José Manuel Durão Barroso

José Manuel Durão Barroso

Irudi gehiago

11. Europako Batzordeko Presidentea

2004ko azaroaren 22a - 2014ko urriaren 31
← Romano Prodi - Jean-Claude Juncker →
115. Portugalgo Lehen Ministroa

2002ko apirilaren 6a - 2004ko uztailaren 17a
António Guterres - Pedro Santana Lopes →
159. Minister of Foreign Affairs (en) Itzuli

1992ko azaroaren 12a - 1995eko urriaren 28a
← João de Deus Pinheiro (en) Itzuli - Jaime Gama (en) Itzuli

Errepublikako Biltzarreko kidea

Barrutia: Lisboa
Hautetsia: 1985 Portuguese legislative election (en) Itzuli

Errepublikako Biltzarreko kidea

Barrutia: Viseu (Assembly of the Republic constituency) (en) Itzuli
Hautetsia: 1987 Portuguese legislative election (en) Itzuli
JaiotzaLisboa, 1956ko martxoaren 23a (68 urte)
Herrialdea Portugal
HeziketaLisboako Unibertsitateko Zuzenbide fakultatea
Walsh School of Foreign Service (en) Itzuli
Georgetowngo Unibertsitatea
Genevako Unibertsitatea
Jarduerakpolitikaria eta ekonomialaria
  • World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014 (en) Itzuli
    World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015 (en) Itzuli
    World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016 (en) Itzuli
Enplegatzailea(k)Georgetowngo Unibertsitatea
Jasotako sariak
  • Steiger Award
    Ohorezko Legioko ofizial handia Ohorezko Legioko ofizial handia
    Meritu Zibileko Ordenaren Gurutze Handia Meritu Zibileko Ordenaren Gurutze Handia
    Karlos III.aren Ordenaren Gurutze Handia Karlos III.aren Ordenaren Gurutze Handia : Juan Carlos I.a  (2011ko azaroaren 14a)
    Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru‎ Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru‎
    Grand Cross of the Order of the Southern Cross Grand Cross of the Order of the Southern Cross  (1991ko abuztuaren 22a)
    Grand Collar of the Order of Prince Henry Grand Collar of the Order of Prince Henry  (2014ko azaroaren 3a)
    Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George
    Grand Cross of the Order of Orange-Nassau Grand Cross of the Order of Orange-Nassau
    Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland : Aleksander Kwaśniewski  (2004ko ekainaren 30a)
    Grand Cross 1st class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Grand Cross 1st class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
    Grand Cross of the Order of Vytautas the Great Grand Cross of the Order of Vytautas the Great  (2007ko ekainaren 14a)
    Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, 1st Class Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, 1st Class  (2009ko otsailaren 4a)
    honorary doctorate of Haifa University
    Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ
    Robert Schuman Domina  (2009)
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Falcon Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Falcon  (1993ko ekainaren 4a)
    Order of Liberty Order of Liberty : Petro Poroxenko  (2015eko abuztuaren 21a)
    Grand Cross of the Order of Rio Branco Grand Cross of the Order of Rio Branco  (1996ko uztailaren 25a)
    Order of the Tribute to the Republic Order of the Tribute to the Republic  (1994ko urriaren 10a)
    Grand Officer of the Order of the White Double Cross Grand Officer of the Order of the White Double Cross : Ivan Gašparovič, Eslovakiako presidente  (2014ko apirilaren 30a)
    Order of Christ Order of Christ
    Order of Prince Henry Order of Prince Henry
    Order of the Falcon Order of the Falcon
    Order pro Merito Melitensi Order pro Merito Melitensi
    Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
    Order of the Lion of Finland Order of the Lion of Finland
    National Order of the Ivory Coast National Order of the Ivory Coast
    Order of the Southern Cross Order of the Southern Cross
    Order of the Republic Order of the Republic
    Meritu Zibileko Ordena Meritu Zibileko Ordena
    Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Order of Saint Michael and Saint George
    Peruko Eguzkiaren Ordena Peruko Eguzkiaren Ordena
    Order of Ouissam Alaouite Order of Ouissam Alaouite
    Río Brancoren Ordena Río Brancoren Ordena
    Hungarian Order of Merit Hungarian Order of Merit
    Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland
    Vytautas Handiaren ordena Vytautas Handiaren ordena
    Order of Stara Planina Order of Stara Planina
    Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana
    Order of Charles III Order of Charles III
    Order of the White Double Cross Order of the White Double Cross
    Order of the Golden Fleece Order of the Golden Fleece
    Order of the National Flag Order of the National Flag
    Dostyk Order of grade I Dostyk Order of grade I
    honorary doctorate from the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis  (2008)
KidetzaSteering Committee of the Bilderberg Meetings (en) Itzuli
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
Alderdi politikoa Portuguese Workers' Communist Party/Re-Organized Movement of the Party of the Proletariat (en) Itzuli
Alderdi Sozialdemokrata

