List of National Inventors Hall of Fame inductees

The National Inventors Hall of Fame is an American not-for-profit organization, founded in 1973, which recognizes individual engineers and inventors who hold a U.S. patent of significant technology.

As of 2020, 603 inventors have been inducted, mostly constituting historic persons from the past three centuries, but including about 100 living inductees.[1] Nominees must hold a U.S. patent of significant contribution to the U.S. welfare, and which advances science and useful arts.[2] The 2020 class included 22 inventors.John Fitch was the earliest born inventor inducted into the NIHF (1743), while Luis von Ahn is currently the most recently born (1978).


* Denotes inventor was also awarded the IEEE Medal of Honor
Year Inductee Birth Death Notable for NIHF[3]
1973 Thomas Edison 1847 1931 Electric lighting, motion pictures, phonograph [4]
1974 Alexander Graham Bell 1847 1922 Telephone [5]
1974 Eli Whitney 1765 1825 Cotton gin [6]
1974 Walter Brattain 1902 1987 Transistor [7]
1974 William Shockley 1910 1989 Transistor [8]
1974 John Bardeen* 1908 1991 Transistor [9]
1975 Nikola Tesla 1856 1943 Induction motor [10]
1975 Orville Wright 1871 1948 Airplane [11]
1975 Samuel Morse 1791 1872 Telegraph [12]
1975 Wilbur Wright 1867 1912 Airplane [13]
1975 William D. Coolidge 1873 1975 X-ray tube [14]
1975 Guglielmo Marconi* 1874 1937 Radio [15]
1976 Charles Martin Hall 1863 1914 Aluminum production process [16]
1976 Charles Goodyear 1800 1860 Vulcanization of rubber [17]
1976 Cyrus McCormick 1809 1884 Mechanical reaper [15]
1976 Enrico Fermi 1901 1954 Nuclear fission [18]
1976 Rudolf Diesel 1858 1913 Internal-combustion engine [19]
1976 Charles Hard Townes* 1915 2015 Laser [20]
1977 Charles Steinmetz 1865 1923 Alternating current [21]
1977 Edwin H. Land 1909 1991 Polaroid [22]
1977 George Eastman 1854 1932 Photography [23]
1977 Lee De Forest* 1873 1961 Audion amplifier tube [24]
1977 Vladimir K. Zworykin* 1888 1982 Cathode-ray tube [25]
1978 Carl Djerassi 1923 2015 Oral contraceptives [26]
1978 Leo Baekeland 1863 1944 Bakelite [27]
1978 Louis Pasteur 1822 1895 Pasteurization [28]
1978 Luis Walter Alvarez 1911 1988 Radar, liquid hydrogen bubble chamber [29]
1979 Charles J. Plank 1915 1989 Catalytic cracking [30]
1979 Edward J. Rosinski 1921 2000 Catalytic cracking [31]
1979 Robert H. Goddard 1882 1945 Solid fuel rockets [32]
1979 Jay Wright Forrester* 1918 2016 Random access memory (RAM) [33]
1980 Charles F. Kettering 1876 1958 Electric ignition [34]
1980 James Hillier 1915 2007 Electron microscope [35]
1980 Lewis Hastings Sarett 1917 1999 Cortisone [36]
1980 Edwin Howard Armstrong* 1890 1954 FM radio [37]
1981 Charles Stark Draper 1901 1987 Stabilizing gyroscopic [38]
1981 Chester Carlson 1906 1968 Xerographic printing [39]
1981 Harold Stephen Black 1898 1983 Feedback amplifier [40]
1981 Nicolaus Otto 1832 1891 Otto cycle for internal combustion engine [41]
1982 Ernest Lawrence 1901 1958 Cyclotron [42]
1982 Henry Ford 1863 1947 Automobile [43]
1982 Max Tishler 1906 1989 Synthetic vitamins [44]
1982 Ottmar Mergenthaler 1854 1899 Linotype [45]
1982 Jack Kilby* 1923 2005 Integrated circuit [46]
1983 Andrew Alford 1904 1992 VHF omnidirectional range [47]
1983 George Stibitz 1904 1995 Digital computer [48]
1983 Herbert Henry Dow 1866 1930 Bromine extraction [49]
1983 Ernst Alexanderson* 1878 1975 High frequency alternator for radio [50]
1983 Robert Noyce* 1927 1990 Integrated circuit [51]
1984 Philo Farnsworth 1906 1971 Television [52]
1984 Theodore Harold Maiman 1927 2007 Laser [53]
1984 Wallace Carothers 1896 1937 Synthetic rubber, nylon [54]
1984 William Merriam Burton 1865 1954 Catalytic cracking [55]
1985 Louis Marius Moyroud 1914 2010 Photocomposing machine [56]
1985 Marvin Camras 1916 1995 Magnetic recording [57]
1985 Rene Alphonse Higonnet 1902 1983 Photocomposing machine [58]
1985 Roy J. Plunkett 1910 1994 Teflon [59]
1985 Willem Johan Kolff 1911 2009 Artificial heart [60]
1985 Willis Carrier 1876 1950 Air conditioner [61]
1986 Donalee L. Tabern 1900 1974 Pentothal [62]
1986 Ernest H. Volwiler 1893 1992 Pentothal [63]
1986 Harold Eugene Edgerton 1903 1990 Stroboscope photography [64]
1986 Luther Burbank 1849 1926 Plant breeding [65]
1986 Wilson Greatbatch 1919 2011 Heart pacemaker [66]
1987 Andrew J. Moyer 1899 1959 Penicillin [67]
1987 Arnold Orville Beckman 1900 2004 pH meter [68]
1987 Igor Sikorsky 1889 1972 Helicopter [69]
1987 William Seward Burroughs I 1857 1898 Adding machine [70]
1988 An Wang 1920 1990 Magnetic core memory [71]
1988 Elisha Otis 1811 1861 Elevator brake [72]
1988 Frank B. Colton 1923 2003 Oral contraceptives [73]
1988 Louis W. Parker 1906 1993 Television receiver [74]
1989 George Westinghouse 1846 1914 Air brake system [75]
1989 Irving Langmuir 1881 1957 Electric lighting [76]
1989 John Deere 1804 1886 Farm plow [77]
1989 Raymond Vahan Damadian 1936 2022 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [78]
1990 C. Robin Ganellin 1934 Cimetidine [79]
1990 Charles Ginsburg 1920 1992 Video tape recording [80]
1990 Eugene Houdry 1892 1962 Catalytic cracking [81]
1990 George Washington Carver 1864 1943 Peanut products [82]
1990 Graham J. Durant 1934 2009 Cimetidine [83]
1990 Herman Hollerith 1860 1929 Punch card tabulator [84]
1990 John Colin Emmett 1939 Cimetidine [85]
1990 Ken Olsen 1926 2011 Magnetic core memory [86]
