IT industry competitiveness index

Index published by the Business Software Association

The IT industry competitiveness index, published online by the Business Software Association, measures factors like a supply of skills, an innovation-friendly culture, world-class technology infrastructure, a robust legal regime and well-balanced government support to the IT industry, and a competition-friendly business environment. The countries that possess these capabilities do have high-performance IT industries. Those countries possessing most of these “competitiveness enablers” are also home to high-performance IT industries.[1]


  1. ^ "The means to compete: Benchmarking IT industry competitiveness". The Economist (Intelligence unit). July 2007. Retrieved 2011-10-30.
  • IT industry competitive index 2011
  • The IT Competitiveness Quotient (ITcQ) shows on a scale of 0 to 100 how competitive the company is with IT.