of Medieval Latin 7(1997)127-146
  • O'Loughlin, T. "Adomnán: A Man of Many Parts" in T. O’Loughlin ed., Adomnán at Birr, AD 697: Essays in Commemoration of the Law of the Innocents (Four Courts Press, Dublin 2001), pp. 41–51.
  • O'Loughlin, T. "The Tombs of the Saints: their significance for Adomnán", in J. Carey, M. Herbert and P. Ó Riain eds, Studies in Irish Hagiography: Saints and Scholars (Four Courts Press, Dublin 2001), pp. 1–14.

Pranala luar

  • Templat:Cite IrishBio
  • Adamnan (c. 700), Reeves, William, ed., The Life of Saint Columba, Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas (dipublikasikan tanggal 1874), diakses tanggal 2008-08-09 
  • St. Adamnan (c. 700), Fowler, Joseph Thomas, ed., Prophecies Miracles and Visions of St. Columba, London: Henry Frowde (dipublikasikan tanggal 1895), diakses tanggal 2008-08-09 
  • Resources for Adomnán
  • Bibliography for Adomnán
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