1990 Percy Lavon Julian 1899 1975 Cortisone synthesis [87]
1990 Robert Ledley 1926 2012 Whole-body CAT scan [88]
1991 Donald F. Holmes 1910 1980 Polyurethane [89]
1991 Elmer Ambrose Sperry 1860 1930 Gyroscopic compass [90]
1991 Gertrude B. Elion 1918 1999 Antileukemic drug [91]
1991 Gordon Gould 1920 2005 Optically pumped laser amplifier [92]
1991 Leonard Greene 1918 2006 Aircraft stall warning [93]
1991 Robert R. Williams 1886 1965 Vitamin synthesis [94]
1991 Willard Harrison Bennett 1903 1987 Mass spectrometry [95]
1991 William Edward Hanford 1908 1996 Polyurethane [96]
1992 Benjamin Rubin 1917 2010 Vaccine needle [97]
1992 Charles F. Brannock 1903 1992 Brannock device for foot measuring [98]
1992 Frederick Gardner Cottrell 1877 1948 Electrostatic precipitator [99]
1992 Lloyd Conover 1923 2017 Tetracycline [100]
1992 William Redington Hewlett 1913 2001 Audio oscillator [101]
1993 Baruch Samuel Blumberg 1925 2011 Vaccine for hepatitis B [102]
1993 Bill Lear 1902 1978 8-track system, car radio [103]
1993 Donald Keck 1941 Optical fiber [104]
1993 Irving Millman 1923 2012 Vaccine for hepatitis B [105]
1993 John T. Parsons 1913 2007 Numerical control [106]
1993 John Ericsson 1803 1889 Screw propeller [107]
1993 Peter C. Schultz 1942 Optical fiber [108]
1993 Robert D. Maurer 1924 Optical fiber [109]
1994 Elizabeth Lee Hazen 1885 1975 Nystatin (antifungal / antibiotic) [110]
1994 Emile Berliner 1851 1929 Gramophone and microphone [111]
1994 Gerd Binnig 1947 Scanning tunneling microscope [112]
1994 Heinrich Rohrer 1933 2013 Scanning tunneling microscope [113]
1994 Rachel Fuller Brown 1898 1980 Nystatin (antifungal / antibiotic) [114]
1994 Robert H. Rines 1922 2009 High resolution radar and sonar [115]
1994 Robert N. Hall 1919 2016 Magnetron [116]
1995 Forrest Bird 1921 2015 Respirator / Ventilator [117]
1995 John C. Sheehan 1915 1992 Structure and synthesis of penicillin [118]
1995 Joseph H. Burckhalter 1912 2004 Isothiocyanates [119]
1995 Robert J. Seiwald 1925 Isothiocyanates [120]
1995 Stephanie Kwolek 1923 2014 Kevlar [121]
1995 Waldo Semon 1898 1999 Polyvinyl chloride [122]
1995 William Stanley Jr. 1858 1916 Induction coil [123]
1996 Leó Szilárd 1898 1964 Neutronic atomic reactor [124]
1996 Arthur Leonard Schawlow 1921 1999 Laser [125]
1996 Edmund Germer 1901 1987 Fluorescent lighting [126]
1996 Federico Faggin 1941 Microprocessor, silicon-gate MOSFET transistor [127]
1996 Julius Nieuwland 1878 1936 Synthetic rubber [128]
1996 Marcian Hoff 1937 Microprocessor [129]
1996 Stanley Mazor 1941 Central processing unit (CPU) [130]
1997 Dennis L. Moeller 1950 Computer peripherals [131]
1997 Edward Goodrich Acheson 1856 1931 Carborundum [132]
1997 George Herman Babcock 1832 1893 Water-tube boiler [133]
1997 Mark Dean 1957 Computer peripherals [134]
1997 Robert W. Bower 1936 Self-aligned-gate MOSFET transistor [135]
1997 Seymour Cray 1925 1996 Supercomputer [136]
1997 Stephen Wilcox 1830 1893 Water-tube boiler [137]
1997 Robert H. Dennard* 1932 Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) [138]
1998 Alfred Nobel 1833 1896 Dynamite [139]
1998 Douglas Engelbart 1925 2013 Computer mouse [140]
1998 Henry Timken 1831 1909 Tapered roller ball bearings [141]
1998 James Fergason 1934 2008 Liquid crystal display [142]
1998 Kary Mullis 1944 2019 Polymerase chain reaction [143]
1998 Semi Joseph Begun 1905 1995 Magnetic recording [144]
1999 Bryan Molloy 1939 2004 Prozac [145]
1999 Charlie Tyson 1905 1977 Catalytic cracking [146]
1999 Donald L. Campbell 1904 2002 Catalytic cracking [147]
1999 Eger V. Murphree 1898 1962 Catalytic cracking [148]
1999 George de Mestral 1907 1990 Velcro [149]
1999 Gerhard M. Sessler 1931 Electret microphone [150]
1999 Homer Martin 1910 1993 Catalytic cracking [151]
1999 James West 1931 Electret microphone [152]
1999 Klaus Schmiegel 1939 Prozac [153]
1999 Percy Spencer 1894 1970 Magnetron [154]
2000 Alfred Free 1913 2000 Glucose detection for diabetes [155]
2000 Helen Murray Free 1923 2021 Glucose detection for diabetes [156]
2000 James Franklin Hyde 1903 1999 Transparent silica [157]
2000 Steve Wozniak 1950 Personal computer [158]
2000 Walt Disney 1901 1966 Multiplane camera [159]
2000 William Justin Kroll 1889 1973 Titanium [160]
2000 Reginald Fessenden* 1866 1932 AM radio [161]
2001 Christopher Latham Sholes 1819 1890 Typewriter [162]
2001 Elijah McCoy 1844 1929 Engine lubricator [163]
2001 Herbert Boyer 1936 Genetic engineering [164]
2001 J. Paul Hogan 1919 2012 Polypropylene and HDPE [165]
2001 Oliver Evans 1755 1819 High-pressure steam engine [166]
2001 Patsy O'Connell Sherman 1930 2008 Scotchgard [167]
2001 Robert Banks 1921 1989 Polyethylene and polypropylene plastics [168]
2001 Samuel Smith 1927 2005 Scotchgard [169]
2001 Stanley Norman Cohen 1935 Genetic engineering [170]
2001 Thomas J. Fogarty 1934 Fogarty embolectomy catheter [171]
2002 Alois Langer 1945 Defibrillator [172]
2002 Felix Hoffmann 1868 1946 Aspirin [173]
2002 Henry Bessemer 1813 1898 Bessemer process for steel production [174]
2002 Irwin Lachman 1930 Catalytic converter [175]
2002 J. Presper Eckert 1919 1995 ENIAC [176]
2002 James J. Wynne 1943 LASIK eye surgery [177]
2002 John Mauchly 1907 1980 ENIAC [178]
2002 M. Stephen Heilman 1933 Defibrillator [179]
2002 Michel Mirowski 1924 1990 Defibrillator [180]
2002 Morton Mower 1933 Implantable heart defibrillator [181]
2002 Nils Bohlin 1920 2002 Safety belt [182]