IMDB: nm1578721 Discogs: 5500406 Edit the value on Wikidata

Jose Manuel Durão Barroso (Lisboa, 1956ko martxoaren 23a) portugaldar politikari eta unibertsitateko irakaslea da. Europako Batzordeko presidentea izan zen 2004-2014 bitartean; eta Portugalgo lehen ministroa 2002-2004 bitartean, PSD zentro-eskuineko alderdiarekin. Goldman Sachs International bankuko presidente ez-exekutibo izendatu zuten 2016ko uztailean.[1][2]


  1. Ex-European Commission head Barroso under fire over Goldman Sachs job. BBC News, 2016ko uztailak 13, (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-4-24).
  2. Lasa, Irune. Etika batzordeak ongi iritzi dio Durao Barrosok Goldman Sachsen lan egiteari. Berria egunkaria, 2016ko azaroak 6, CC BY-SA 4.0, (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-4-24).

Kanpo estekak

Autoritate kontrola
  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q15849
  • Commonscat Multimedia: José Manuel Barroso / Q15849

  • Wd Datuak: Q15849
  • Commonscat Multimedia: José Manuel Barroso / Q15849
  • i
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  • a
Portugalgo lehen ministroak
Lehen Errepublika
  • Braga
  • Pinheiro Chagas (1.)
  • Vasconcelos
  • Leite
  • Costa (1.)
  • Machado (1.)
  • Azevedo Coutinho
  • Pimenta de Castro
  • Batzar Konstituzionala
  • Pinheiro Chagas (2.)
  • J. Castro
  • Costa (2.)
  • Almeida
  • Costa (3.)
  • Pais
  • Canto e Castro
  • Tamagnini Barbosa
  • Relvas
  • Leite Pereira (1.)
  • Sá Cardoso (1.)
  • Fernandes Costa
  • Sá Cardoso (2.)
  • Leite Pereira (2.)
  • Baptista
  • Ramos Preto
  • Silva (1.)
  • Granjo (1.)
  • A. Castro (1.)
  • Pinto
  • Machado (2.)
  • Barros Queirós
  • Granjo (2.)
  • Coelho
  • Maia Pinto
  • Cunha Leal
  • Silva (2.)
  • Ginestal Machado
  • A. Castro (2.)
  • Rodrigues Gaspar
  • Domingues dos Santos
  • Guimarães
  • Silva (3.)
  • Leite Pereira (3.)
  • Silva (4.)
Bigarren Errepublika
Hirugarren Errepublika
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  • a
Europako Ikatz eta Altzairuaren Erkidegoa
Jean Monnet (1952–1955)René Mayer (1955–1958) • Paul Finet (1958–1959) • Piero Malvestiti (1959–1963) • Rinaldo Del Bo (1963–1967)
Europako Energia Atomikoaren Erkidegoa
Louis Armand (1958–1959) • Étienne Hirsch (1959–1962) • Pierre Chatenet (1962–1967)
Europako Ekonomia Erkidegoa
Walter Hallstein (1958–1967)
Europar Erkidegoak (EE)
Europar Batasuna (EB)
Jean Rey (1967–1970)Franco Maria Malfatti (1970–1972)Sicco Mansholt (1972–1973)François-Xavier Ortoli (1973–1977)Roy Jenkins (1977–1981)Gaston Thorn (1981–1985)Jacques Delors (1985–1995)Jacques Santer (1995–1999) • Bitartekaria: Manuel Marín (1999)Romano Prodi (1999–2004) • José Manuel Durão Barroso (2004–2014)Jean-Claude Juncker (2014–2019)Ursula von der Leyen (2019)
Artikulu hau Portugalgo biografia baten zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.