List of Anseriformes

Anseriformes is an order of birds belonging to the clade Galloanseres. It consists of 3 families, 58 genera and 171 living species.[1][2] Extinct species assignment follows the Mikko's Phylogeny Archive[3] and websites.[4] This list is based on the taxonomy of the HBW and BirdLife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World by Josep del Hoyo and Nigel J. Collar also used by HBW, BirdLife International and IUCN and also includes historically extinct species and the presumed date of extinction[5]

Summary of 2006 IUCN Red List categories

IUCN conservation statusesExtinctionExtinctionExtinct in the wildCritically EndangeredEndangered speciesVulnerable speciesNear ThreatenedThreatened speciesLeast ConcernLeast Concern

Conservation status [v2021-2, the data is current as of November 16, 2021]:[6]

EX - extinct,
EW - extinct in the wild
CR - critically endangered
EN - endangered
VU - vulnerable
NT - near threatened
LC - least concern
DD - data deficient
NE - not evaluated


Living Anseriformes based on the work by John Boyd.[7]









Family Anhimidae (Screamers)

Family Anseranatidae (magpie goose)

Family †Presbyornithidae

  • Genus †Headonornis Harrison & Walker 1976
    • Headonornis hantoniensis (Lydekker 1891) Harrison & Walker 1976
  • Genus †Presbyornis Wetmore 1926
    • Presbyornis mongoliensis Kuročkin & Dyke 2010
    • Presbyornis recurvirostrus (Hardy 1959) Ericson 2000
    • Presbyornis pervetus Wetmore 1926
  • Genus †Telmabates Howard 1955
  • Genus †Teviornis Kuročkin, Dyke & Karhu 2002
  • Genus †Wilaru Boles et al., 2013
    • Wilaru tedfordi Boles et al., 2013
    • Wilaru prideauxi Vanesa et al., 2016

Family †Paranyrocidae

  • Genus †Paranyroca Miller & Compton 1939
    • Paranyroca magna Miller & Compton 1939

Family Anatidae (ducks, geese, swans)

Anatidae incertae sedis

  • "Anas" albae Jánossy 1979
  • "Anas" amotape Campbell 1979
  • "Anas" eppelsheimensis Lambrecht 1933
  • "Anas" isarensis Lambrecht 1933
  • "Anas" luederitzensis Lambrecht 1929
  • "Anas" sanctaehelenae Campbell 1979
  • "Anser" scaldii Lambrecht 1933
  • "Cygnopterus" alphonsi Cheneval 1984
  • "Oxyura" doksana Mlíkovský 2002
  • Genus †Allgoviachen Mayr, Lechner & Böhme, 2022
  • Genus †Ankonetta Cenizo & Agnolín 2010
    • Ankonetta larriestra Cenizo & Agnolín 2010
  • Genus †Cayaoa Tonni 1979
    • Cayaoa bruneti Tonni 1979
  • Genus †Aldabranas Harrison & Walker 1978
    • Aldabranas cabri Harrison & Walker 1978
  • Genus †Chenoanas Zelenkov 2012
    • Chenoanas deserta Zelenkov 2012
    • Chenoanas asiatica Zelenkov et al., 2018
  • Genus †Helonetta Emslie 1992
    • Helonetta brodkorbi Emslie 1992
  • Genus †Loxornis Ameghino 1894
    • Loxornis clivus Ameghino 1894
  • Genus †Mioquerquedula Zelenkov & Kuročkin 2012
    • Mioquerquedula minutissima Zelenkov & Kuročkin 2012
  • Genus †Shiriyanetta Watanabe & Matsuoka 2015
    • Shiriyanetta goedertorum (Barnes et al., 1995)
    • Shiriyanetta hasegawai Watanabe & Matsuoka 2015
  • Genus †Teleornis Ameghino 1899
    • Teleornis impressus Ameghino 1899

Subfamily †Romainvilliinae

  • Genus †Romainvillia Lebedinský 1927
    • Romainvillia stehlini Lebedinský 1927
  • Genus †Saintandrea Mayr & De Pietri 2013
    • Saintandrea chenoides Mayr & De Pietri 2013