2002 Rangaswamy Srinivasan 1929 LASIK eye surgery [183]
2002 Raymond Kurzweil 1948 Optical character recognition [184]
2002 Rodney Bagley 1934 Substrate for catalytic converters [185]
2002 Ronald M. Lewis 1936 Catalytic converter [186]
2002 Samuel E. Blum 1920 2013 LASIK eye surgery [187]
2003 Charles Kaman 1919 2011 Innovations to helicopter [188]
2003 Edwin Albert Link 1904 1981 Link Trainer [189]
2003 Frank Cepollina 1936 Satellite servicing techniques [190]
2003 Frank Whittle 1907 1996 Jet engine [191]
2003 George Robert Carruthers 1939 2020 Ultraviolet camera [192]
2003 Glenn Curtiss 1878 1930 Hydroplane [193]
2003 Hans von Ohain 1911 1998 Turbojet [194]
2003 Harold Rosen 1926 2017 Geosynchronous communications satellite [195]
2003 John Knudsen Northrop 1895 1981 Flying wing plane [196]
2003 Leroy Grumman 1895 1982 Retractable landing gear, folding wing [197]
2003 Maxime Faget 1921 2004 Space capsule design [198]
2003 Paul Kollsman 1900 1982 Altimeter [199]
2003 Richard T. Whitcomb 1921 2009 Supercritical wing [200]
2003 Sam B. Williams 1921 2009 Contributions to jet engine [201]
2003 Theodore von Kármán 1881 1963 Turbojet [202]
2003 Thomas Midgley Jr. 1889 1944 Ethyl gasoline, fluorocarbon refrigerants [203]
2003 John R. Pierce* 1910 2002 Communications satellite [204]
2004 Bernard M. Oliver 1916 1995 Pulse-code modulation [205]
2004 Bradford Parkinson 1935 Global positioning system (GPS) [206]
2004 Charles Best 1899 1978 Isolation of insulin [207]
2004 Charles Kelman 1930 2004 Cataract surgery [208]
2004 Edith M. Flanigen 1929 Molecular sieves [209]
2004 Elias Howe 1819 1867 Sewing machine [210]
2004 Frederick Banting 1891 1941 Isolated and purified insulin [211]
2004 Harry Coover 1917 2011 Superglue [212]
2004 Ivan A. Getting 1912 2003 Global Positioning System (GPS) [213]
2004 James Collip 1892 1965 Isolated and purified insulin [214]
2004 John A. Roebling 1806 1869 Suspension bridge [215]
2004 John Heysham Gibbon 1903 1973 Heart-lung machine [216]
2004 Lloyd Hall 1894 1971 Food preservation [217]
2004 Luc Montagnier 1932 HIV isolation and antibody test [218]
2004 Norbert Rillieux 1806 1894 Refined sugar [219]
2004 Ray Dolby 1933 2013 Dolby noise reduction [220]
2004 Robert Gallo 1937 HIV isolation [221]
2004 Vannevar Bush 1890 1974 Differential analyzer [222]
2004 Wallace H. Coulter 1913 1998 Coulter principle [223]
2004 Claude Shannon* 1916 2001 Pulse-code modulation [224]
2005 Alec Jeffreys 1950 Genetic fingerprinting [225]
2005 C. Donald Bateman 1932 Ground proximity warning system [226]
2005 Clarence Birdseye 1886 1956 Frozen food [227]
2005 Dean Kamen 1951 Ambulatory infusion pump [228]
2005 Garrett A. Morgan 1887 1963 Gas mask, three-way traffic signal [229]
2005 Glenn T. Seaborg 1912 1999 Plutonium isolation [230]
2005 Jacob Rabinow 1910 1999 Optical character recognition [231]
2005 Leo Sternbach 1908 2005 Benzodiazepines [232]
2005 Leopold Godowsky Jr. 1900 1983 Kodachrome [233]
2005 Leopold Mannes 1899 1964 Kodachrome [234]
2005 Les Paul 1915 2009 Solid-body electric guitar [235]
2005 Matthias W. Baldwin 1795 1866 Steam locomotive [236]
2005 Robert Gundlach 1926 2010 Photocopier [237]
2005 Selman Waksman 1888 1973 Streptomycin [238]
2006 Alexander Lyman Holley 1832 1882 Steelmaking [239]
2006 Alexander Winton 1860 1932 Contributions to automobile, bicycle, and diesel engine [240]
2006 Ali Javan 1926 2016 Helium-neon laser [241]
2006 Almon Brown Strowger 1839 1902 Telephone dial [242]
2006 Ambrose Swasey 1846 1937 Improvements to telescope [243]
2006 Andrew Jackson Beard 1849 1921 Janney coupler for railroad cars [244]
2006 Andrew Smith Hallidie 1836 1900 Cable car [245]
2006 Benjamin Holt 1849 1920 Track-type tractor [246]
2006 Beulah Louise Henry 1887 1973 Ice cream freezer [247]
2006 Birdsill Holly 1820 1894 Fire hydrant [248]
2006 Bob Kahn 1938 Internet Protocol (IP) [249]
2006 Carl Bosch 1874 1940 Haber–Bosch process for ammonia production [250]
2006 Charles F. Brush 1849 1929 Arc light for street lighting [251]
2006 Charles Grafton Page 1812 1868 High-voltage induction coil [252]
2006 Charles Sumner Tainter 1854 1940 Innovations in sound recording [253]
2006 Dale Kleist 1909 1998 Fiberglass [254]
2006 Eckley Coxe 1839 1895 Traveling grate furnace [255]
2006 Edward A. Calahan 1838 1912 Stock ticker [256]
2006 Edward Weston 1850 1936 Portable voltmeter [257]
2006 Elihu Thomson 1853 1937 Arc lamp [258]
2006 Erastus Brigham Bigelow 1814 1879 Powered loom [259]
2006 Ferdinand von Zeppelin 1838 1917 Rigid airship [260]
2006 Frank J. Sprague 1857 1934 Electric street car [261]
2006 Fritz Haber 1868 1934 Ammonia production process [262]
2006 Gail Borden 1801 1874 Process for condensed milk [263]
2006 Games Slayter 1896 1964 Fiberglass [264]
2006 George E. Smith 1930 Charge-coupled device [265]
2006 George Henry Corliss 1817 1888 Improvements to steam engine [266]
2006 George Hulett 1846 1923 Loading and unloading machine [267]
2006 George Pullman 1831 1897 Pullman car [268]
2006 Gideon Sundback 1880 1954 Zipper [269]
2006 Gottlieb Daimler 1834 1900 Design of automobile and motorcycle engines [270]
2006 Granville Woods 1856 1910 Railroad telegraph [271]
2006 Gregory Goodwin Pincus 1903 1967 Oral contraceptives [272]
2006 Harvey Samuel Firestone 1868 1938 Pneumatic tire [273]
2006 Helen Blanchard 1840 1922 Innovations to sewing machine [274]
2006 Herman Affel 1893 1972 Coaxial cable [275]
