Theta function of a lattice

In mathematics, the theta function of a lattice is a function whose coefficients give the number of vectors of a given norm.


One can associate to any (positive-definite) lattice Λ a theta function given by

Θ Λ ( τ ) = x Λ e i π τ x 2 I m τ > 0. {\displaystyle \Theta _{\Lambda }(\tau )=\sum _{x\in \Lambda }e^{i\pi \tau \|x\|^{2}}\qquad \mathrm {Im} \,\tau >0.}

The theta function of a lattice is then a holomorphic function on the upper half-plane. Furthermore, the theta function of an even unimodular lattice of rank n is actually a modular form of weight n/2. The theta function of an integral lattice is often written as a power series in q = e 2 i π τ {\displaystyle q=e^{2i\pi \tau }} so that the coefficient of qn gives the number of lattice vectors of norm 2n.

See also

  • Siegel theta series
  • Theta constant


  • v
  • t
  • e