Subfamily †Dendrocheninae

  • Genus †Dendrochen Miller 1944
    • Dendrochen integra (Miller 1944) Cheneval 1987
    • Dendrochen oligocaena (Tugarinov 1940)
    • Dendrochen robusta Miller 1944
  • Genus †Manuherikia Worthy et al., 2007
  • Genus †Mionetta Livezey & Martin 1988
    • Mionetta robusta (Milne-Edwards 1868) Mlíkovský 2002
    • Mionetta arvernensis (Lydekker 1891a)
    • Mionetta blanchardi (Milne-Edwards 1863) Livezey & Martin 1988
    • Mionetta consobrina (Milne-Edwards 1867) Livezey & Martin 1988
    • Mionetta natator (Milne-Edwards 1867) Livezey & Martin 1988

Subfamily Dendrocygninae

  • Genus Thalassornis Eyton 1838
    • Thalassornis leuconotus Eyton 1838 (white-backed duck) LC
      • T. l. leuconotus Eyton 1838 (African white-backed duck)
      • T. l. insularis (Richmond 1897) (Madagascan white-backed duck)
  • Genus Dendrocygna Swainson 1837 (whistling/tree ducks)
    • Subgenus (Lamprocygna) Boetticher 1949
      • Dendrocygna viduata (Linnaeus 1766) (white-faced whistling-duck) LC
      • Dendrocygna autumnalis (Linnaeus 1758) (black-bellied whistling-duck) LC
        • D. a. fulgens Friedmann 1947 (Northern black-bellied whistling duck)
        • D. a. autumnalis (Linnaeus 1758) (Southern black-bellied whistling duck)
    • Subgenus (Nesocygna) Boetticher 1949
    • Subgenus (Dendrocygna) Swainson 1837
      • Dendrocygna bicolor (Vieillot 1816) (fulvous whistling-duck) LC
      • Dendrocygna eytoni (Eyton 1838) (plumed whistling-duck) LC
      • Dendrocygna javanica (Horsfield 1821) (lesser whistling-duck) LC
      • Dendrocygna arcuata (Horsfield 1824) (wandering whistling-duck) LC
        • D. a. arcuata (Horsfield 1824) (East Indian wandering whistling duck)
        • D. a. pygmaea Mayr 1945 (lesser wandering whistling duck)
        • D. a. australis Reichenbach 1850 (Australian wandering whistling duck)

Subfamily Plectropterinae

  • Genus Plectropterus Stephens 1824
    • Plectropterus gambensis (Linnaeus 1766) Stephens 1824 (spur-winged goose) LC
      • P. g. gambensis (Linnaeus 1766) (Gambian spur-winged goose)
      • P. g. niger Sclater 1877 (black spur-winged goose)