2006 Hiram Stevens Maxim 1840 1916 Maxim gun, smokeless gunpowder [276]
2006 Jacques E. Brandenberger 1872 1954 Cellophane [277]
2006 James M. Spangler 1848 1915 Portable electric vacuum cleaner [278]
2006 Jan Ernst Matzeliger 1852 1889 Shoe lasting [279]
2006 John Boyd Dunlop 1840 1921 Pneumatic tire [280]
2006 John H. Thomas 1907 1991 Fiberglass [281]
2006 John Harvey Kellogg 1852 1943 Breakfast cereal [282]
2006 John Landis Mason 1832 1902 Mason jar [283]
2006 John Wesley Hyatt 1837 1920 Celluloid [284]
2006 John Fitch 1743 1798 Steamboat [285]
2006 John Stevens 1749 1838 Steam-powered transportation [286]
2006 Joseph Glidden 1813 1906 Barbed wire [287]
2006 Joseph Saxton 1799 1873 Measuring instruments [288]
2006 Josephine Cochrane 1839 1913 Dishwasher [289]
2006 Julio Palmaz 1945 Intravascular stent [290]
2006 Lester Allan Pelton 1829 1908 Water wheel [291]
2006 Lewis Howard Latimer 1848 1928 Filament for electric light bulb [292]
2006 Lewis Miller 1829 1899 Combine harvester [293]
2006 Lewis Waterman 1837 1901 Fountain pen [294]
2006 Linus Yale Jr. 1821 1868 Cylinder lock [295]
2006 Louis Renault 1877 1944 Drum brake [296]
2006 Margaret E. Knight 1838 1914 Paper bag machine [297]
2006 Martha Coston 1826 1904 Signal flare used for ships [298]
2006 Mary Dixon Kies 1752 1837 Process for weaving straw [299]
2006 Milton Bradley 1836 1911 Game board [300]
2006 Moses G. Farmer 1820 1893 Electric fire alarm system [301]
2006 Peter Cooper 1791 1883 Steam locomotive [302]
2006 Richard March Hoe 1812 1886 Rotary printing press [303]
2006 Robert S. Langer 1948 Drug delivery [304]
2006 Robert W. Gore 1937 2020 Gore-Tex [305]
2006 Robert Fulton 1765 1815 Steamboat [306]
2006 Samuel Colt 1814 1862 Colt revolver with interchangeable parts [307]
2006 Seth Boyden 1788 1870 Process for making malleable iron [308]
2006 Simon Ingersoll 1818 1894 Steam powered rock drill [309]
2006 Thomas Blanchard 1788 1864 Pattern lathe [310]
2006 Vint Cerf 1943 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) [311]
2006 Walter Hunt 1796 1859 Safety pin [312]
2006 Willard Boyle 1924 2011 Charge-coupled device [313]
2006 William E. Upjohn 1853 1932 Tablet for delivering medicine [314]
2006 William Painter 1838 1906 Bottle cap [315]
2006 Zénobe Gramme 1826 1901 Direct-current dynamo [316]
2006 Lloyd Espenschied* 1889 1986 Coaxial cable [317]
2007 László Bíró 1899 1985 Ballpoint pen [318]
2007 Albert Kingsbury 1863 1943 Thrust bearing [319]
2007 Alexander Miles 1838 1918 Improving method of opening and closing elevator doors [320]
2007 Alfred Einhorn 1856 1917 Novocain [321]
2007 Alpheus Babcock 1785 1842 Cast iron piano frame [322]
2007 Arthur Nobile 1920 2004 Prednisone [323]
2007 Auguste Lumière 1862 1954 Cinématographe [324]
2007 Charles Seeberger 1857 1931 Escalator [325]
2007 David Cushman 1939 2000 Captopril [326]
2007 Donald Davies 1924 2000 Digital packet switching [327]
2007 Eli Whitney Blake 1795 1886 Rock crusher [328]
2007 Eli Terry 1772 1852 Innovations in clockmaking [329]
2007 Elisha Gray 1835 1901 Telegraph and telephone improvements [330]
2007 Emmett Chappelle 1925 2019 Bioluminescence [331]
2007 Frank Zamboni 1901 1988 Ice resurfacer [332]
2007 Frederick Ellsworth Sickels 1819 1895 Valve for steam engine [333]
2007 Frederick McKinley Jones 1893 1961 Refrigeration [334]
2007 George Crompton 1829 1886 Loom [335]
2007 Georges Claude 1870 1960 Neon lighting [336]
2007 Godfrey Hounsfield 1919 2004 CT scan [337]
2007 James Bogardus 1800 1874 Iron frame building [338]
2007 Jesse W. Reno 1861 1947 Escalator [339]
2007 John E. Franz 1929 Roundup glyphosate herbicide [340]
2007 John Philip Holland 1841 1914 Submarine [341]
2007 John Raphael Rogers 1856 1934 Automated typesetting [342]
2007 John Browning 1855 1926 Breech-loading rifle [343]
2007 John Lynott 1921 1994 Hard drive [344]
2007 Joshua Lionel Cowen 1877 1965 Toy train [345]
2007 Katharine Burr Blodgett 1898 1979 Langmuir-Blodgett film [346]
2007 King C. Gillette 1855 1932 Safety razor [347]
2007 L. L. Langstroth 1810 1895 Beehive [348]
2007 Leroy Hood 1938 DNA sequencer [349]
2007 Louis Comfort Tiffany 1848 1933 Stained glass [350]
2007 Louis Lumière 1864 1948 Cinématographe [351]
2007 Maurice Hilleman 1919 2005 Vaccines [352]
2007 Michael Joseph Owens 1859 1923 Bottle making machine [353]
2007 Miguel Ondetti 1930 2004 Captopril [354]
2007 Ole Evinrude 1877 1934 Outboard motor [355]
2007 Oliver Lodge 1851 1940 Wireless telegraphy [356]
2007 Otto Wichterle 1913 1998 Soft contact lens [357]
2007 Paul Baran 1926 2011 Digital packet switching [358]
2007 Peter Carl Goldmark 1906 1977 Long playing record [359]
2007 Peter Mansfield 1933 2017 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [360]
2007 Philip Drinker 1894 1972 Iron lung [361]
2007 Richard Gurley Drew 1899 1980 Adhesive tape [362]
2007 Samuel Leeds Allen 1841 1918 Flexible flyer sled [363]
2007 Samuel Slater 1768 1835 Cotton mill, spinning machine [364]
2007 Squire Whipple 1804 1888 Iron truss bridge [365]
2007 Theophilus Van Kannel 1841 1919 Revolving door [366]
2007 Thomas R. Pickering 1831 1895 Velocipede [367]
2007 Thomas Seavey Hall 1827 1880 Railroad signal [368]
2007 Wilhelm Maybach 1846 1929 Carburetor and radiator [369]
2007 William Goddard 1913 1997 Hard drive and floppy disk [370]
2007 William Sellers 1824 1905 Improvement in machine tools [371]
