Mir-708 microRNA precursor family

miRBase familyMIPF0000397
Other data
RNA typemicroRNA
PDB structuresPDBe

In molecular biology mir-708 microRNA is a short RNA molecule. MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other genes by several mechanisms. miR-708 is located on chromosome 11q14.1 and is endcoded in intron 1 of the ODZ4 gene.[1] It is most highly expressed in the brain and eyes, and has a supposed role in endoplasmic reticular stress of the eye.[2]

Ewing's Sarcoma

miR-708 has been implicated in the bone-specific Ewing's sarcoma. Upregulation of the DNA repair protein EYA3 in this tumour is mediated by the fusion protein transcription factor EWS/FLI1, which in turn is via repression of miR-708.[3] miR-708 targets the 3'UTR of EYA3, rather than binding directly to its promoter region. High levels of EYA3 in Ewing's sarcoma are accordingly correlated with low levels of miR-708.

miR-708 and Lung Cancer

High miR-708 expression levels are observed in lung cancers due to their oncogenic role in lung cancer tumour growth and progression. miR-708 overexpression results in increased cell proliferation, migration, and invasion, and has therefore been associated with a decreased survival rate in lung epithelial cancers. It directly downregulates the transmembrane protein 88 (TMEM88), a negative regulator of the Wnt signalling pathway.[4]

See also

  • MicroRNA


  1. ^ Wang XZ, Kuroda M, Sok J, Batchvarova N, Kimmel R, Chung P, Zinszner H, Ron D (July 1998). "Identification of novel stress-induced genes downstream of chop". The EMBO Journal. 17 (13): 3619–30. doi:10.1093/emboj/17.13.3619. PMC 1170698. PMID 9649432.
  2. ^ Behrman S, Acosta-Alvear D, Walter P (March 2011). "A CHOP-regulated microRNA controls rhodopsin expression". The Journal of Cell Biology. 192 (6): 919–27. doi:10.1083/jcb.201010055. PMC 3063143. PMID 21402790.
  3. ^ Robin TP, Smith A, McKinsey E, Reaves L, Jedlicka P, Ford HL (August 2012). "EWS/FLI1 regulates EYA3 in Ewing sarcoma via modulation of miRNA-708, resulting in increased cell survival and chemoresistance". Molecular Cancer Research. 10 (8): 1098–108. doi:10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-12-0086. PMC 3432289. PMID 22723308.
  4. ^ Jang JS, Jeon HS, Sun Z, Aubry MC, Tang H, Park CH, Rakhshan F, Schultz DA, Kolbert CP, Lupu R, Park JY, Harris CC, Yang P, Jen J (July 2012). "Increased miR-708 expression in NSCLC and its association with poor survival in lung adenocarcinoma from never smokers". Clinical Cancer Research. 18 (13): 3658–67. doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-2857. PMC 3616503. PMID 22573352.

Further reading

  • Cao P, Zhou L, Zhang J, Zheng F, Wang H, Ma D, Tian J (May 2013). "Comprehensive expression profiling of microRNAs in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma". Head & Neck. 35 (5): 720–8. doi:10.1002/hed.23011. PMID 22605671. S2CID 5338958.
  • Saini S, Majid S, Shahryari V, Arora S, Yamamura S, Chang I, Zaman MS, Deng G, Tanaka Y, Dahiya R (July 2012). "miRNA-708 control of CD44(+) prostate cancer-initiating cells". Cancer Research. 72 (14): 3618–30. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-12-0540. PMID 22552290.
  • Yu J, Li A, Hong SM, Hruban RH, Goggins M (February 2012). "MicroRNA alterations of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias". Clinical Cancer Research. 18 (4): 981–92. doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-2347. PMC 3288338. PMID 22114139.
  • Han BW, Feng DD, Li ZG, Luo XQ, Zhang H, Li XJ, Zhang XJ, Zheng LL, Zeng CW, Lin KY, Zhang P, Xu L, Chen YQ (December 2011). "A set of miRNAs that involve in the pathways of drug resistance and leukemic stem-cell differentiation is associated with the risk of relapse and glucocorticoid response in childhood ALL". Human Molecular Genetics. 20 (24): 4903–15. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddr428. PMC 3221537. PMID 21926415.
  • Huebert RC, Jagavelu K, Hendrickson HI, Vasdev MM, Arab JP, Splinter PL, Trussoni CE, Larusso NF, Shah VH (October 2011). "Aquaporin-1 promotes angiogenesis, fibrosis, and portal hypertension through mechanisms dependent on osmotically sensitive microRNAs". The American Journal of Pathology. 179 (4): 1851–60. doi:10.1016/j.ajpath.2011.06.045. PMC 3181328. PMID 21854740.
  • Saini S, Yamamura S, Majid S, Shahryari V, Hirata H, Tanaka Y, Dahiya R (October 2011). "MicroRNA-708 induces apoptosis and suppresses tumorigenicity in renal cancer cells". Cancer Research. 71 (19): 6208–19. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-0073. PMC 3940359. PMID 21852381.
  • Necela BM, Carr JM, Asmann YW, Thompson EA (April 2011). Abdelhay ES (ed.). "Differential expression of microRNAs in tumors from chronically inflamed or genetic (APC(Min/+)) models of colon cancer". PLOS ONE. 6 (4): e18501. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018501. PMC 3075242. PMID 21532750.
  • Oliveira JC, Brassesco MS, Morales AG, Pezuk JA, Fedatto PF, da Silva GN, Scrideli CA, Tone LG (2011). "MicroRNA-100 acts as a tumor suppressor in human bladder carcinoma 5637 cells". Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 12 (11): 3001–4. PMID 22393979.
  • Song T, Xia W, Shao N, Zhang X, Wang C, Wu Y, Dong J, Cai W, Li H (2010). "Differential miRNA expression profiles in bladder urothelial carcinomas". Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 11 (4): 905–11. PMID 21133599.
  • Xing L, Todd NW, Yu L, Fang H, Jiang F (August 2010). "Early detection of squamous cell lung cancer in sputum by a panel of microRNA markers". Modern Pathology. 23 (8): 1157–64. doi:10.1038/modpathol.2010.111. PMID 20526284.
  • Girardot M, Pecquet C, Boukour S, Knoops L, Ferrant A, Vainchenker W, Giraudier S, Constantinescu SN (July 2010). "miR-28 is a thrombopoietin receptor targeting microRNA detected in a fraction of myeloproliferative neoplasm patient platelets". Blood. 116 (3): 437–45. doi:10.1182/blood-2008-06-165985. PMID 20445018.
  • Patnaik SK, Kannisto E, Knudsen S, Yendamuri S (January 2010). "Evaluation of microRNA expression profiles that may predict recurrence of localized stage I non-small cell lung cancer after surgical resection". Cancer Research. 70 (1): 36–45. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-09-3153. PMID 20028859.
  • Schotte D, Chau JC, Sylvester G, Liu G, Chen C, van der Velden VH, Broekhuis MJ, Peters TC, Pieters R, den Boer ML (February 2009). "Identification of new microRNA genes and aberrant microRNA profiles in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia". Leukemia. 23 (2): 313–22. doi:10.1038/leu.2008.286. PMID 18923441.
  • Page for mir-708 microRNA precursor family at Rfam