Subfamily Stictonettinae

Subfamily Anserinae

  • Tribe Nettapodini
    • Genus Nettapus von Brandt 1836 (Pygmy geese)
      • Subgenus (Nettapus) von Brandt 1836
      • Subgenus (Cheniscus) Eyton 1838
        • Nettapus pulchellus Gould 1842 (green pygmy-goose) LC
        • Nettapus coromandelianus (Gmelin 1789) (cotton pygmy-goose) LC
          • N. c. albipennis Gould 1842 (greater cotton pygmy goose)
          • N. c. coromandelianus (Gmelin 1789) (lesser cotton pygmy goose)
  • Tribe Biziurini Mathews 1946
    • Genus Biziura Stephens 1824 (musk ducks)
      • Biziura exhumata DeVis 1889
      • Biziura delautouri Forbes 1892 (New Zealand musk duck)
      • Biziura lobata (Shaw 1796) (musk duck) LC
        • B. l. lobata (Shaw 1796)
        • B. l. menziesi
  • Tribe Oxyurini Swainson 1831
  • Tribe Anserini Vigors 1825
    • Genus †Afrocygnus Louchart et al., 2005
      • Afrocygnus chauvireae Louchart et al., 2005
    • Genus †Asiavis Nesov 1986
      • Asiavis phosphatica Nesov 1986
    • Genus †Bonibernicla Kuročkin 1985
      • Bonibernicla ponderosa Kuročkin 1985
    • Genus †Cygnavus Lambrecht 1931
      • Cygnavus senckenbergi Lambrecht 1931
      • Cygnavus formosus Korochkin 1968
    • Genus †Cygnopterus Lambrecht 1931a
      • Cygnopterus neogradiensis Kessler & Hir 2009
      • Cygnopterus affinis (Beneden 1883) Lambrecht 1931
    • Genus †Eremochen Brodkorb 1961
      • Eremochen russelli Brodkorb 1961
    • Genus †Paracygnus Short 1969
      • Paracygnus plattensis Short 1969
    • Genus †Presbychen Wetmore 1930
      • Presbychen abavus Wetmore 1930
    • “Chenopis” nanus De Vis 1905
    • †Anatidae sp. & gen. indet. (Long-legged shelduck)
    • †Anatidae sp. & gen. indet. (Rota flightless duck)
    • †Anatidae sp. & gen. indet. (Giant Hawaiʻi goose)
    • †Anatidae sp. & gen. indet. (Giant Oʻahu goose)
    • Subtribe Malacorhynchina von Boetticher 1950
    • Subtribe Cereopsina Vigors 1825 fide Gray
      • Genus †Cnemiornis Owen 1866 (New Zealand Geese)
        • Cnemiornis calcitrans Owen 1866 (South Island Goose)
        • Cnemiornis septentrionalis Oliver 1955 (North Island Goose)
      • Genus Cereopsis Latham 1801
        • Cereopsis novaehollandiae Latham 1801 (Cape Barren goose) LC
          • C. n. novaehollandiae Latham 1801 (eastern/New Holland Cape Barren goose)
          • C. n. grisea (Vieillot 1818) (Recherche/southwestern Cape Barren goose)
      • Genus Coscoroba Reichenbach 1853
    • Subtribe Cygnina Vigors 1825 fide Gray (true swans)
      • Genus Cygnus Garsault 1764 (true swans)
Phylogeny of Cygnus[8]
        • Cygnus davidii (Père David's swan)
        • Cygnus herenthalsi (van Beneden 1871) Mlíkovský 2002
        • Cygnus hibbardi Brodkorb 1958
        • Cygnus lacustris (De Vis 1905)
        • Subgenus (Sthenelides)
        • Subgenus (Chenopis) Wagler 1832
        • Subgenus (Cygnus) Garsault 1764
          • Cygnus atavus (Fraas 1870) Mlíkovský 1992
          • Cygnus paloregonus Cope 1878
          • Cygnus equitum Bate 1916 sensu Livezey 1997 (Dwarf Maltese swan)
          • Cygnus olor (Gmelin 1789) (mute swan) LC
            • C. o. bergmanni Serebrovsky 1940
            • C. o. olor (Gmelin 1789)
        • Subgenus (Olor) (Wagler 1832)
          • Cygnus mariae Bickart 1990
          • Cygnus csakvarensis Lambrecht 1933
          • Cygnus falconeri Parker 1865 sensu Livezey 1997a (Giant Maltese swan)
          • Cygnus verae Boev 2000
          • Cygnus buccinator Richardson 1831 (trumpeter swan) LC
          • Cygnus cygnus (Linnaeus 1758) (whooper swan) LC
          • Cygnus columbianus (Ord 1815) (tundra swan) LC
            • C. c. bewickii (Yarrel 1830) sensu Carboneras 1992 (Bewick's Swan)
            • C. c. columbianus (Ord 1815) (Tundra Swan)
    • Subtribe Anserina Vigors 1825 fide Gray
      • Genus Branta Scopoli 1769 (black geese)
Phylogeny of Branta[8]
        • Branta dickey Miller 1924
        • Branta esmeralda Burt 1929
        • Branta howardae Miller 1930
        • Branta hypsibata (Cope 1878)
        • Branta propinqua Schufeldt 1892