2007 Paul Lauterbur* 1929 2007 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [372]
2007 Robert Metcalfe* 1946 Ethernet [373]
2008 Amar Bose 1929 2013 Audio feedback control [374]
2008 Calvin Souther Fuller 1902 1994 Silicon solar cell [375]
2008 Clarence Johnson 1910 1990 Fighter jet, afterburning means for Turbojet [376]
2008 Daryl Chapin 1906 1995 Silicon solar cell [377]
2008 David Pall 1914 2004 Filtration technology [378]
2008 Erna Schneider Hoover 1926 Computerized telephone switching [379]
2008 Gerald Pearson 1905 1987 Silicon solar cell [380]
2008 Harold McMaster 1916 2003 Tempered glass [381]
2008 John Charnley 1911 1982 Acetabular socket [382]
2008 Kenneth Richardson 1939 Fluconazole [383]
2008 Louis Stevens 1925 2009 Magnetic disk storage [384]
2008 Malcom McLean 1913 2001 Shipping containers [385]
2008 Ray McIntire 1918 1996 Styrofoam [386]
2008 Robert Adler 1913 2007 Television remote control [387]
2008 Ruth R. Benerito 1916 2013 Wrinkle-free cotton [388]
2008 Willem Einthoven 1860 1927 Electrocardiograph [389]
2008 William P. Murphy Jr. 1923 Blood bag and disposable medical trays [390]
2008 Amos E. Joel Jr.* 1918 2008 Mobile communication system [391]
2008 Nick Holonyak* 1928 visible light emitting diode [392]
2009 Bob Widlar 1937 1991 Linear integrated circuit [393]
2009 Carver Mead 1934 Very large scale integration (VLSI) [394]
2009 Dawon Kahng 1931 1992 Electric field controlled semiconductor device, MOSFET transistor [395]
2009 Dov Frohman 1939 Erasable programmable read only memory array (EPROM) [396]
2009 Frank Wanlass 1933 2010 Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) [397]
2009 Jean Hoerni 1924 1997 Planar manufacturing process [398]
2009 John MacDougall 1940 Ion implantation [399]
2009 Ken Manchester 1925 2014 Ion implantation [400]
2009 Larry J. Hornbeck 1943 Spatial light modulator and method [401]
2009 Mohamed M. Atalla 1924 2009 MOSFET transistor, silicon semiconductor surface passivation, ATM PIN security system [402]
2009 Ross Freeman 1948 1989 Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) [403]
2009 Alfred Y. Cho* 1937 Molecular beam epitaxy [404]
2009 George H. Heilmeier* 1936 2014 Electro-optic liquid crystal device [405]
2009 Gordon Kidd Teal* 1907 2003 Silicon transistor [406]
2009 Gordon Moore* 1929 Semiconductor production [407]
2010 Arthur Fry 1931 Post-it notes [408]
2010 Émile Gagnan 1900 1979 Aqua-lung diving equipment [409]
2010 Field H. Winslow 1916 2009 Polymer cable sheath [410]
2010 Francis P. Bundy 1910 2008 Diamond synthesis [411]
2010 Herbert M. Strong 1908 2002 Synthetic diamond [412]
2010 Jacques Cousteau 1910 1997 Diving unit [413]
2010 Judah Folkman 1933 2008 Angiogenesis inhibition [414]
2010 Ralph Baer 1922 2014 Video game console [415]
2010 Robert H. Wentorf Jr. 1926 1997 Synthetic diamond [416]
2010 Roger L. Easton 1921 2014 TIMATION satellite navigation system [417]
2010 S. Donald Stookey 1915 2014 Glass ceramics [418]
2010 Spencer Silver 1941 Post-it notes [419]
2010 Tracy Hall 1919 2008 Synthetic diamond [420]
2010 Vincent Lanza 1922 1972 Polymer cable sheath [421]
2010 Walter Lincoln Hawkins 1911 1992 Polymer cable sheath [422]
2010 Yvonne Brill 1924 2013 Electrothermal hydrazine resistojet [423]
2011 Albert Dick 1856 1934 Duplicating machine [424]
2011 Bernard Silver 1924 1963 First optically scanned barcode [425]
2011 Carl Auer von Welsbach 1858 1929 Improvements to gas lighting [426]
2011 Carleton Ellis 1876 1941 Margarine [427]
2011 Charles Francis Jenkins 1867 1934 Movie projector [428]
2011 Clarence Kemp c. 1860 1911 Solar water heater [429]
2011 Eadweard Muybridge 1830 1904 Stop action photography [430]
2011 Edwin Binney 1866 1934 Carbon black manufacturing [431]
2011 Eric Fossum 1957 CMOS active pixel image sensor camera-on-a-chip [432]
2011 Esther Sans Takeuchi 1953 Lithium/silver-vanadium oxide battery [433]
2011 Eugene Sullivan 1872 1962 Borosilicate glass [434]
2011 François Hennebique 1842 1921 Reinforced concrete construction [435]
2011 Frederic Eugene Ives 1856 1937 Color photography [436]
2011 Gary K. Michelson 1949 Spinal surgical devices [437]
2011 George Ashley Campbell 1870 1954 Loading coil [438]
2011 George Devol 1912 2011 Industrial robot [439]
2011 Hannibal Goodwin 1822 1900 Transparent flexible nitrocellulose [440]
2011 Henry F. Phillips 1890 1958 Phillips screw [441]
2011 Henry M. Leland 1843 1932 Interchangeable parts for automobiles [442]
2011 James Ritty 1836 1918 Cash register [443]
2011 John Hays Hammond Jr. 1888 1965 Radio control [444]
2011 John Ritty 1834 1913 Cash register [445]
2011 Martin Hellman 1945 Public-key cryptography [446]
2011 Mary Anderson 1866 1953 Windshield wiper [447]
2011 Mihajlo Pupin 1858 1935 Loading coil [448]
2011 Norman Joseph Woodland 1921 2012 First optically scanned barcode [449]
2011 Peter Cooper Hewitt 1861 1921 Mercury-vapor lamp [450]
2011 Ralph Merkle 1952 Public-key cryptography [451]
2011 Rollin H. White 1872 1962 Flash boiler for generating steam-controlled differential steering [452]
2011 Stanley Macomber 1887 1967 Open web steel joist [453]
2011 Steven Sasson 1950 Digital camera [454]
2011 Thomas A. Watson 1854 1934 Improvements to telephone [455]
2011 Thomas E. Murray 1860 1929 Early power generation [456]
2011 Thomas Armat 1866 1948 Movie projector [457]
2011 Valdemar Poulsen 1869 1942 Magnetic wire recorder [458]
2011 Wallace Clement Sabine 1868 1919 Architectural acoustics [459]
