National symbols of Tajikistan

Overview of the national symbols of Tajikistan

The national symbols of Tajikistan are defined in Article 3 of the Constitution of Tajikistan. They consist of the flag, the coat of arms, and the national anthem.

  • The flag of Tajikistan
    The flag of Tajikistan
  • The emblem of Tajikistan
    The emblem of Tajikistan

The national anthem

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"Surudi Milli" is the national anthem of Tajikistan, officially adopted in 1991. The lyrics were written by Gulnazar Keldi and the music by Suleiman Yudakov, the same melody from the Anthem of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic. Note the Cyrillic script is the only official script of the country and the Perso-Arabic script is not well known in the country itself and is just provided as a comparison to the Tajik language since it is a dialect of Persian.


Tajik Cyrillic script (official) Transliteration

Диёри арҷманди мо,
Ба бахти мо сари азизи ту баланд бод,
Саодати ту, давлати ту бегазанд бод.
Зи дурии замонаҳо расидаем,
Ба зери парчами ту саф кашидаем, кашидаем.

  Зинда бош, эй Ватан,
  Тоҷикистони озоди ман!

Барои ному нанги мо
Ту аз умеди рафтагони мо нишонаӣ,
Ту баҳри ворисон ҷахони ҷовидонаӣ,
Хазон намерасад ба навбаҳори ту,
Ки мазраи вафо бувад канори ту, канори ту.

  Зинда бош, эй Ватан,
  Тоҷикистони озоди ман!

Ту модари ягонаӣ,
Бақои ту бувад бақои хонадони мо,
Мароми ту бувад мароми ҷисму ҷони мо,
Зи ту саодати абад насиби мост,
Ту ҳастиву ҳама ҷаҳон ҳабиби мост, ҳабиби мост.

  Зинда бош, эй Ватан,
  Тоҷикистони озоди ман!

Diyori arjmandi mo
Ba baxti mo sari azizi tu baland bod,
Saodati tu, davlati tu begazand bod.
Zi duriyi zamonaho rasidayem,
Ba zeri parcami tu saf kašidayem, kašidayem.

  Zinda boš, ey Vatan,
  Tojikistoni ozodi man!

Baroyi nomu nangi mo
Tu az umedi raftagoni mo nišonayî,
Tu bahri vorison jahoni jovidonayî,
Xazon namerasad ba navbahori tu,
Ki mazrayi vafo buvad kanori tu, kanori tu.

  Zinda boš, ey Vatan,
  Tojikistoni ozodi man!

Tu modari yagonayî,
Baqoyi tu buvad baqoyi xonadoni mo,
Maromi tu buvad maromi jismu joni mo,
Zi tu saodati abad nasibi most,
Tu hastivu hama jahon habibi most, habibi most.

  Zinda boš, ey Vatan,
  Tojikistoni ozodi man!

Rough English translation

Our beloved country,
We are happy to see your pride.
Let your happiness and prosperity be forever.
We have reached this day since ancient times,
We stand under your flag, under your flag.

Long live my homeland, my free Tajikistan!

You are a symbol of our ancestors' hope
Our honour and dignity,
You are an eternal world for your sons,
Your spring will never end,
We remain loyal to you, loyal to you.

Long live my homeland, my free Tajikistan!

You are a mother for all of us,
Your future is our future,
Your meaning is the meaning of our souls and bodies,
You give us happiness forever,
Because of you, we love the world, love the world.

Long live my homeland, my free Tajikistan!

  • Tajikistan: Surudi Milli - Audio of the national anthem of Tajikistan, with information and lyrics
  • Himnuszok - A vocal version of the Anthem with the current lyrics, featured in Szbszig's "Himnuszok" website.
  • Vocal of "Surudi Milli" with Soviet lyrics
  • MIDI file
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