        • Branta rhuax (Wetmore 1943) Olson 2013 (Giant Hawai'i/Wetmore's goose)
        • Branta thessaliensis Boev & Koufos 2006
        • Subgenus (Branta) Scopoli 1769
          • Branta bernicla (Linnaeus 1758) (brent goose) LC
            • B. b. bernicla (Linnaeus 1758) (Dark-bellied Brant Goose)
            • B. b. nigricans (Lawrence 1846) (black-bellied Brant goose)
            • B. b. hrota (Müller 1776) (pale-bellied brant)
        • Subgenus (Leucopareia) Reichenbach 1852
        • Subgenus (Leucoblepharon) Baird 1858
          • Branta leucopsis (Bechstein 1803) (barnacle goose) LC
          • Branta hutchinsii (Richardson 1832) (cackling goose) LC
            • B. h. leucopareia (von Brandt 1836) (Aleutian/Bering cackling goose)
            • B. h. minima Ridgway 1885 (Small cackling goose)
            • B. h. taverneri Delacour 1951 (Taverner's cackling goose)
            • B. h. hutchinsii (Richardson 1832) (Richardson's cackling goose)
          • Branta hylobadistes Olson & James 1991 (Greater nene, Nēnē-nui)
          • Branta sandvicensis (Vigors 1834) (Hawaiian goose) VU D1
          • Branta canadensis (Linnaeus 1758) (Canada goose) LC
            • B. c. occidentalis (Baird 1858) (dusky Canada goose)
            • B. c. fulva Delacour 1951 (Vancouver Canada goose)
            • B. c. maxima Delacour 1951 (giant Canada goose)
            • B. c. moffitti Aldrich 1946 (Great Basin Canada goose)
            • B. c. parvipes (Cassin 1852) (Athabaska Canada goose)
            • B. c. interior Todd 1938 (Interior Canada goose)
            • B. c. canadensis (Linnaeus 1758) (Atlantic Canada goose)
      • Genus Anser Brisson 1760 (true geese)
Phylogeny of Anser[8]
        • Anser arenosus Bickart 1990
        • Anser arizonae Bickart 1990
        • Anser azerbaidzhanicus Serebrovsky 1940
        • Anser devjatkini Kuročkin 1971
        • Anser djuktaiensis Zelenkov & Kuročkin 2014
        • Anser eldaricus Burchak-Abramovich & Gadzyev 1978
        • Anser pratensis (Short 1970)
        • Anser tchikoicus Kuročkin 1985
        • Anser thompsoni Martin & Mengel 1980
        • Anser thraceiensis Burchak-Abramovich & Nikolov 1984
        • Anser udabnensis Burchak-Abramovich 1957
        • Subgenus (Eulabeia) Reichenbach 1852
        • Subgenus (Chen) Boie 1822
          • Anser pressa (Wetmore 1933) Brodkorb 1964 (Dwarf Snow goose)
          • Anser canagicus (Sevastianov 1802) (emperor goose) NT
          • Anser rossii Cassin 1861 (Ross's goose) LC
          • Anser caerulescens (Linnaeus 1758) (snow goose) LC
            • A. c. atlantica Kennard 1927 (greater snow goose)
            • A. c. caerulescens (Linnaeus 1758) (lesser snow goose)
        • Subgenus (Anser) Brisson 1760
          • Anser anser (Linnaeus 1758) (greylag goose) LC
            • A. a. anser (Linnaeus 1758) (Western Greylag Goose)
            • A. a. rubrirostris Swinhoe 1871 (Eastern Greylag Goose)
          • Anser cygnoides (Linnaeus 1758) (swan goose) VU A2bcd+3bcd+4bcd
          • Anser erythropus (Linnaeus 1758) (lesser white-fronted goose) VU A2bcd+3bcd+4bcd
          • Anser albifrons (greater white-fronted goose) LC
            • A. a. flavirostris Dalgety & Scott 1948 (Greenland white-fronted Goose)
            • A. a. albifrons (Scopoli 1769) (European white-fronted Goose)
            • A. a. elgasi Delacour & Ripley 1975 (Tule white-fronted goose)
            • A. a. gambelli Hartlaub 1852 (Gambel's white-fronted goose)
            • A. a. sponsa Banks 2011 (Pacific white-fronted goose)
          • Anser fabalis (Latham 1787) (Taiga bean goose) LC
            • A. f. fabalis (Latham 1787) (western taiga bean Goose)
            • A. f. johanseni Delacour 1951 (West Siberian taiga bean goose)
          • Anser brachyrhynchus Baillon 1834 (pink-footed goose) LC
          • Anser middendorffii Severtsov 1873 (East Siberian taiga bean goose)
          • Anser serrirostris Gould 1852 (Tundra bean Goose)
            • A. s. rossicus Buturlin 1933 (Russian tundra bean goose )
            • A. s. serrirostris Gould 1852 (East Siberian tundra bean goose)