2011 Walther Nernst 1864 1941 Metallic filament incandescent lamp [460]
2011 Warren Marrison 1896 1980 Quartz clock [461]
2011 Whitfield Diffie 1944 Public-key cryptography [462]
2012 Akira Endo 1933 Mevastatin [463]
2012 Alejandro Zaffaroni 1923 2014 Drug delivery systems [464]
2012 Barbara Liskov 1939 Programming Languages and System Design [465]
2012 David A. Thompson 1940 Thin film magnetic heads [466]
2012 Gary Starkweather 1938 2019 Laser printer [467]
2012 Lubomyr Romankiw 1931 Thin film magnetic heads [468]
2012 Steve Jobs 1955 2011 Personal computer, mobile phone, animated movie, digital publishing [469]
2012 C. Kumar N. Patel* 1938 Carbon dioxide laser [470]
2012 Dennis Gabor* 1900 1979 Electron holography [471]
2012 Mária Telkes* 1900 1995 Solar thermal storage system [472]
2013 Alfred Loomis 1887 1975 Long range navigation system (LORAN) [473]
2013 Andrew Viterbi 1935 Code-division multiple access (CDMA) [474]
2013 Aran Safir 1926 2007 Iris recognition algorithm [475]
2013 Arthur Ashkin 1922 2020 Optical trapping [476]
2013 Donald Bitzer 1934 Plasma display [477]
2013 Garrett Brown 1942 Steadicam camera stabilizer [478]
2013 Grote Reber 1911 2002 Radio telescope [479]
2013 H. Gene Slottow 1921 1989 Plasma display [480]
2013 Irwin M. Jacobs 1933 Code-division multiple access (CDMA) [481]
2013 John Birden 1918 2011 Radioisotope thermoelectric generator [482]
2013 John Daugman 1954 Iris recognition algorithm [483]
2013 Joseph Lechleider 1933 2015 Digital subscriber line (DSL) [484]
2013 Kenneth Jordan 1921 2008 Radioisotope thermoelectric generator [485]
2013 Leonard Flom 1927 Iris recognition algorithm [486]
2013 Robert H. Willson 1936 Plasma display [487]
2013 Robert Moog 1934 2005 Moog synthesizer [488]
2013 Samuel W. Alderson 1914 2005 Crash test dummy [489]
2014 Ashok Gadgil 1950 Water disinfection [490]
2014 Benjamin Durfee 1897 1980 Automatic sequence controlled calculator (Harvard Mark I) [491]
2014 Bill Bowerman 1911 1999 Modern athletic shoe [492]
2014 Chuck Hull 1939 Stereolithography [493]
2014 Clair Lake 1888 1958 Automatic sequence controlled calculator (Harvard Mark I) [494]
2014 David Crosthwait 1898 1976 Heating and ventilation system [495]
2014 Frances Arnold 1956 Evolution of enzymes [496]
2014 Francis E. Hamilton 1898 1972 Automatic sequence controlled calculator (Harvard Mark I) [497]
2014 George Antheil 1900 1959 Frequency-hopping spread spectrum [498]
2014 Hedy Lamarr 1914 2000 Frequency-hopping spread spectrum [499]
2014 Howard Aiken 1900 1973 Automatic sequence controlled calculator (Harvard Mark I) [500]
2014 Mildred Dresselhaus 1930 2017 Lattice structure [501]
2014 Otis Boykin 1920 1982 Electrical resistor [502]
2014 Richard DiMarchi 1952 Insulin Lispro [503]
2014 Willis Whitfield 1919 2012 Clean room [504]
2015 Charles R. Drew 1904 1950 Surgical needle [505]
2015 Edith Clarke 1883 1959 Graphical calculator [506]
2015 Gary D. Sharp 1962 Polarization-control technology [507]
2015 George Edward Alcorn Jr. 1940 X-ray spectrometer [508]
2015 Ioannis Yannas 1935 Artificial skin [509]
2015 Jaap Haartsen 1963 Bluetooth wireless technology [510]
2015 John F. Burke 1922 2011 Artificial skin [511]
2015 Kristina M. Johnson 1957 Polarization-control technology [512]
2015 Marion Donovan 1917 1998 Waterproof diaper cover [513]
2015 Mary-Dell Chilton 1939 Transgenic plant [514]
2015 Paul B. MacCready 1925 2007 Gossamer Condor [515]
2015 Shuji Nakamura 1954 Blue LED [516]
2015 Stanford R. Ovshinsky 1922 2012 Nickel-metal hydride battery [517]
2015 Thomas Jennings 1791 1859 Dry scouring [518]
2016 Bantval Jayant Baliga 1948 Insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) [519]
2016 Barrett Comiskey 1975 Electronic ink [520]
2016 Harriet Strong 1844 1926 Water storage and flood control [521]
2016 Ivan Sutherland 1938 Display windowing by clipping [522]
2016 JD Albert 1975 Electronic ink [523]
2016 John Silliker 1922 2015 Microbiological food safety and testing [524]
2016 Joseph Jacobson 1965 Electronic ink [525]
2016 Per-Ingvar Brånemark 1929 2014 Dental implant [526]
2016 Radia Perlman 1951 Network routing and bridging [527]
2016 Robert M. Thomas 1908 1984 Butyl rubber [528]
2016 Roger Angel 1941 Telescope mirror cell [529]
2016 Roger Bacon 1926 2007 Carbon fibers [530]
2016 Sheldon Kaplan 1939 2009 Auto-injector [531]
2016 Victor Lawrence 1945 Signal processing in telecommunications [532]
2016 Welton Taylor 1919 2012 Microbiological food safety and testing [533]
2016 William Sparks 1905 1976 Butyl rubber [534]
2017 Allene Jeanes 1906 1995 Dextran production; xanthan gum [535]
2017 Augustine Sackett 1841 1914 Drywall [536]
2017 Beatrice Hicks 1919 1979 Device for sensing gas density [537]
2017 Carolyn Bertozzi 1966 Bioorthogonal Chemistry [538]
2017 Daniel Lewin 1970 2001 Content delivery network [539]
2017 Don Arney 1947 Bambi Bucket for aerial firefighting [540]
2017 Earle Dickson 1892 1961 Band-Aid self-adhesive bandages [541]
2017 Eli Harari 1945 Floating-gate EEPROM [542]
2017 Frances Ligler 1951 Portable optical air sensor [543]
2017 Haren S. Gandhi 1941 2010 Automotive exhaust catalyst [544]
2017 Harold E. Froehlich 1922 2007 Deep-sea submersible [545]
2017 Howard Head 1914 1991 Laminated ski; oversized tennis racket [546]
2017 Iver Anderson 1953 Lead-free solder [547]
2017 Marshall Jones 1941 Industrial laser [548]
2017 Tom Leighton 1956 Content delivery network [549]
