South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation

La South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO) est une organisation qui maintient des contrôles sur la pêche dans l'océan Atlantique Sud.


  • A. Jackson. The Convention on the Conservation and Management of Fishery Resources in the South East Atlantic Ocean 2001: An Intreoduction. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 17 (2002): 33-77.
  • D.G.M. Miller et E.J. Molenaar. The SEAFC Convention: A Comparative Analysis in a Developing Coastal State Perspective. Eds. A. Chircop, S. Coffen-Smout and M. McConnel (New York: Transnational Publishers, 2006). Ocean Yearbook 20(2006): 305-375.
  • H. Hamukuaya. SEAFO: A Modern Instrument to Address Typical Fisheries Management Issues. Eds.A. Chircop, S. Coffen-Smout and M. McConnel (New York: Transnational Publishers, 2007). Ocean Yearbook 21(2007): 203-236.

  • icône décorative Portail du monde maritime
  • icône décorative Portail de la conservation de la nature