Pahawh Hmong (Unicode block)

Block of Unicode characters used for writing Hmong languages
Unicode character block
(2014)127 (+127) Unicode documentationCode chart ∣ Web pageNote: [1][2]

Pahawh Hmong is a Unicode block containing characters for writing Hmong languages.[3]

Pahawh Hmong[1][2]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+16B0x 𖬀 𖬁 𖬂 𖬃 𖬄 𖬅 𖬆 𖬇 𖬈 𖬉 𖬊 𖬋 𖬌 𖬍 𖬎 𖬏
U+16B1x 𖬐 𖬑 𖬒 𖬓 𖬔 𖬕 𖬖 𖬗 𖬘 𖬙 𖬚 𖬛 𖬜 𖬝 𖬞 𖬟
U+16B2x 𖬠 𖬡 𖬢 𖬣 𖬤 𖬥 𖬦 𖬧 𖬨 𖬩 𖬪 𖬫 𖬬 𖬭 𖬮 𖬯
U+16B3x 𖬰 𖬱 𖬲 𖬳 𖬴 𖬵 𖬶 𖬷 𖬸 𖬹 𖬺 𖬻 𖬼 𖬽 𖬾 𖬿
U+16B4x 𖭀 𖭁 𖭂 𖭃 𖭄 𖭅
U+16B5x 𖭐 𖭑 𖭒 𖭓 𖭔 𖭕 𖭖 𖭗 𖭘 𖭙 𖭛 𖭜 𖭝 𖭞 𖭟
U+16B6x 𖭠 𖭡 𖭣 𖭤 𖭥 𖭦 𖭧 𖭨 𖭩 𖭪 𖭫 𖭬 𖭭 𖭮 𖭯
U+16B7x 𖭰 𖭱 𖭲 𖭳 𖭴 𖭵 𖭶 𖭷 𖭽 𖭾 𖭿
U+16B8x 𖮀 𖮁 𖮂 𖮃 𖮄 𖮅 𖮆 𖮇 𖮈 𖮉 𖮊 𖮋 𖮌 𖮍 𖮎 𖮏
1.^ As of Unicode version 15.1
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Pahawh Hmong block:

Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
7.0 U+16B00..16B45, 16B50..16B59, 16B5B..16B61, 16B63..16B77, 16B7D..16B8F 127 L2/09-234 N3603 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2009-07-08), "10.23", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 54
L2/09-145R N3616R Everson, Michael (2009-05-04), Preliminary proposal to encode the Pahawh Hmong script
L2/09-252R N3667 Everson, Michael (2009-09-14), Proposal to encode the Pahawh Hmong script in the UCS
L2/12-013 N4175 Everson, Michael (2012-01-20), Final proposal to encode the Pahawh Hmong script in the UCS
L2/12-112 Moore, Lisa (2012-05-17), "Consensus 131-C25", UTC #131 / L2 #228 Minutes
L2/12-271 N4298 Everson, Michael (2012-07-24), Additional evidence of use of Pahawh Hmong clan logographs
N4253 (pdf, doc) "M59.15", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 59, 2012-09-12
L2/12-371 N4377 Suignard, Michel (2012-10-24), Disposition of comments on SC2 N 4239 (PDAM2.2 text to ISO/IEC 10646 3rd edition)
N4353 (pdf, doc) "M60.05b", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 60, 2013-05-23
L2/13-132 Moore, Lisa (2013-07-29), "Consensus 136-C8", UTC #136 Minutes, Accept 19 Pahawh Hmong clan logographs at U+16B7D..U+16B8F for encoding in Unicode 7.0.
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  3. ^ Everson, Michael (2012-01-20). "N4175: Final proposal to encode the Pahawh Hmong script in the UCS" (PDF). Working Group Document, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2.