2018 Adi Shamir 1952 RSA cryptography [550]
2018 Arogyaswami Paulraj 1944 MIMO wireless technology [551]
2018 Ching W. Tang 1947 Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) [552]
2018 Howard S. Jones 1921 2005 Conformal antenna [553]
2018 Jacqueline Quinn 1967 EZVI (Emulsified Zerovalent iron) [554]
2018 Joseph Shivers 1920 2014 LYCRA fiber (Spandex) [555]
2018 Leonard Adleman 1945 RSA cryptography [556]
2018 Marvin H. Caruthers 1940 Chemical synthesis of DNA [557]
2018 Mary Engle Pennington 1872 1952 Food preservation and food storage [558]
2018 Paul Terasaki 1929 2016 Tissue typing for organ transplants, Terasaki tray [559]
2018 Ronald Rivest 1947 RSA cryptography [560]
2018 Stan Honey 1955 Sports broadcast graphic enhancements [561]
2018 Steven Van Slyke 1956 Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) [562]
2018 Sumita Mitra 1949 Nanocomposite dental materials [563]
2018 Warren S. Johnson 1847 1911 Temperature control [564]
2019 Alonzo G. Decker Jr. 1884 1956 Portable hand-held electric drill [565]
2019 Andrew Higgins 1886 1952 Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel (LCVP) [566]
2019 Chieko Asakawa 1958 Home Page Reader [567]
2019 David Wait 1953 Microarray [568]
2019 Dennis Ritchie 1941 2011 UNIX operating system [569]
2019 Edmund O. Schweitzer III 1947 Digital protective relay [570]
2019 Frederick Novello 1916 1986 Thiazide diuretics (Chlorothiazide) [571]
2019 James Sprague 1909 2000 Thiazide diuretics (Chlorothiazide) [572]
2019 James Truchard 1943 LabVIEW [573]
2019 Jeff Kodosky 1949 LabVIEW [574]
2019 John Baer 1917 2003 Thiazide diuretics (Chlorothiazide) [575]
2019 Joseph C. Muhler 1923 1996 Stannous fluoride toothpaste [576]
2019 Joseph Lee 1849 1908 Bread machine [577]
2019 Karl H. Beyer Jr. 1914 1996 Thiazide diuretics (Chlorothiazide) [578]
2019 Ken Thompson 1943 UNIX operating system [579]
2019 Rebecca Richards-Kortum 1964 Medical devices for low-resource settings [580]
2019 S. Duncan Black 1883 1951 Portable hand-held electric drill [581]
2019 William J. Warner 1955 Digital non-linear editing system [582]
2019 William Nebergall 1914 1978 Stannous fluoride toothpaste [583]
2020 Dana Bookbinder 1956 Bend-insensitive optical fiber [584]
2020 Edward W. Bullard 1893 1963 Hard hat [585]
2020 Edward Sisler 1930 2016 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) [586]
2020 Evelyn Berezin 1925 2018 Computer systems for business use [587]
2020 Floyd Smith 1884 1956 Modern parachute [588]
2020 Frank Zybach 1894 1980 Center-pivot irrigation [589]
2020 Harry Cameron 1872 1928 Blowout preventer (BOP) [590]
2020 Hinda Miller 1950 Sports bra [591]
2020 James Abercrombie 1891 1975 Blowout preventer (BOP) [592]
2020 James McEwen 1948 Automatic surgical tourniquet [593]
2020 John Nicholson 1925 1983 Ibuprofen [594]
2020 Lisa Lindahl 1948 Sports bra [595]
2020 Margaret Wu 1950 Synthetic lubricants [596]
2020 Mick Mountz 1965 Mobile robotic material handling [597]
2020 Ming-Jun Li 1959 Bend-insensitive optical fiber [598]
2020 Peter Wurman 1965 Mobile robotic material handling [599]
2020 Polly Smith 1949 Sports bra [600]
2020 Pushkar Tandon 1967 Bend-insensitive optical fiber [601]
2020 R. Rox Anderson 1950 Laser dermatology [602]
2020 Raffaelo D'Andrea 1967 Mobile robotic material handling [603]
2020 Stewart Adams 1923 2019 Ibuprofen [604]
2020 Sylvia Blankenship 1954 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) [605]
2022 Carl Benz 1844 1929 Automobile [606]
2022 James Buchanan Eads 1820 1887 Steamboat [607]
2022 Lonnie Johnson 1949 Super Soaker [608]
2022 Marian Croak 1955 VoIP [609]
2022 Patricia Bath 1942 2019 Cataract surgery [610]
2023 Angela Hartley Brodie 1934 2017 Steroidal aromatase inhibitors [611]
2023 Cyril Keller 1922 2020 Skid-steer loader [612]
2023 Drew Weissman 1959 Messenger RNA [613]
2023 Emmanuelle Charpentier 1968 CRISPR gene editing [614]
2023 James A. Parsons Jr. 1900 1989 Alloy 20 [615]
2023 Jennifer Doudna 1964 CRISPR gene editing [616]
2023 Katalin Karikó 1955 Messenger RNA [617]
2023 Louis Keller 1923 2010 Skid-steer loader [618]
2023 Luis von Ahn 1978 reCAPTCHA [619]
2023 Lynn Conway 1938 Very Large Scale Integration [620]
2023 Marjorie Stewart Joyner 1896 1994 Permanent wave machine [621]
2023 Philippe Horvath 1970 CRISPR gene editing [622]
2023 Robert Bryant 1962 Langley Research Center-Soluble Imide [623]
2023 Rodolphe Barrangou 1975 CRISPR gene editing [624]
2023 Roger Tsien 1952 2016 Green fluorescent protein [625]
2023 Rory Cooper 1959 Wheelchair [626]


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  502. ^ "NIHF Inductee Otis Boykin Invented Electronic Resistors". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on May 19, 2020. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
  503. ^ "NIHF Inductee Richard DiMarchi Invented Humalog Insulin". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on May 20, 2020. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
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  505. ^ "NIHF Inductee Charles Drew, Inventor of Blood Plasma". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on May 19, 2020. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
  506. ^ "NIHF Inductee Edith Clarke Invented the Graphical Calculator". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on May 29, 2020. Retrieved January 4, 2020.