Subfamily Anatinae

  • Tribe Tadornini (Reichenbach 1849-50) (shelducks & sheldgeese)
    • Genus †Australotadorna Worthy 2009
    • Genus †Anabernicula Ross 1935
      • Anabernicula minuscula (Wetmore 1924)
      • Anabernicula oregonensis Howard 1964b
      • Anabernicula gracilenta Ross 1935
    • Genus †Brantadorna Howard 1964
      • Brantadorna downsi Howard 1964
      • Brantadorna robusta (Short 1970) Livezey 1997
    • Genus †Centrornis Andrews 1897
    • Genus †Miotadorna Worthy et al., 2007
    • Genus †Nannonetta Campbell 1979
      • Nannonetta invisitata Campbell 1979
    • Genus †Pleistoanser Agnolín 2006
      • Pleistoanser bravardi Agnolín 2006
    • Subtribe Merganettina
      • Genus Merganetta Gould 1842
        • Merganetta armata Gould 1842 (torrent duck) LC
          • M. a. colombiana Des Murs 1845 (Colombian torrent duck)
          • M. a. leucogenis (Tschudi 1843) (Peruvian torrent duck)
          • M. a. turneri Sclater & Salvin 1869 (Turner's torrent duck)
          • M. a. garleppi von Berlepsch 1894 (Garlepp's/Bolivian torrent duck)
          • M. a. berlepschi Hartert 1909 (Berlepsch's torrent duck)
          • M. a. armata Gould 1842 (Chilean torrent duck)
    • Subtribe Chleophagina (Sheldgeese)
Phylogeny of Chloephaga[9]
        • Chloephaga poliocephala Sclater 1857 (ashy-headed goose) LC
        • Chloephaga rubidiceps Sclater 1861 (ruddy-headed goose) LC
        • Chloephaga hybrida (Molina 1782) (kelp goose) LC
          • C. h. hybrida (Molina 1782) (lesser/Patagonian kelp goose)
          • C. h. malvinarum Phillips 1916 (greater/Falkland kelp goose)
        • Chloephaga picta (Gmelin 1789) (upland goose) LC
          • C. p. leucoptera Gmelin 1789) (greater Upland/Magellan goose)
          • C. p. picta (Gmelin 1789) (lesser Upland/Magellan goose)
    • Subtribe Tadornina (shelducks)
      • Genus Radjah Reichenbach 1852
        • Radjah radjah (Lesson 1828) Reichenbach 1852 (radjah shelduck) LC
          • R. r. radjah (Lesson 1828) (Moluccan/black-backed radjah shelduck)
          • R. r. rufitergum (Hartert 1905 (Australian/red-backed radjah shelduck)
      • Genus Alopochen Stejneger 1885
      • Genus Tadorna Boie 1822
Phylogeny of Tadorna[9]
Phylogeny of Aythya[10]
      • Aythya chauvirae Cheneval 1987
      • Aythya denesi (Kessler 2013) Zelenkov 2016
      • Aythya effodiata (DeVis 1905)
      • Aythya magna Kuročkin 1985
      • Aythya molesta (Kuročkin 1985) Zelenkov 1985
      • Aythya reclusa (DeVis 1888)
      • Aythya robusta (DeVis 1888)
      • Aythya spatiosa Kuročkin 1976
      • Aythya cf. innotata (Réunion pochard)
      • Subgenus (Nyroca) Fleming 1822
        • Aythya baeri (Radde 1863) (Baer's pochard) CR A2cd+3 cd+4 cd; C2a(ii)
        • Aythya innotata (Salvadori 1894) (Madagascar pochard) CR D
        • Aythya nyroca (Güldenstädt 1769) (ferruginous duck) NT
        • Aythya australis (Eyton 1838) (hardhead) LC
          • A. a. extima Mayr 1940 (Banks Island hardhead)
          • A. a. australis (Eyton 1838) (Australasian hardhead)
      • Subgenus (Aristonetta) Baird 1858
      • Subgenus (Aythya) Boie 1822
  • Tribe Anatini Leach 1820
Phylogeny of Tachyeres[11]
Phylogeny of Spatula[11]
        • Subgenus (Querquedula) Stephens 1824
        • Subgenus (Punanetta) Bonaparte 1856
          • Spatula hottentota (Eyton 1838) (blue-billed teal) LC
          • Spatula puna (Lichtenstein) Tschudi 1844 (puna teal) LC
          • Spatula versicolor Vieillot 1816 (silver teal) LC
            • S. v. fretensis King 1831 (southern silver teal)
            • S. v. versicolor Vieillot 1816 (northern silver teal)
        • Subgenus (Spatula) Boie 1822
          • Spatula platalea Vieillot 1816 (red shoveler) LC
          • Spatula discors Linnaeus 1766 (blue-winged teal) LC
          • Spatula cyanoptera Vieillot 1816 (cinnamon teal) LC
            • S. c. septentrionalium Snyder & Lumsden 1951 (northern cinnamon teal)
            • S. c. tropica Snyder & Lumsden 1951 (tropical cinnamon teal)
            • S. c. borreroi Snyder & Lumsden 1951 (Borrero's cinnamon teal)
            • S. c. orinoma (Oberholser 1906) (Andean cinnamon teal)
            • S. c. cyanoptera Vieillot 1816 (Argentine cinnamon teal)
          • Spatula smithii (Hartert 1891) (Cape shoveler) LC
          • Spatula clypeata (Linnaeus 1758) (northern shoveler) LC
          • Spatula rhynchotis Latham 1801 (Australian shoveler) LC
            • S. r. variegata (Gould 1856) (New Zealand shoveler)
            • S. r. rhynchotis Latham 1801 (Australian shoveler)
      • Genus Mareca Stephens 1824
Phylogeny of Mareca[11]
        • Subgenus (Eunetta) Bonaparte 1856
        • Subgenus (Chaulelasmus) Bonaparte 1838
          • Mareca strepera (Linnaeus 1758) (gadwall) LC
