Salt-marsh communities in the British National Vegetation Classification system

UK plant community type

This article gives an overview of the salt-marsh communities in the British National Vegetation Classification system.


The salt-marsh communities of the NVC were described in Volume 5 of British Plant Communities, first published in 2000, along with the other maritime communities (those of shingle strandline and sand-dunes and maritime cliffs) and vegetation of open habitats.

In total, 28 salt-marsh communities have been identified.

The salt-marsh communities consist of four separate subgroups:

  • three eel-grass and tassel-weed communities of tidal flats, pools and ditches (SM1, SM2 and SM3)
  • thirteen communities of the lower salt-marsh (SM4, SM5, SM6, SM7, SM8, SM9, SM10, SM11, SM12, SM13, SM14, SM15 and SM26)
  • nine communities of the middle salt-marsh (SM16, SM17, SM18, SM19, SM20, SM21, SM22, SM23 and SM27)
  • three communities of the upper salt-marsh (SM24, SM25 and SM28)

Other communities occurring on salt-marshes

There are a number of other communities which occur on salt-marshes, but are not classified as salt-marsh communities within the NVC. Those listed in British Plant Communities are as follows:

List of salt-marsh communities

The following is a list of the communities that make up this category:

  • SM1 Zostera communities Zosterion Christiansen 1934
  • SM2 Ruppia maritima salt-marsh community Ruppietum maritimae Hocquette 1927
  • SM3 Eleocharis parvula salt-marsh community Eleocharitetum parvulae (Preuss 1911/12) Gillner 1960
  • SM4 Spartina maritima salt-marsh community Spartinetum maritimae (Emb. & Regn. 1926) Corillion 1953
  • SM5 Spartina alterniflora salt-marsh community Spartinetum alterniflorae Corillion 1953
  • SM6 Spartina anglica salt-marsh community Spartinetum townsendii (Tansley 1939) Corillion 1953
  • SM7 Arthrocnemum perenne stands
  • SM8 Annual Salicornia salt-marsh community Salicornietum europaeae Warming 1906
  • SM9 Suaeda maritima salt-marsh community Suaedetum maritimae (Conrad 1935) Pignatti 1953
  • SM10 Transitional low-marsh vegetation with Puccinellia maritima, annual Salicornia species and Suaeda maritima
  • SM11 Aster tripolium var. discoideus salt-marsh community Asteretum tripolii Tansley 1939
  • SM12 Rayed Aster tripolium on salt-marshes
  • SM13 Puccinellia maritima salt-marsh community Puccinellietum maritimae (Warming 1906) Christiansen 1927
  • SM14 Halimione portaculoides salt-marsh community Halimionetum portulacoidis (Kuhnholtz-Lordat 1927) Des Abbayes & Corillion 1949
  • SM15 Juncus maritimus - Triglochin maritima salt-marsh community
  • SM16 Festuca rubra salt-marsh community Juncetum gerardi Warming 1906
  • SM17 Artemisia maritima salt-marsh community Artemisietum maritimae Hocquette 1927
  • SM18 Juncus maritimus salt-marsh community
  • SM19 Blysmus rufus salt-marsh community Blysmetum rufi (G.E. & G. Du Rietz 1925) Gillner 1960
  • SM20 Eleocharis uniglumis salt-marsh community Eleocharitetum uniglumis Nordhagen 1923
  • SM21 Suaeda vera - Limonium binervosum salt-marsh community
  • SM22 Halimione portulacoides - Frankenia laevis salt-marsh community Limonio vulgaris - Frankenietum laevis Géhu & Géhu-Franck 1975
  • SM23 Spergularia marina - Puccinellia distans salt-marsh community Puccinellietum distantis Feekes (1934) 1945
  • SM24 Elymus pycnanthus salt-marsh community Atriplici-Elymetum pycnanthi Beeftink & Westhoff 1962
  • SM25 Suaeda vera drift-line community Elymo pycnanthi - Suaedetum verae (Arènes 1933) Géhu 1975
  • SM26 Inula crithmoides on salt-marshes
  • SM27 Ephermeral salt-marsh vegetation with Sagina maritima Saginion maritimae Westhoff, van Leeuwen & Adriani 1962
  • SM28 Elymus repens salt-marsh community Elymetum repentis maritimum Nordhagen 1940
  • Salt-marsh Communities, excerpted from book 5
  • v
  • t
  • e
Volume 1
Woodlands and scrub
Volume 2
  • H1
  • H2
  • H3
  • H4
  • H5
  • H6
  • H7
  • H8
  • H9
  • H10
  • H11
  • H12
  • H13
  • H14
  • H15
  • H16
  • H17
  • H18
  • H19
  • H20 H21
  • H22
Volume 3
Mesotrophic grasslands
Calcicolous grasslands
Calcifugous grasslands and
montane communities
  • U1
  • U2
  • U3
  • U4
  • U5
  • U6
  • U7
  • U8
  • U9
  • U10
  • U11
  • U12
  • U13
  • U14
  • U15
  • U16
  • U17
  • U18
  • U19
  • U20 U21
Volume 4
Aquatic communities
  • A1
  • A2
  • A3
  • A4
  • A5
  • A6
  • A7
  • A8
  • A9
  • A10
  • A11
  • A12
  • A13
  • A14
  • A15
  • A16
  • A17
  • A18
  • A19
  • A20
  • A21
  • A22
  • A23
  • A24
Swamps and tall-herb fens
  • S1
  • S2
  • S3
  • S4
  • S5
  • S6
  • S7
  • S8
  • S9
  • S10
  • S11
  • S12
  • S13
  • S14
  • S15
  • S16
  • S17
  • S18
  • S19
  • S20 S21
  • S22
  • S23
  • S24
  • S25
  • S26
  • S27
  • S28
Volume 5
  • SM1
  • SM2
  • SM3
  • SM4
  • SM5
  • SM6
  • SM7
  • SM8
  • SM9
  • SM10
  • SM11
  • SM12
  • SM13
  • SM14
  • SM15
  • SM16
  • SM17
  • SM18
  • SM19
  • SM20
  • SM21
  • SM22
  • SM23
  • SM24
  • SM25
  • SM26
  • SM27
  • SM28
Shingle, strandline and
Maritime cliff communities
Vegetation of open habitats