  507. ^ "NIHF Inductee Gary D. Sharp Invented the Polarizer Filter". June 5, 2024.
  508. ^ "NIHF Inductee George Edward Alcorn Invented X Ray Spectroscopy". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on May 20, 2020. Retrieved January 4, 2020.
  509. ^ "NIHF Inductee Ioannis V. Yannas Invented Artificial Skin". June 4, 2024.
  510. ^ "NIHF Inductee Jaap C. Haartsen Invented Bluetooth Wireless Technology". June 5, 2024. Archived from the original on May 14, 2020. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
  511. ^ "NIHF Inductee John Francis Burke Revolutionized Artificial Skin History". April 5, 2024. Archived from the original on February 3, 2020. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
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  514. ^ "NIHF Inductee Mary-Dell Chilton Invented Transgenic Plants". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on June 20, 2020. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
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  516. ^ "NIHF Inductee Shuji Nakamura Transformed Blue LED History". June 5, 2024.
  517. ^ "NIHF Inductee Stanford R. Ovshinsky Invented the Nickel Metal Hydride Battery". June 5, 2024.
  518. ^ "NIHF Inductee Thomas Jennings and the History of Dry Cleaning". June 5, 2024.
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  524. ^ "NIHF Inductee John H. Silliker Invented a Food Safety Test". June 5, 2024.
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  526. ^ "NIHF Inductee Per-Ingvar Branemark Invented Dental Implants". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on February 26, 2020. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
  527. ^ "NIHF Inductee Radia Perlman Invented Wireless Network Bridge". June 5, 2024.
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  529. ^ "NIHF Inductee J. Roger P. Angel Invented Telescope Mirrors". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on January 12, 2020. Retrieved January 4, 2020.
  530. ^ "NIHF Inductee Roger Bacon, Who Invented Carbon Fiber". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on September 2, 2019. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
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  533. ^ "NIHF Inductee Welton I. Taylor Invented Microbiological Testing". June 5, 2024.
  534. ^ "NIHF Inductee William J. Sparks Invented Butyl Rubber". June 4, 2024.
  535. ^ "What is Xanthan Gum Made From? Learn From Inventor and NIHF Inductee Allene Jeanes". June 5, 2024.
  536. ^ "NIHF Inductee Augustine Sackett's Bio Explains When was Drywall Invented". June 5, 2024.
  537. ^ "NIHF Inductee Beatrice Hicks Invented a Gas Density Device". June 5, 2024. Archived from the original on January 12, 2019. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
  538. ^ "NIHF Inductee Carolyn Bertozzi Invented Bioorthogonal Chemistry". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on September 25, 2021. Retrieved January 4, 2020.
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  542. ^ "NIHF Inductee Eli Harari Invented the Floating Gate EEPROM". June 4, 2024. Archived from the original on May 19, 2020. Retrieved January 4, 2020.
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  544. ^ "Haren Gandhi Invented a Catalytic Converter Function for Clean Air". June 4, 2024. Archived from the original on November 8, 2019. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
  545. ^ "NIHF Inductee Harold Froehlich Invented the Alvin Submersible". June 5, 2024. Archived from the original on October 24, 2019. Retrieved January 4, 2020.
  546. ^ "NIHF Inductee Howard Head Invented the Oversized Tennis Racquet and Laminate Ski". June 4, 2024. Archived from the original on January 12, 2020. Retrieved January 5, 2020.
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  548. ^ "NIHF Inductee Marshall Jones Invented Industrial Lasers for Cutting and Welding". June 5, 2024.
  549. ^ "NIHF Inductee Tom Leighton Invented the Content Delivery Network". June 4, 2024.
  550. ^ "Adi Shamir Invented the RSA Algorithm for Securing Communication". June 5, 2024.
  551. ^ "NIHF Inductee Arogyaswami Paulraj Invented MIMO Technology". June 5, 2024.
  552. ^ "Inductee Ching Wan Tang, Who Invented OLED, Enhanced Efficiency". June 4, 2024.
  553. ^ "NIHF Inductee Howard Jones Invented the Conformal Antenna". June 5, 2024.
  554. ^ "NIHF Inductee Jacqueline Quinn Invented a Way for Cleaning Up the Environment". June 5, 2024.
  555. ^ "NIHF Inductee Joseph Shivers, Who Invented Spandex - a Top Clothing Innovation". June 5, 2024.
  556. ^ "Leonard Adleman Made RSA Encryption History With His Invention". April 6, 2024.
  557. ^ "NIHF Inductee Marvin Caruthers and DNA Synthesis, Advancing Biological Research". April 6, 2024. Archived from the original on May 20, 2020. Retrieved January 4, 2020.
  558. ^ "Mary Engle Pennington Transformed the History of Food Preservation". June 4, 2024.
  559. ^ "Paul Terasaki Invented a Tissue Typing Test for Transplants". June 5, 2024.
  560. ^ "NIHF Inductee Ronald Rivest Invented Widely Used RSA Cryptography". June 5, 2024.
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  562. ^ "Steven Van Slyke Invented OLED Technology, Increasing Efficiency". June 5, 2024.
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  564. ^ "NIHF Inductee Warren Johnson Invented Temperature Control Technologies". June 5, 2024.
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  566. ^ "Andrew Higgins Invented WWII Landing Craft, the Higgins Boat". June 5, 2024. Archived from the original on January 27, 2019. Retrieved January 27, 2019.
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  569. ^ "Inductee Dennis Ritchie, Who Invented Unix, Transformed Technology". June 5, 2024.
  570. ^ "Edmund O. Schweitzer III | National Inventors Hall of Fame® Inductee". June 4, 2024.
  571. ^ "Frederick Novello Altered the History of Blood Pressure Medication". June 4, 2024.
  572. ^ "NIHF Inductee James Sprague Transforms the History of Hypertension". June 5, 2024.
  573. ^ "Inductee James Truchard's Invention of Virtual Instrument Software". June 5, 2024.
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  • The official website of the National Inventors Hall of Fame