Counts of Urgell

Coat of arms of the County of Urgell

This is a list of the counts of Urgell, a county of the Principality of Catalonia in the 10th through 13th centuries.

c. 798–870 Counts appointed by the Carolingians

870–992 Counts from the House of Barcelona

  • 870–897 Wilfred the Hairy, Count of Barcelona, Girona-Osona and Urgell-Cerdanya
  • 898–948 Sunifred II
  • 948–966 Miró de Barcelona, born c. 940
  • 966–30 September 992 Borrell II, count of Barcelona, Girona, Osona

992–1213 Counts from the House of Barcelona-Urgell

1213–1228 Counts from the House of Cabrera

Cabrera-Urgell coat of arms

1228–1236 Counts from the House of Barcelona-Urgell

1236–1314 Counts from the House of Cabrera

1314–1413 Counts from the House of Barcelona

See also