            • M. s. couesi (Streets 1876) (Coues'/Washington Island gadwall)
            • M. s. strepera (Linnaeus 1758) (Holarctic gadwall)
        • Subgenus (Mareca) Stephens 1824 (Widgeons)
      • Genus Anas Linnaeus 1758
Phylogeny of Mareca[11]
        • Anas apscheronica Burchak-Abramovisch 1958
        • Anas bunkeri (Wetmore 1944)
        • Anas elapsa DeVis 1888 (Chinchilla Late Pleistocene of Condamine River, Australia)
        • Anas gracilipes DeVis 1905 (Late Pleistocene of Australia)
        • Anas itchtucknee McCoy 1963
        • Anas kisatibiensis (Early Pliocene of Kisatibi, Georgia)
        • Anas kurochkini Zelenkov & Panteleyev 2015
        • Anas lambrechti (Spillman 1942)
        • Anas moldovica (Late Pliocene of Tchichmiknaia, Moldova?Georgia?)
        • Anas sansaniensis Milne-Edwards 1867
        • Anas schneideri Emslie 1985
        • Anas strenua DeVis 1905 (Late Pleistocene of Patteramordu, Australia)
        • Subgenus (Anas) Linnaeus 1758
          • Anas pachyscelus Wetmore 1960 (Bermuda Islands flightless duck)
          • Anas sparsa Eyton 1838 (African black duck) LC
            • A. s. leucostigma Rüppell 1845 (pink-billed black duck)
            • A. s. sparsa Eyton 1838 (South African black duck)
          • Anas melleri Sclater 1865 (Meller's duck) EN C2a(ii)
          • Anas undulata Dubois 1839 (yellow-billed duck) LC
            • A. u. ruppelli Blyth 1855 (northern yellow-billed duck)
            • A. u. undulata Dubois 1839 (southern yellow-billed duck)
          • Anas laysanensis Rothschild 1892 (Laysan duck) CR B1ac(iv)
          • Anas wyvilliana Sclater 1878 (Hawaiian duck) EN B1ab(ii,iii,iv,v)
          • Anas luzonica Fraser 1839 (Philippine duck) VU A2bcd
          • Anas superciliosa Gmelin 1789 (Pacific black duck) LC
            • A. s. pelewensis Hartlaub & Finsch 1872 (Pacific Islands gray duck)
            • A. s. superciliosa Gmelin 1789 (Australasian grey duck)
          • Anas oustaleti Salvadori 1894 (Mariana/Oustalet's mallard)
          • Anas poecilorhyncha Forster 178 (Indian spot-billed duck) LC
            • A. p. haringtoni (Oates 1907) (Burmese spot-billed duck)
            • A. p. poecilorhyncha Forster 1781 (Indian spot-billed duck)
          • Anas zonorhyncha Swinhoe 1866 (Chinese spot-billed duck) LC
          • Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus 1758 (mallard) LC
            • A. p. conboschas Brehm 1831 (Greenland mallard)
            • A. p. platyrhynchos Linnaeus 1758 (European mallard)
          • Anas rubripes Brewster 1902 (American black duck) LC
          • Anas diazi Ridgway 1886 (Mexican mallard)
          • Anas fulvigula Ridgway 1874 (mottled duck) LC
            • A. f. maculosa Sennett 1889 (Gulf Coast mottled duck)
            • A. f. fulvigula Ridgway 1874 (Florida mottled duck)
        • Subgenus (Dafilonettion) Boetticher 1937
          • Anas greeni (Brodkorb 1964)
          • Anas ogallalae (Brodkorb 1962)
          • Anas crecca Linnaeus 1758 (common teal) LC
            • A. c. crecca Linnaeus 1758 (Eurasian teal)
            • A. c. nimia Friedmann 1948 (Aleutian common teal)
          • Anas carolinensis Gmelin 1789 (Green-winged teal)
          • Anas andium (Sclater & Salvin 1873) (Andean teal) LC
            • A. a. altipetens (Conover 1941) (Mérida teal)
            • A. a. andium (Sclater & Salvin 1873) (Andean teal)
          • Anas flavirostris Vieillot 1816 (yellow-billed teal) LC
            • A. f. oxyptera Meyen 1834 (Sharp-winged teal)
            • A. f. flavirostris Vieillot 1816 (Yellow-billed teal)
        • Subgenus (Dafila) Stephens 1824
          • Anas cheuen Agnolín 2006
          • Anas capensis Gmelin 1789 (Cape teal) LC
          • Anas bahamensis Linnaeus 1758 (white-cheeked pintail) LC
            • A. b. galapagensis (Ridgway 1890) (Galapagos white-cheeked pintail)
            • A. b. bahamensis Linnaeus 1758 (lesser white-cheeked pintail)
            • A. b. rubrirostris Vieillot 1816 (greater white-cheeked pintail)
          • Anas erythrorhyncha Gmelin 1789 (red-billed teal) LC
          • Anas acuta Linnaeus 1758 (northern pintail) LC
          • Anas eatoni (Sharpe 1875) (southern pintail) VU
            • A. e. drygalskii Reichenow 1904 (Crozet Islands pintail)
            • A. e. eatoni (Sharpe 1875) (Kerguelen Islands pintail)
          • Anas georgica Gmelin 1789 (yellow-billed pintail) LC
            • A. g. georgica Gmelin 1789 (South Georgia pintail)
            • A. g. niceforoi Wetmore & Borrero 1946 (Niceforo's pintail)
            • A. g. spinicauda Vieillot 1816 (Chilean yellow-billed pintail)
        • Subgenus (Virago) Newton 1872
        • Subgenus (Nesonetta) Gray 1844


