Mir-452 microRNA precursor family

miRBase familyMIPF0000287
Other data
RNA typemicroRNA
PDB structuresPDBe

In molecular biology mir-452 microRNA is a short RNA molecule. MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other genes by several mechanisms.

See also

  • MicroRNA


Further reading

  • Liu C, Kelnar K, Vlassov AV, Brown D, Wang J, Tang DG (July 2012). "Distinct microRNA expression profiles in prostate cancer stem/progenitor cells and tumor-suppressive functions of let-7". Cancer Research. 72 (13): 3393–404. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3864. PMC 3872033. PMID 22719071.
  • Wang Y, Toh HC, Chow P, Chung AY, Meyers DJ, Cole PA, Ooi LL, Lee CG (July 2012). "MicroRNA-224 is up-regulated in hepatocellular carcinoma through epigenetic mechanisms". FASEB Journal. 26 (7): 3032–41. doi:10.1096/fj.11-201855. PMC 3382089. PMID 22459148.
  • Puerta-Gil P, García-Baquero R, Jia AY, Ocaña S, Alvarez-Múgica M, Alvarez-Ossorio JL, Cordon-Cardo C, Cava F, Sánchez-Carbayo M (May 2012). "miR-143, miR-222, and miR-452 are useful as tumor stratification and noninvasive diagnostic biomarkers for bladder cancer". The American Journal of Pathology. 180 (5): 1808–15. doi:10.1016/j.ajpath.2012.01.034. PMID 22426337.
  • van Schooneveld E, Wouters MC, Van der Auwera I, Peeters DJ, Wildiers H, Van Dam PA, Vergote I, Vermeulen PB, Dirix LY, Van Laere SJ (February 2012). "Expression profiling of cancerous and normal breast tissues identifies microRNAs that are differentially expressed in serum from patients with (metastatic) breast cancer and healthy volunteers". Breast Cancer Research. 14 (1): R34. doi:10.1186/bcr3127. PMC 3496152. PMID 22353773.
  • Madhyastha R, Madhyastha H, Nakajima Y, Omura S, Maruyama M (August 2012). "MicroRNA signature in diabetic wound healing: promotive role of miR-21 in fibroblast migration". International Wound Journal. 9 (4): 355–61. doi:10.1111/j.1742-481X.2011.00890.x. PMC 7950390. PMID 22067035.
  • Lee YM, Chen HW, Maurya PK, Su CM, Tzeng CR (April 2012). "MicroRNA regulation via DNA methylation during the morula to blastocyst transition in mice". Molecular Human Reproduction. 18 (4): 184–93. doi:10.1093/molehr/gar072. PMID 22053057.
  • Gokhale A, Kunder R, Goel A, Sarin R, Moiyadi A, Shenoy A, Mamidipally C, Noronha S, Kannan S, Shirsat NV (2010). "Distinctive microRNA signature of medulloblastomas associated with the WNT signaling pathway". Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. 6 (4): 521–9. doi:10.4103/0973-1482.77072. PMID 21358093.
  • Fang X, Yoon JG, Li L, Yu W, Shao J, Hua D, Zheng S, Hood L, Goodlett DR, Foltz G, Lin B (January 2011). "The SOX2 response program in glioblastoma multiforme: an integrated ChIP-seq, expression microarray, and microRNA analysis". BMC Genomics. 12: 11. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-11. PMC 3022822. PMID 21211035.
  • Sheehy NT, Cordes KR, White MP, Ivey KN, Srivastava D (December 2010). "The neural crest-enriched microRNA miR-452 regulates epithelial-mesenchymal signaling in the first pharyngeal arch". Development. 137 (24): 4307–16. doi:10.1242/dev.052647. PMC 2990216. PMID 21098571.
  • Veerla S, Lindgren D, Kvist A, Frigyesi A, Staaf J, Persson H, Liedberg F, Chebil G, Gudjonsson S, Borg A, Månsson W, Rovira C, Höglund M (May 2009). "MiRNA expression in urothelial carcinomas: important roles of miR-10a, miR-222, miR-125b, miR-7 and miR-452 for tumor stage and metastasis, and frequent homozygous losses of miR-31". International Journal of Cancer. 124 (9): 2236–42. doi:10.1002/ijc.24183. PMID 19127597.
  • Page for mir-452 microRNA precursor family at Rfam

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