  1. ^ Gill, F; Donsker, D. (eds.). "Comparison of IOC 8.1 with other world lists". IOC World Bird List. doi:10.14344/IOC.ML.8.1. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
  2. ^ Çınar, Ümüt (November 2015). "02 → Gᴀʟʟᴏᴀɴsᴇʀᴀᴇ : Aɴsᴇʀɪfᴏʀᴍᴇs". English Names of Birds. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
  3. ^ Haaramo, Mikko (2007). "Anseriformes– waterfowls". Mikko's Phylogeny Archive. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
  4. ^ "Taxonomic lists- Aves". (net, info). Archived from the original on 11 January 2016. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
  5. ^ BirdLife and Lynx publish first illustrated world bird checklist Adrian Long, 22 Aug 2014
  6. ^ IUCN (2021). "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species". IUCN Red List (2021-2 ed.). Retrieved 16 November 2021.
  7. ^ Boyd, John (2007). "Genus-level tree for Anseriformes" (PDF). John Boyd's website. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
  8. ^ a b c Boyd, John (2007). "Anserini: Swans and Geese" (PDF). John Boyd's website. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
  9. ^ a b Boyd, John (2007). "Tadornini: Shelducks and Sheldgeese" (PDF). John Boyd's website. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
  10. ^ Boyd, John (2007). "Aythyini: Diving Ducks" (PDF). John Boyd's website. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
  11. ^ a b c d Boyd, John (2007). "Anatini: Dabbling Ducks" (PDF). John Boyd's website. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
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